Capture The Hungry Hyena(4)

The door of the tenth room opened and two people walked out. The man was hugging the woman while the woman laughed softly when the man whispered something into her ear.

What they didn't realise was that, there someone a few feets from the back was following them.

Lexi watched closely at the two people in front of her. 'Is this Radia's new target?'

The two people exited the Mo Line Club and entered the next building, which looked like a small motel.

Lexi looked at the motel sign, which says 'Killin Motel'. Lexi followed them from behind again and made sure that she didn't lose their track.

Lexi touched the wireless earphone at her left ear. "I'm in the Killin Hotel right next to the Mo Line Club. I need your guys' help. Lans, you will watch the exit at the front while Orange, you watch the exit at the back. If you see something amiss, tell me quickly."


[Yes, Captain.]

Lexi saw that Radia and the man got their room card and went upstairs. Lexi followed them quietly.

Radia and the man get inside the room number of 200. Radia turned to the back and looked at her right and left side before she went into the room.

Lexi come out from her hiding spot behind the big curtain that decorates the hallway. She looked at the room and waited for half an hour.

After that, Lexi walked toward the door and looked at the scanning system. 'Shit, now how I'm supposed to get inside? I don't have any room card.'

Once again, Lexi touched her earphones. "Lans, could you help me to open the door to room number 200? It needs a room card to get inside but I don't have any card."

[Wait for a moment.]

After waiting for five minutes, finally the door of room number 200 is opened with the sound of 'click'.

Lexi smirked for herself before she silently pushed the door and got inside.

The room number 200 is a bit dark since the light only emerged from the table lamp beside the bed.

Aware that something dangerous would appear anytime, Lexi took out the pistol she hides behind her waist and pointed it out to the front.

Her sharp eyes wandered everywhere, searching for her target.

That was when Lexi heard the moaning and giggling sounds that came from the bed.

Lexi quickly hides herself behind the big pillar and peeked at the bed.

Two people with half naked bodies were enjoying themselves on the bed. While the man was trying to take off all the remaining clothes from the woman's body, the woman was giggling softly while playfully resisting the man's desire to take off her clothes.

Lexi sighed deeply in her heart. 'No matter how old I am from my old world, this body is just 16 years old. This kind of thing should still be illegal to this body. Aiyyaa, what bad luck!'

Lexi started to plan a simple strategy in her head. After a few minutes of planning, she began making her moves.

Lexi successfully moves toward the bed swiftly and quietly before she knocks the both of the man and woman's head until they turn unconscious.

Lexi sneered when she saw the two half naked bodies on the bed. Then, Lexi roamed around the room to search for something that could lead her to another clue.

When she found nothing around the room, Lexi switched to Radia's body. Lexi found a tiny piece of communication device inside Radia's left ear. She put the communication device into her right ear.

Like what she has predicted, there was someone who was communicating with Radia right now.

[Radia, hello? Are you there?]

Lexi takes a look at the unconscious Radia.

[Why did it suddenly turn quiet? What about the target, Radia?]

"You must be the mastermind behind all of the stealing cases, don't you?"

There was a silence at the other side of the communication device, before a laugh erupts.

[You are not Radia. You must have killed her right? Who are you?]

Lexi stepped away from the bed. "You don't need to know who I am… Say, this man is the next target for you to steal his wealth, right?"

Another laugh erupted again. [You pretty smart but sorry, dear. You can't stop me. Nobody can stop me!]

Lexi looked at the unconscious man on the bed. Before she could say anything to the man behind the communication device, Lans's voice once again appears.

[Captain, I saw a few people with black outfits going into the Motel. I have a bad feeling about this…]

Lexi quickly makes a move toward the door. Before she opened the door, Lexi threw Radia's communications device to the floor and crushed it using her foot. Lexi also hid the pistol again.

After that, she strode out from the room and walked normally like there was nothing happen. A few minutes later, the group of black outfit people arrived on the second floor.

Lexi peeked a glance at them and just walked pass them smoothly. Just before she could take the lift to go downstair, one of the men suddenly grabbed her left hand.

Aware about her current condition which was in a dangerous situation, Lexi swiftly took out the pistol again and shot at the man who currently grabbed her hand.

The man was unaware about Lexi's action and he directly being shot at and died at the spot. His other friends realised that Lexi is the enemy and they also took out their weapon.

Lexi looked at them one by one before her grin turned wider.



Lexi walked out from the Killin Hotel and moved toward the car. Inside the car, Lans and Orange were already waiting for her.

Lexi put the pistol into the dashboard while leaning herself to the chair.

Lans and Orange did not say anything but keep looking at Lexi.

"Let's go back to our hiding place." Seeing that her friends have no intentions of leaving this place, Lexi reminded them.

As if he was just returning to his own body, Lans quickly realised that they hadn't left yet and he quickly turned on the car engine.

After that, they left. All the way to their hiding place, Lexi was thinking about something and Orange could not ask anything when she saw how distracted their Captain right now.

They arrived at the hiding place in less than one hour. Lexi quickly got out of the car and walked toward Lans's computer.

"Alright, listen guys… I have a clue about the next target but I need confirmation. Orange, your family is one of the influential families in this city, help me to get help from someone who has a great connection. Lans, I need you to help me to investigate the incident at the Lemon Drug Club…"

Lans looked at Lexi with a confused face. "Why did you want to investigate that place?"

"The first target, Tynan Rocks is one of the members of the Lemon Drug Club, that is what you said to me before. I assumed that Tynan Rocks met Radia Doth at the Lemon Drug Club, as it happens the same thing to the other targets. If you can track down the main incident about what happened there, we might actually catch the real boss behind the Hungry Hyena…"

"Are you serious? The boss of the Hungry Hyena has some connection with the other targets before?" Lans put up an unbelievable face.

"Search first and I will explain. Let's get to work, people! We don't have enough time!" Lexi did not look at Lans anymore as she quickly immersed herself with the hologram screen.

Lans has no choice but to follow his Captain's order. Secretly, he sighed deeply in his heart.