
Emrys bared his teeth and dug his fingers into Gray's arm, forcing out the power from his core. He'd never had to force it before, and he didn't feel so sure when his blood flow turned ice-cold, his power flowing out from the core it was once sealed in. It was freezing, and yet somehow, his muscles and body were still able to function.

He winced as he gripped Gray's arm tightly before sending the energy flow through his arms and out. Then he gathered all his strength to bring his knees in and slam his feet against Gray's chest.

He heard Gray hiss and release him, taking a few steps back. His right hand had turned crystal blue, white specks and cracks running up his lower arm up to his elbow. "Hehehe...that's more like it," he rasped, licking his lips.

Emrys gasped as he sat up and pushed himself up on his unsteady legs, placing his fingers tenderly against where Gray had held him earlier and almost strangled him to death.

Gray raised a sharp eyebrow at him. "Think you're done?" he said.

His dark eyes flashed once as his frozen arm began to crinkle and crack. The ice pieces slowly began to fall away, leaving his bare hand to emit some sort of black smoke.

"What the hell?" Emrys coughed.

"Hell yes, you mean," Gray hissed, grinning devilishly.

He's...he's serious, Emrys thought fearfully.

He took another few steps back, anxiety beginning to crawl up to his chest as Gray made a small circle with his fingers.

An expanding ball of black electricity formed above his hands, sparking wildly. "Here it comes," Gray warned ahead. He stepped back and swung his arm forward, sending the electric sphere flying at Emrys' face.

Emrys' mouth went dry as he quickly threw up his arm, resorting to form a spiking ice barrier in front of him at the last moment. The sparks hit the wall and erupted, sending cracks through the side and shattering it within moments.

His jaw dropped. Just how powerful was Gray?

"Getting distracted... Not good," Gray's voice interrupted, tearing him away from his thoughts. "I give you one chance, focus, or you'll die."

Emrys gritted his teeth and whirled his head to see Gray standing many feet before him, his stance perfectly calm and unmoving.

Was this the power gap between them?

I'm just weak, aren't I? Emrys thought bitterly to himself. I'm just a pathetic little f*ck just like he said. I'll never be able to make it to his level-

Wait. No. That's not true.

Emrys glanced over at the shredded remains of his ice wall. Even if it was destroyed in one hit, he'd never been able to do that before, had he? His eyes widened as he was reminded of the ice pumping through his veins like cold blood, providing more energy little by little with each pulse.

And despite the pain he was feeling from his injuries, he felt great. Before, forming an ice ball was nearly deemed impossible for him, let alone a whole wall. But just now, he was able to do it with just a swipe of his arm.

He didn't have to dig for his power anymore, it was there for him to use.

Gray took a step back, grinning as he saw the blue seeping slowly into Emrys' pupils. He held his arms wide open. "Hit me," he quipped.

Emrys breathed through his mouth, standing up to Gray. There was no way he couldn't defeat him. No way.

He can do it.

He dropped to one knee and bolted forward, gnashing his teeth. He sliced his arm down horizontally, and a row of deadly blue spikes erupting from the ground in front of him heading for Gray.

Gray took a step to the left, easily dodging the whole thing. "Is that it?" he taunted.

Emrys ran at him, his blueing eyes shining wildly. "Take this!" he yelled. He brought his hands into the air and formed five glistening, ice arrows before sending them flying at his opponent.

Gray ducked, avoiding the first two. Then he shattered the next two with two streams of his black fire. He grabbed the last one with his clouded black fist and twisted, sending it straight back where it came from.

Emrys tumbled back as the arrow sliced through the skin of his upper left arm, drawing blood. He winced and clapped his right hand over the gash. It just barely missed the bone. If it were any more accurate, then he would've lost his entire left arm.

"My turn now."

Emrys looked up to see a stream of black right before his eyes. He quickly ducked and rolled to the side, just barely avoiding being hit. He groaned and pressed tighter on his dripping wound, sweat running down his face and chin.

He only just got on his knees before another one came, and he quickly threw up his hand, forming another ice wall.

Again, it shattered, but it was enough to keep him from being hit.

Emrys forced himself back on his feet, his chest heaving up and down rapidly. He couldn't keep up much longer, as the fatigue of using so much power at once started to take its toll.

Spots began to form at the corner of his vision, as he sidestepped the next attack, which cut open a tiny wound beneath his right eye. Everything around him suddenly blurred and he pressed the palm of his hand against his forehead, trying to shake himself awake.

Was this the end? He can't fight in this condition. Moreover, he couldn't catch up with Gray's insane speed and his constant attacks.

He took a blind step forward as he heard a loud drone, indicating that Gray was sending another attack.

His lips parted slightly as the stream of black drew closer, and closer, and closer...

He couldn't keep going anymore, he could barely raise his arm for another defense...

At least he knew his death wasn't a pathetic one.


Gray snapped awake from his little frenzy seconds after he fired his would-be last attack.

Why...why is he just standing there? Why the hell isn't he dodging?

Don't tell me-

Gray's eyes widened as he realized what Emrys was doing. He was planning to take the attack head-on.

What the f*ck?! Is he crazy?! Gray thought as he held his hands up, frantically trying to stop the attack. "Hey, kid-!"

But it was already too late.

He froze in horror as the blast sent Emrys off his feet and flying back, landing yards away on the dirt-covered pavement on his side, his eyes closed and his body eerie still.


Before he knew it, he was running as fast as his feet could take him, and he dropped to one knee once he reached his side.

He grimaced as he caught sight of the wounds on his arm and neck, his exposed skin scratched up in most places. But what he should be paying attention to was his blood-streaked face.

The last blow had hit him directly in the head, Gray saw as he pushed aside his hair, and there was a huge gash on his forehead where the blood continued to flow.

Gray ran his hands through his hair anxiously, cursing. "F*ck," he uttered as he searched for a pulse. "This wasn't supposed to happen...he was doing just fine, earlier."

"Please, please, please-" His heart skipped a hopeful beat as he found a pulse and felt the icy liquid flowing beneath his skin.

So it did work. His powers were successfully awakened, and that had bought them precious time, just enough save him if Gray hurried.

Gray slid his arms beneath Emrys' back and the crook of his legs, picking him up effortlessly as the adrenaline kicked in. He held his lifeless body carefully in his arms and spared a quick glance at him before running out of the scrap yard.

Should he take him to the hospital?

No, that was too far, and they could only help normal humans.

Were there any clinics nearby?


Gray clenched his jaw, quickly making up his mind as he felt Emrys' head loll back in his arms. His skin was already starting to turn blue, and it was not because of his powers.

He ran down the block, heading for the apartment complex. He had to save him himself.

"I'm sorry, kid," he muttered nervously, forgetting when the last time was when he had felt so worried.

That idea he had after leaving the school campus didn't turn out to be such a good idea after all.

"Hang in there..."