The Change

Now the pain is beginning to subside, and I know that I have transformed fully. My eyes shoot open and search angrily for an escape. Knowing what tonight was, I worked to the best of my ability to lock myself away. Hopefully, this time I won't escape the room.

The last time I used my father's shed asking him to chain me up, the transformation process just contorted my body in such a way that the chains just fell to the ground and I think it goes without saying that a wooden shed couldn't hold me. Pieces of the shed splintered apart as I came exploding out, smashing the confines of the small building to rubble beneath the force of my powerful claws. Tonight I have gone to a room in the very building it all started in. Over the last two weeks, I have been reinforcing one of the cells at the asylum. My father welded half-inch steel sheets to the window frames and over the door that only unlocks from the outside. My mother is supposed to hold onto the key until morning. I padded the floor, ceiling, and walls so that I might get caught up in tearing it out and not getting out. This is it! Time to put the room to the test. I rise from the ground my usual 8 feet tall smacking the top of my head on the now padded ceiling. Agitated I begin punching the ceiling, clawing at it, and shredding the padding with ease. Fluf flies in every direction when all of a sudden my claws struck the metal on the ceiling causing sparks that cascaded down and I stopped in amazement at the sight. I began striking the metal repeatedly making a shower of brilliantly bright and beautiful sparks. As I attack the ceiling I feel my claws tear through the thin layers of metal giving way to the softer parts of the construct. My vigor is renewed as I begin to tear more violently at the ceiling. I do everything in my power to stop, to even do so much as shift my attention to something else. Though I couldn't do anything to change what I was doing. I tore threw the ceiling and leaped to the next floor. To my relief, I was in another locked room. Just when I thought my mind could relax, I fly out towards the door smashing threw breaking the door clean off its hinges. I left the building in a bloodthirsty frenzy, searching for the victim of my next attack. It didn't matter who or what it was. I searched all across the city finding only a few small rodents hidden amongst the trees. I began running through the woods until I heard a large group of people shouting and cheering. I turned on a dime and made a path directly through the woods, soon I began to see bright lights and burst out of the tree line leaping over a chain link fence. I was at the college in a town not to far away from my own. I flew down the football field towards the teams of football players raging with an unquenchable thirst. people began to scream and run in fear, trampling over one another. Thousands of people were in the stands but I didn't care. My mind was set on one of the players, he wasn't the biggest or even the most notable of the two teams but I could smell the sweet scent of his blood mixed with sweat. He and the others ran as I tore down the field. Reaching the group I slammed the players in my way to the side making my way to my prey. As I close on him I am screaming at myself to stop, begging that I begin to lose ground. The next thing I know I am on top of him and ripped off his helmet. rearing back my head to go in for the kill, I scream at myself, "Nooooo!!!" As I scream I see my head come down slowly. I lock eyes with the young man who was once my prey. His blue eyes were like the clearest waters of the ocean, his skin was the color of honey, his hair as gold as the midday sun. he looked as though he could see right through the beast on top of him to me. As if he could see my tears and my fear. I let out a howl and then took off back towards home.