
Gray stepped into the glistening tower of the Cille city's police department and was immediately greeted by a receptionist at the front desk.

The elder-looking woman behind the counter looked up at him through her glasses and flipped through her papers and files. "Greetings, how may I help you today, young man?"

Gray glanced down at her simple uniform and noticed her police jacket hanging from the back of her chair. He darted his eyes around him, hearing the clicks of keyboards and dispatchers answering emergency calls. He could even hear the jail cell doors clanging shut and the caught suspects shouting in the back.

Never in his life would he have thought that he'd step foot into a police station one day, and it was to turn someone in, nonetheless.

He cleared his throat. "I have information on that diamond tattoo with the circle around it," he said, drawing a circle with his finger on the countertop.

The lady stopped looking through her files and stared at him. "...How did you know it was a tattoo?"

"Well, do you want the information or what?" he countered.

The lady opened her mouth, then reached for the telephone at her desk. "Hold on a moment," she told him.

And the next thing he knew, he was being led through the maze of halls towards the back until they came to a stop in front of an interrogation room.

The lady knocked on the door and opened it. "Detective Ada, Detective Kane. He's here," she announced before stepping aside, ushering him in.

Gray stepped inside and glanced at the empty walls and the one-sided window at the side. The door closed behind him with a click, leaving him alone with the man and lady detective sitting at the table, waiting for him to sit down.

He sat and lounged back in the chair casually before noticing the camera at the corner of the room. Then he looked back at the one-sided window, and he knew there were officers standing in the next room over, watching him.

"Hey, what's with all this hostility?" he remarked. "Aren't I just here to give you information?"

The blonde man detective cleared his throat and leaned forward, placing his hands on the table. "Let's get started," he said, ignoring his question. "I am Detective Kane, and here beside me is Detective Ada." He gestured at the red-haired woman next to him.

Detective Ada slammed her hand down on the metallic table, but Gray didn't flinch. "Skip the small talk," she growled. She pointed a finger at Gray. "Tell us what you know about this gang," she demanded.

Gray raised an eyebrow, surprised. "What?" he asked. "Hold on, you are looking for a gang?"

She glared at him. "Yes, a gang. Don't tell us you were just here to waste our time with you," she snarled.

Detective Kane held out his arm and stopped his partner. "Calm down. Let's see what he has to say first."

Detective Ada gnashed her teeth and crossed her arms, leaning back in her seat.

"Please tell us what you know," Detective Kane calmly repeated.

Gray pursed his lips. "Well, first of all, can I ask, this gang...were they around long? Or were they just recently discovered?" he asked.

Kane dipped his chin. "Correct, they've just recently made themselves known," he confirmed. "They started appearing less than a year ago."

"Well then," Gray said. "That makes this a lot easier." Turns out that old man actually did start his own gang. A little trouble for him wouldn't hurt.

"What do you mean?"

Gray smiled. "I may not have information on this gang, but-"

"I knew it!" Ada grumbled. "Just get him out of here! He's just wasting time."

Gray glared up at her, frustrated. "I wasn't done talking," he chided. "Geez, what is wrong with all of you? I came here on my own goodwill to give you my knowledge and instead of treating me nicely, you throw me in an interrogation room and locked the door, and even you have a whole team secretly hearing in on this from behind the window."

Kane's brows furrowed and Ada shot up from her seat. "How did you know that?" she shouted.

Gray wrinkled his nose and shrugged. "Just a guess," he lied. "Why are you so worked up?"

Detective Kane took in a breath. "Alright, sir. Please continue what you were saying."

Gray huffed. "So, as I was saying," he repeated, shooting Ada a look. "I may not have information on this gang, but I have information on their gang leader."

Kane's eyes widened and Ada's jaw dropped.


He scowled. "What? Do you think I'm lying to you or something? If I didn't, why would I even come here? I'm not so bored that I would come here for no reason and stir trouble for myself."

Kane quickly grabbed his pen and scribbled something on the top of his empty form. "What do you know?"

