
Inside an antique shop, there was a teenager holding a pendant with a white jade talking to the store owner about the price of the pendant.

"Boss, how much does this pendant cost?"

The teenager said, doing everything possible to keep a naive and innocent face.

The owner's eyes flashed as he thought about the money he could get from the teenager for that trinket that cost five dollars.

"Kid, this pendant has been accumulating dust for thirty years in this store. According to my father this pendant was sold to him by a farmer saying that he had found it in a grave and that it belonged to an emperor of the past, the pendant costs 50 dollars, but due to the good eye you have had to find a relic of this quality, I leave it at 20 dollars, what do you say? Do you buy it?" He said to the teenager, exaggerating and inventing things to increase the price of the pendant.

"This fool has not realized how special this jade pendant is, thirty years in his store says, if my grandfather had it in his hands twenty years ago, and he wants to sell it for only twenty euros, and that's called himself expert in antiques"

The teenager thought to himself while laughing at the owner's misfortune

"Ok boss"

The teenager took out two ten dollars bills from his wallet and gave them to the owner before leaving the antique shop.

When the teenager left the store, he went directly home in his car without stopping anywhere, once he arrived, he ran to the kitchen to grab a knife, using it to prick his finger a bit, causing a drop of blood to fall on the white jade.

"Please, it has to work, the grandfather has to be right, this jade pendant fulfilled a wish to four people throughout history including my grandfather and I have finally found it after my grandfather lost it on a trip"

As the drop of blood falls to the jade the teenager was very nervous thinking about everything that had happened in these years studying archeology, looking everywhere for the pendant, the excitement of having found it and the last words of his grandfather, while all these thoughts were in his head the drop fell onto the pendant, staining the jade red before emitting a dazzling light

The teenager was blinded by the brightness until about a few minutes passed, when he could see again he noticed that he was floating in a black space, knowing now that what his grandfather had told him was true, he couldn't contain his joy when tears of joy spilled from his eyes as he laughed out loud.

Spending some time controlling his emotions, he began calling out to the spirit of the jade pendant, according to the story his grandfather had told him.

"Spirit, are you there?" Said the teenager, thinking about what he knew about the pendant, grandpa said that the spirit of the jade would appear instantly after entering the pendant space, which is pretty weird after fifteen minutes have passed since I entered this space, I was supposed to enter this space where the spirit appears, telling my wish to the spirit before leaving this space, waiting for the conditions to be fulfilled so that my wish comes true.

After about fifteen minutes when the teen was about to fall prey to panic and fear, the space lit up and an imposing figure made of white light appeared, with an aura that seemed as if everyone's ruler had just arrived.

"You're in luck, mortal, this is the last time Xiwang Immortal King's artifact will appear in the world, so I will reward you with two wishes as long as they are within my means, so speak up, what are your wishes?" The figure said tilting its gigantic head down to see the teenager.

"Without spending any wish, can you tell me about the Xiwang Immortal King? I'm quite curious how immortals can exist and no one has found out, or are they hidden on my planet? So if you can answer me without spending any wish, please answer me"

The teenager said, amazed that there were immortal kings, magical artifacts, breaking all his worldview of the world, since although he had been looking for the pendant it was more to try than for anything else, if it worked it was the best thing that could happen to him with a free wish, if it didn't work because at least he had one more memory of his grandfather.

"Of course, mortal. You can say that there are two different dimensions, realities or planes, the one where you and I are now, we call it the sealed dimension, dominated by the laws of science and sealing the supernatural powers and the other dimension is the Dao plane, of an order higher than the sealed dimension, where humans, divine beasts, gods, asuras, and a myriad of races coexist throughout the cosmos, fighting among themselves for supremacy."

"At the same time, living beings on the Dao Plane are much stronger than here. To give you an example, a normal human in the Dao Plane is ten times stronger than the strongest human in the Sealed Dimension, then any random human is superhuman if they fall into the dimension where we are now" said the spirit shaking the space with his voice.

"This artifact comes from Xiwang Immortal King, one of humanity's most powerful cultivators, who dominated the miracles realm. I am only a fragment of the laws contained in his realmin any case, most of the legends and myths in the Sealed Dimension, ccome from cultivators who for some reason or other fell into this plane,so there may be some cultivators in this dimension, but since there is no spiritual energy or anything similar, they are condemned to death" the spirit continued with an emotionless voice making the teenager be shocked by what he had learned today.

"Then" said the teenager with a doubtful tone. "Can I go to the Dao Plane and become a cultivator? If so, my first wish is to possess the body of a five year old boy with a good family background and a good talent,I don't want to live in the world of cultivation and not be able to cultivate"

"the conditions for your first wish are fulfilled, after you tell me your second wish, the first will be fulfilled, now choose the second" The spirit nodded and said. "Think well the second that will be the last time you can do something similar, the laws on the Dao plane are incomparable to these, there if you try to do something like that it is certain that you will die at that moment for the retribution of the heavenly law, so take advantage now"

"Okay lord spirit, let me think for a moment the second wish, I'm still not clear on what I want" The teenager listened carefully to the words of the spirit for a moment and said while he thought about what he wanted to desire.

