The Sunfox

Late in the day after Jacen left, my father, mother, and brother all started in on me. All I could think about was how Jacen's hand was practically unscathed after experiencing the strength of a second-generation werewolf. I turned to my father and asked him how hard he squeezed his hand. He looked at me like I was about to get pissed and said that he wasn't going to hold himself back when it came to protecting his daughter and that if Jacen's hand was broken then maybe he might think about what he does before doing anything stupid. I said that I wasn't mad, just trying to figure something out, and went to bed. I thought for sure that if he went all out that there would be some sort of reaction, but even a while after the interaction there wasn't even so much as a bruise on his hand. The next morning I went to class and waited to see Jacen afterward. I knew that if I was to ask about his hand I would have to tell him who I am and what my father is. I didn't know if I was ready to do that so I called my mom because I knew that my dad's ego would be hurt if he knew that he didn't even so much as leave a bruise. She said that if anything was to happen that my father would be there to take care of it. I decided to wait until he took me home to ask about the strange situation that I was in. While going down the gravel road to my house I asked him to stop the car and told him that I needed to tell him something. He pulled off to the side and looked at me with those ocean blue eyes that looked like they could splash out and envelope me at any moment with a wave of sadness that couldn't be stopped. I said, "Jacen, I don't know how your hand isn't broken into a million pieces right now, but it wouldn't be a good start to our relationship to keep secrets. So I will start by telling you a secret and I expect one in return. We will just go back and forth, ok." he agreed and I began to explain, "Jacen, I'm a werewolf." Jacen smiled and began to almost laugh as he realized who I was, saying, "well, this is unexpected. I'm a sunfox." I asked, "A what?" He laughed and looked at me with such a light-heartedness that I was almost immediately ready to laugh with him. He explained that a sunfox was a beast resulting from an experiment done by vampires. The idea of the sunfox was to use them as a decoy when werewolves attacked. The scent of one was enough to nearly drive a werewolf mad with hunger forcing their attention onto the sunfox instead of the vampires even if the vampires stood between the two. The vampires were smart in how they made them, making it so that they had to be in sunlight to transform, giving them incredible durability, their peculiar sent, amazing speed, decreased the pain of the change and took away their increased strength so that they couldn't fight back against the vampires. I asked him to show me and he got out of the car to transform. his body stretched as his skin gave way to a golden main. when he was finished he was a giant golden fox with icy blue eyes, a black nose, and bulging muscles that ran down his legs. I stared in amazement at the creation of the vampires, and the keeper of my heart. I softly spoke to myself asking, "What other things don't I know?" I didn't even know that vampires actually existed, let alone their experimentations. I should have guessed that vampires were real considering my own abnormality, but I guess it never really crossed my mind. As I sat in wonder, Jacen changed back, walking to my side and asking if I was ok. I told him that I was just confused about some things that I was trying to figure out. He laughed again and said, " seeing as you are a werewolf I can guess where your father's strength comes from, and I now know what werewolf was able to keep from eating me. How did you do that by the way?" I looked at him and explained, "My family has passed down the werewolf gene for 3 generations, I am the strongest of us all. That night was the first night that I was actually able to control myself."