Chapter 8

didn't know the night was coming . . . I didn't even know the sun was rising . . . I don't know how hard it is . . .

That's the situation you put Simon in . . . all night long . . .


". . . . . . I'm a piece of garbage no matter how hard I think about it. I can't deny it."

Kalia muttered frightfully with a serious face.

When Kalia, who was spying on Simon from through the window, was about to turn her head away, Simon turned his head back.

The noble golden eyes resembling the moonlight stared at her particularly.

* * *

"It's been two weeks, Kalia."

The two faced each other in the moon-lit garden. After two weeks without Simon's greetings, Kalia murmured to herself, "Has it already been that long?" and nodded lightly.

"I've been avoiding you very well."

Kalia grimaced at her relentless anger.

She had never been without Simon.

That evening, five weeks ago, that ragged night. Kalia was told that Simon was still not out of bed.

And when she heard that he had been resting in the room until the next day, she reflected on herself all day, feeling guilty that she had dragged him down.

Then the next day arrived, and he had sent a letter saying he would come, but she politely turned down his offer, hoping that his physical strength would fully recover.


'There is no need to come, no need to visit me, so take a break. Sooner or later I will go see you. And I'm sorry.'


The next day, as promised, she visited him, and in a certain way he stared at Kalia with very cold eyes and said nothing.

She seemed unable to quelch his anger by saying "I'm sorry" in her own handwriting.

No, rather, it seemed to fuel his anger.

Without knowing what to do, Kalia repeatedly apologized, but Simon ran wild, kicking her out on the spot. For the last 20 years or so she had known him, she had never seen Simon so angry.

She felt even more apologetic, but at the same time she was a little upset.

'No, was I the only one who did it out of excitement? At the time, it was crazy, I kissed him and touched him, thinking that it was like a dream. And it's Simon who made me tear it!'

She expressed her frustration inside quietly, but she was the one who jumped him, so she couldn't help feeling guilty.

Kalia had waited for Simon's anger to subside.

So three weeks later, when she met Simon again, he looked fine.

He even managed to look at her, saying that he was pressured by the elders of his family to marry, and that he might have a lady to have a marriage contract with.

Kalia looked at Simon's bloodshot eyes as, "So don't interfere with my marriage."

So this time, as politely as possible . . .

"It's finally time for you to marry. I'm going to cheer and congratulate you with all my heart, Simon."

She said and promised, "I'll take that day as a secret to my grave," and she even asked for a handshake of reconciliation!

He burst into a second explosion in front of her, and Kalia ran away from him in escape once again. You nasty mages.'

Still, you shouldn't have cast fire balls into the Imperial Gardens! Anyway after that day, she went on a two-week business trip to the military training center in Holia, the second capital, and returned precisely yesterday.

Which led to why she tested it because she always didn't have a consistent period of menstruation, just in case.

However, as if he didn't know about the situation, or he didn't want to know about it, Simon was looking at her face crookedly.

With a hint of irritation.

"When the war is over, you always have a hard time seeing me like this. So sometimes I think I'm going to start a war . . ."