
Being the really sincere man, Shyman dragged her along with him. The pagoda was not far from the main palace. The general wizards traveled to and from the Pagoda with the second villa in the west as their residence, and the master-level wizards used one floor of the pagoda as their laboratory and residence.

Once master-class wizards had semi-counter positions, their choices were set aside in the capital, but they were rarely used by them for their research and magic. The same was true for Shyman and at the age of 20, he was already at the master level.

Three years ago, Shyman used the top of one of the towers as a hiding place. A small garden was built on the existing rooftop, and one floor was placed on it to decorate a two-story house. Even if he occupied a large space alone, no one could say anything. Like I said. He was a great sorcerer, and he inherited the most remarkable talents of nearly a hundred years and the magic of his ancestors, the Elves of the forest.

One of his gifts was his ability to use magic scrolls and from the time he first began his journey learning magic, he soon became able to produce his own scrolls.

Kalia laughed at his uniformity. Again, he was sincere but strange. As if she was drunk she smiled more than usual today, but did not realize herself. She felt crazy as she smiled at the man in front of her.

Shyman's gold eyes stared at her as she smiled helplessly, hiding her dangerous state of mind. His persistent gaze stayed on her and made her feel that he would have every eyelash of hers dug up, but Kalia, who was always on the battlefield, noticed and did not look at him.

"What? What?"

"Okay. Now, this is a scroll that erases the traces of one's identity. It's impossible to trace with magic and detection dogs up to a radius of 20 km." He was always relaxed without rushing. He was a little arrogant, as if everything she had was in his hands. Because of that arrogance, she didn't know how he might decide to kill her later. His cool fingertips that seemed to know the future pointed to the scrolls one by one.

"… and this is another scroll. If you have coordinates, you can move quickly up to 100㎢. This is a green healing scroll, you know. Honestly, it's the most expensive one here."

He was an unfairly outstanding figure. Thanks to the jealousy and love of many people, she also became a prominent figure. Kalia, as if she was drunk, opened the small box that Shyman handed her. There were four magic scrolls that seemed too expensive to ignore. "The Tanya scroll." It was the same gift every year, a magic scroll. Maybe he had stolen it from one of the imperial warehouses?

One of Shyman's delicate eyebrows pushed up like he had read her suspicious eyes.

He bluntly said, "Self-made. Handmade." "Made by the wizard." Shyman raised his chin with arrogance, pounding his chest. His beauty was as brilliant as it could be.

She'd remembered how one day when she had thrown away the remains of the cookies she'd eaten. She'd heard the shouts of ladies discussing Shyman, describing him as being "cynical, indifferent, sensitive, colourful and sexy?" Kalia did not want to deal with those thoughts of Shyman and pointed at the summoning scroll.

"I know – Are you saying it's a calling scroll?", "You're right." Shyman smiled, as if complimenting her.

His eyelashes were full and made a slight shadow under his thin eyes. His golden pupils shone with a soft glow. Even his devil-like mouth that often crept up at her, showed her a smile that was as cool as any picture. Yes, she admitted it. Her childhood friend was beautiful enough for her to see him as a man.

He continued, swearing "It's not bound by radius. You just have to rip this up and you can call me. Even if you're on the other side, beyond the continent." He reached out and touched her soft cheek with his fingertips.

"… I can find you, Kalia."

It was with the same hand that touched her cheek, that Shyman had touched all over her body. She didn't know why, but anyway, it felt strange.

Why are you touching my cheek anyway? What are you hiding? "Why do you ask?"

Shyman sighed as he gazed back at her.


What are you talking about all of a sudden? Kalia shook her head because she found it so absurd, but Shyman turned a way as if he wasn't happy with her response.


He felt that he must have been so intelligent, to have expected something from her. Yeah, he was some super nerd.

Yeah, what difference did it make whether you asked a passing brick, even though you already knew it was dead right?

The simple and ignorant Kalia only knew about her sword and of war. Oh and that was it. Done. Afterwards, he'd be upset again for a long time.

"Hey Shyman, we've talked after a along time." Kalia was a bit embarrassed and tried to tease him, but he didn't respond to anything. As she thought of what best to say in the language. It was impossible to interpret what she felt with words.


She knew best not to touch Shyman when he was angry, so she left him alone.She should just avoid him.

Kalia wandered around the lab, avoiding Shyman, who slithered alone and watched the back of her head.

He needed time to calm down.

"Whats this?"

She found a bunch of scrolls piled up by chance. Picking up one of the scrolls, that peaked her interest.