The First Target(3)

"You... How did you know my full name?" Orange looked at Lexi with a murderous and suspicious gaze.

Orange was born in a rich but also dangerous family, the Edstar Family. Her family has a connection to the royal family, to be specific, their connection was close to Prince Edvan and Princess Amy, members of the Fire Night Racer.

For some normal people, this identity is very famous and well-respected. They would respect anyone who has the connection toward the members of the Fire Night Racer and tried to make a connection with them.

Unfortunately, it was different for Orange's family. They must keep this identity hidden from the outside world but there is only one thing that make Orange confuse...

Her family only hides her identity...

Orange's other siblings were introduced into the society and to the outside world but when it comes to Orange, no one else know about her.

Orange only used her current identity, the daughter of a rich family who was working as a Racer in the Deadly Car Racing. No one knew her full name only assume her as simple rich family.

So when she heard Lexi spoke her really name in the public, she suddenly feels nervous and suspect Lexi's identity.

"How did you know my full name?" Orange asked again and this time she look at Lexi with chillingly dangerous and incredibly strong and visible aura.

Lexi could feel the dangerous aura emitted by Orange but since she has already expected this, she stays calm and shots her a glance. "Don't worry, Orange. I've come with a good intention. I don't care about your status or anything to make a connection with you... I came here with single motive. You want to hear it out?"

Lexi know very much on how Orange would react after she heard Lexi says her full name. Last night, when she trying to find some information about Orange, she was surprised to know that all of the information is very confidential.

She wondered if Lans collects this information illegally but even so, Lexi wouldn't do anything to stop Lans too. Besides, Orange's fake identity already exposed to the public and Lexi only need her second identity to recruit her into the team.

Orange didn't believe at Lexi at all. She keep looking at Lexi with a suspicious gaze. Her hands slowly move down from the table to her side waist, where her small pistol laser was located. She would kill Lexi in here if she was proven to be someone dangerous.

"I heard that you need someone as your co-driver for the competition later. So, I think that maybe I can help you as a co-diver, what do you think?"

Suddenly hearing Lexi talking about being a co-driver and competition, Orange furrowed her eyebrows in confusion.

"You... What nonsense are you talking about? Get lost from my sight. I'm not in the mood to talk with you." Orange turned her head to the other direction, indicating that she truly won't talking to Lexi.

"You won't regret it... Besides, I know no one would want to to be your partner. So, that mean you can only choose me." Lexi drinks her drink before she shot her another meaningful glance. "You don't want the prize but you interested in finding a partner for your team. However, you already thinking about to disband you team right after you couldn't help find anyone here. So, I'm asking you... If there is a team want to recruit you, would you accept the offer?"

Orange looked at Lexi again with a weird expression plastered on her face. She couldn't understand Lexi's intention at all. She already chase Lexi out from her sight but this masked girl still talking to her.

"I'll interested to recruit you into my new team, Orange. So that is why I want to be your co-driver, I need to know how tough is your ability as a Racer. I tell you, you won't regret it when you join me."

Lexi arose from her seat. She smirked at Orange before she patted her left shoulder. "If you change you mind about the your co-driver partner, you can find me outside. I'll be waiting for you."

Orange, who was still preoccupied with her own thoughts could only watch Lexi's back slowly walked away toward the door.

"Weird woman!" she snorted.

Orange continues to do her own thing while drinking her water. Suddenly, Lexi's word before popped out in her mind, causing Orange to think it over and over again. 'She want to recruit me?'



Lexi let out a long sigh. She was leaning over Lans's car door with her both hand slide into her black coat pocket.

Lans also standing not too far from Lexi while looking something in his computer. "Did you manage to convince her to make you, her co-driver?" he asked without looking at Lexi.

Lexi didn't answer but instead she respond with a deep breathe. She lowered her head again before she kicking the sand below her feets.

When she realised on how Lexi were acting weirdly, Lans turned his head to the girl. "What? You didn't manage to convince her?"

"No, it not like that, pinhead! She was not here yet, so be patient," Lexi uttered with a bit irritated expression.

"So, why did you looked like you already lost?" Lans asked.

Lexi shake her head slowly and sigh heavily. Right now, Lexi was acting like she was in a big problem this time and she would be punished because of it.

"Why did you make such a long face, huh? Relax, buddy. Everything is going to be alright," Lans tried to cheer her up by giving some support advices but Lans only get a distress stare from Lexi.

"I know everything would be alright with Orange. That is not the problem right now."

Lans stared at her in a confusion state. "So, what problem are you talking about? What problem could make you look trouble like this?"

"I just wondering if I can help you to win the prize. After all, I never participate in any compete at this place. There must be many Racer who joined this competition," she said while kicking her leg again.

"Was that the problem which makes you worried all this time? About the damn prize? Don't worry, Lexi... As long as you have me, we can win." Lans gave Lexi a gentle smile. He looked onto the clock again. "We have another thirty-minutes before the game begins. Are you she would come?"

When Lans asked her the question, Lexi already want to tell him that he didn't need to be worry about Orange but then her words got stuck in her throat when someone caught in to her vision.

Lexi smiled upon seeing the person that they waited for a long time. Her smile was so wide that it makes Lans feels doubtful that this girl was the same girl who have problem a while ago.

"You don't have to worry anymore, Lans. She is here."