Capture The Hungry Hyena(2)


Lexi stopped right in front of the gate after she heard a robotic voice appear from one of the defense systems installed in the gate. With this kind of defense system, people nowadays don't need security to guard the front guard again.

Lexi narrowed her eyes toward a round button that almost has the same shape like a cooked egg. 'Weird, if this man has this strong defence system, why can the thieves break through the house?'


"We want to meet the owner regarding the theft incidents a few weeks ago. Is it possible for us to talk a few words with the owner?" Lexi didn't beat around the bush and quickly told their purpose in coming here.


Lexi turned around to look at Orange. She can see how calm Orange was. Lexi smiled because she would not need to worry about her. 'Orange was so calm, maybe because she has the connection with the Royal Family causing her to feel used to this situation.'


Lexi steps forward after the gate opens. Orange also move forward.

They stopped again in front of the door for another check up. The defense system orders them to put aside all the things they brought with them, especially weapons.

After the thorough check out, Lexi and Orange finally manage to get inside.

As soon as Lexi steps into the house, a strong smell of women's perfume and liquors emerges from everywhere.

Lexi has a short headache because of the strong smell. She halted her step for a moment to reduce the amount of headache.

Orange looked at Lexi with a questionable face when she saw Lexi stood there with her eyes close.

"What's wrong, Captain?"

Lexi opened her eyes. "This place has a strong smell of women's perfume and liquors. I'm having a headache here..."

Orange scrunched her eyebrows in confusion. "Strong smell? Captain, I barely could smell the perfume, let alone the liquors..."

This time, Lexi looked at Orange with a weird expression. "You, you can't smell it?"

Orange shrugged her shoulders with a nonchalant attitude. "What should I smell for?"

"Never mind." Lexi didn't explain anything again and kept walking toward the main living room. 'Weird, why would only me who can smell it? Is it because my sense of smell is stronger than anyone else's?'

The house of Tynan Rock's is very extravagant, almost everything was made from gold. Some of them were made from silver but still, silver is considered very good quality too.

Looking at the extravagant decorations, Lexi almost bite her fingers in frustration. 'This is too showoff! Even though I'm not a thief, if I was poor, I would steal from this house first! Serve him right to show off his wealth like this! Stupid rich people! Even the richest people from my century would never dare to build their house in this kind of decoration!'

When they arrived in the main living room, Lexi almost bounced over toward the owner to punch him right in the face because of her over frustration.

'This really too showoff! How can the owner act like he was a king when he was only a rich people! Stupid showoff people!'

The main living room was also decorated with gold decorations. Many kinds of desserts and fruits were put at the side corner of the room, as if it was prepared for a big party but the fact is, there were only a few people inside the living room.

Lexi and Orange stop before they step onto the gold fluffy carpet. It was not like Lexi didn't want to step onto it but she was afraid that she might couldn't hold her frustration anymore.

In the middle of the living room was a group of adult and beautiful women surrounding a fat man while enjoying themselves with the desserts, fruits and good wines.

"Greeting, sir. My name is Lexi and this is my friend, Orange. We are on behalf of the Frozen Moon Guild, come here to get some information about the theft incident. I hope you can give us your full cooperation, sir." Lexi politely bowed down her head toward the only one man who sat on the big golden leather sofa.

Looking at the golden sofa, making Lexi take a deep breath again. 'My poor heart, keep holding it! This is just his hobby to show off his wealth!'

The man, who was surrounded by six sexy women, looked carefully at Lexi and Orange. For a man who likes to play a lot with women, he obviously would always look at women with a different kind of expression.

When he saw the young girls in front of him, he quickly lost interest. He likes it when women who come to him are mature and already reached puberty.

"What kind of information do you want again? Didn't I already send you the details? Which information is not enough for you to come to my house today?" Tynan asked arrogantly. His hands started to roam around the woman's body. He didn't even bother to hide it from Lexi and Orange.

Lexi took a deep breath to calm herself. 'This is not the first time, Lexi... You already witnessed this several times during your last life.'

"I'm sorry if my appearance disturbed your good time, sir. We do not really have enough information regarding the thief. That is why we are here..."

"So, what!? What does it have to do with me? This is your job to solve this problem and catch those bastard culprits... Why would you come here and disturb me? I already gave you my information, I won't give you anything anymore!"

'You the bastard, pig!' Looking at the fat man again with a calm face, Lexi said, "Don't worry, sir. I won't ask you about anything again as it already explains in the information we've got. We only need to look around your house and thus, need your permit to continue our job."

The fat man furrowed his eyebrows hard, causing him to almost look like a pig in Lexi's eyes.

"Permit? Look around? What do you need it for? Is this some kind of trick you plan so that you can steal my wealth again? PRETENTIOUS! I won't give you my permit, NEVER!"

Orange clenched her teeth in silence when the fat, ugly man suddenly yelled at them, accusing them as a thief. Lexi and her only came here with a good intention and yet this fat man thought them as a bad guy. 'It is better if we don't help to investigate at all. Stupid and ugly fat man!'

Despite how the fat man cursed and yelled at them, Lexi still shows her calm attitude. After all, this only happened for some people who think very highly of themselves, for example this fat man.

"Good, sir. Please understand our protocol. You may not understand ours because we are a new group from the Frozen Moon Guild. We came here with good intention...

You must understand, Sir. This case is not that simple like what you've thought. For my first assumption, this theft incident in your house was actually a very well-planned incident. There was a betrayer inside your house who helped the thieves sneak in."

The whole people inside the living room turned silent. They never thought of the sudden outcome from Lexi, including Orange.

Orange glanced over at Lexi with an un​de​scrib​able expression. She couldn't understand how Lexi would think about such an assumption.

"The second assumption is, of course, direct attack from outside but considering how strong and strict your house defense systems are, it was impossible for them to break through your defense systems in just one day. Unless, they found themselves a professional hacker. This type of group, you should be careful. They can attack you anytime and anywhere."

Tynan seems to be stunned for a moment because he was dazed for a moment. When he thought about it, it was true that it was impossible for the thief to break into his house despite the house's strict defence system.

Seeing how the fat man considered her words before, Lexi didn't stop talking. "Therefore, Sir... Please give us your full cooperation to help investigate this case. I promise you will get your money back as soon as possible."

Suddenly, the fat man slammed the wine glass in his hand to the table and stood abruptly, causing the women from each side yelps in surprise.

"This is ridiculous! Who is the one who dares to betray me right before my eyes! You say that the culprits were an insider, right? Find them, find that traitors! I want to know who they are!"

Right at this moment, Lexi wants to slap her forehead. She really didn't think that people from this century would be really 'stupid' than the people from her century.

'With this kind of mind, no wonder the thieves can steal a huge sum of money from his house. How stupid!'