Gray cleared his throat and leaned forward, his expression growing serious. "Well, first things first...that old man is a drinker," he began. "Loves to drink. He's almost always drunk. I can guarantee you that he's been to every single bar in this city and has tried every single drink."

"You're kidding," Ada said. "That means someone from every bar has probably seen him before."

He nodded. "That's right, I'm not kidding."

Kane continued to write on his papers. "Can you tell us something about his appearance, then?"

Gray smacked his lips, recalling that old man's face. "What can I say? He almost looks like every single alcoholic out there. Sunken cheeks, thin, greenish-brown eyes...long, curly gray hair," he described. "I mentioned that he was old, yeah?"

"You did," confirmed the blonde detective. "What about his height? Can you describe it?"

Gray rubbed his chin. "He's a bit of a hunchback, but even so, he stands up to my nose."

Detective Kane nodded whilst Detective Ada crossed her hands. Her amber eyes were narrowed at him, her expression suspicious. "How have you come by this information?" she questioned. "It sounds like you know him quite well."

Gray smiled wryly and pushed himself out of his seat, placing his hands back in his pockets. "Don't ask so many unnecessary questions, Detective," he warned. "What's important is that you've got your information, and I-" He turned for the door. "-I want my cash reward. I'm getting that at the front desk, no?"

Gray could hear the woman cursing him under his breath as Detective Kane got out of his seat. "Wait, young man, do you by any chance know his name as well?"

Gray turned his head to look at him. "Old Man Drunkard," he answered with a shrug. "They all call him that."

He placed his hand on the handle and then remembered it was locked. "Unlock the door," he said flatly.

Detective Kane nodded.

A click was heard from the outside and Gray turned the handle, the door now unlocked. "We're done here. Hope you get what you need and solve whatever the hell your case is," Gray mused. "I'll go get my money and be on my way."

He shut the door on the two detectives and figured his way out the maze of halls.

Of course, he had let out a very important detail for the authorities.

Old Man Drunkard was a mage. He wasn't one of the strongest, but he couldn't be considered weak, either. It'll be a surprise to both sides when they cross paths...

Gray dropped his smile as he realized that he was sneering to himself. He sighed and took in a deep breath, running his hand down his face.

Even if he wanted to change, even if he decided not to get too involved with the criminal underground again, there was no way he could get rid of these little mischievous thoughts and plans. That seemed to be one of the things he couldn't change; it was like a part of his genes.

He came to a stop in front of the lady at the front desk. "I want my reward," he announced. "Cash."

The middle-aged woman peered up at him through her glasses and shook her head almost disappointed as she began rummaging through her desks. "And to think young people here would do good things for once without asking for payment," she mumbled.

Gray's muscles twitch. "Ma'am, I just want to pay my rent. Is that a problem? People have to do what they can to survive."

"Yeah, yeah..." She smacked a small pile of banknotes on the countertop. "Is that enough?" she asked.

Gray took the money gratefully and slipped it into his pockets. "Yes, it's enough. Thank you."

The lady grinned. "Atta, get lost."

Gray matched her grin and left the building.

Time to look for a job.


Ada kicked her chair and paced the room, pressing her hands against her head. "I don't like that person!" she insisted frustratingly. "How dare he just do that!"

Kane sighed and ran his hand through his short, blonde hair while he glanced at the information he was able to gather on his papers. "Relax, Ada. He didn't do anything wrong. Moreover, we got valuable information from him. We have a lead now," he asserted.

Ada swung her red hair across her shoulders and huffed. "But how does he coincidentally know all that? Who the hell is he?"

Kane shrugged. "Do a background check on him if you want, but that's not what's important right now. Instead, we should be getting a sketch on this old man and send people to find him. We should be questioning the people who work in the city's bars..."

Ada pressed her lips in a thin, disapproving line. "Fine. We'll do that. But if it turns out that he was lying to us, then I get to arrest him. Deal?"

Kane rolled his eyes. Why does she have to be so stubborn? "Whatever. Get to work."