"Should I order a system? Or would an inheritance be better? It is that a system does not convince me, I want to cultivate myself, not have to kill as if it were an RPG, and I don't think that the powerhouses who exist in the Dao Plane doesn't realize something like that"

"I think the best would be something that I change myself in a specific aspect such as more perception or something similar according to my years reading xianxia novels, the MC is always more powerful in two aspects, he has something that makes his soul more powerful than others, something I can get after absorbing the child's soul when I possess him, and the MC has a more powerful physical body than the others and that's why they skip levels of cultivation with his battle prowess. The combination between of a powerful soul and a tyrannical body is the winning combination on all xianxia worlds" The teenager thought, remembering all the novels he had read and the powers that MCs had.

After a few minutes thinking about all the situations he could get into when he arrived in that world, he thought of something he believed would be a good idea without drawing much attention from the powerhouses.

"Lord spirit for my second wish I want to be able to improve the techniques to refine the body, that is, I have to have basic techniques and be able to improve them through my understanding of them, so my second wish is to have a lot of talent in that aspect, turning something which is rotten wood in something miraculous" The teenager said, thinking that his wish is a good idea to keep a credible profile in that world, at least that's what he thought, he is not a genius with a very high IQ or anything like that, so for him was the best thing that had come to mind.

The spirit, once the teenager told him of his two wishes, raised his hands and began to channel all the power he had left, making his hands shine as if they had become two suns, blinding the teenager and causing the space they were in to begin to collapse.

"Spirit, what is happening, why is everything collapsing? According to what my grandfather told me, this had not happened to him" The teenager said in panic, feeling a pain all over his body as if he was decomposing cell by cell.

"Don't worry kid, this is the process to be able to pass your soul from one dimension to another, I need to open a stable hole between the dimensions for your soul to pass and that is quite difficult in my current state" Said the spirit feeling panic in the boy, informing him not to worry about this and to endure it.

After the longest minutes in his 19 years of life, the teenager felt that he was going through a kind of tunnel until he reached a dark area, where he received information from the pendant's spirit about the place where he was, telling him that he was in the sea of ​​consciousness of the child he wants to possess, he just had to find the innate soul of the child and consume it.

"Sorry boy, but this is between you and me, I also want to become a cultivator and if I need to be ruthless I will do so without remorse, at least rest in peace, I will take good care of your family" Thought the teenager while searching for the original soul of the body.

After a half hour he found a kind of light in the distance, thinking what the spirit told him, he supposed it should be the child's innate soul.

Having found his target, he headed as fast as he could toward the light source. If someone could see the child's sea of consciousness they would find a small ball of light running towards another, larger light source, like a moth to a flame.

As the teenager continued to run towards his destination. At his home, the jade pendant began to crumble little by little until there was nothing left, when it was completely destroyed a bright ball of light came out of it and went to the starry sky, where it became a beam of light and disappeared.

In an unknown part, outside the Sealed Dimension and the Dao Plane where the teenager and the jade pendant were.

There was a young man walking through the chaotical space when he waved his hand, tearing the space and creating a space portal, where suddenly appeared the ball of light that the pendant had become and merged with him.

The man seemed to have expected this to happen, without expressing any surprise he allowed it to merge with him, once the ball of light disappeared inside his body, the young man began to emit incredible pressure for a moment, destroying everything around him, causing that many ancient beings to look in that direction, before the pressure disappeared as if nothing had happened.

After the pressure was gone the man smiled thinking to himself. "Whoever had hoped that a fragment of my realm could have recovered thousands of years later in that lower dimension. Damn that old fogey of the Asura race, breaking and throwing away my realm's fragment in that dimension during the war, next time I see him, I will do the same throwing a fragment of his slaughter realm across the multiverse to see if he can find it." Thinking of that old man running through the multiverse looking for it in every corner he started laughing

As the man checked that everything was fine, he looked at what had happened to the fragment all those years and saw the unfortunates who had made wishes with the pendant. "Poor mortals, who find an immortal king's realm fragment with with laws of curse, misfortune and desire, I suppose the fragment used them to recover by absorbing all their bad luck"

Seeing the unfortunate people he found a commoner who became a king and died from the weight of his crown.

A soldier who wanted to be a famous general and died being remembered as the most pathetic general in the kingdom, when after a glorious life, he died falling off his horse.

A pirate captain who wanted to travel the seven seas and died when he finished traveling through them, and an old man who wanted to have a grandson and died twenty years later. And finally the teenager, who is running to his end.

"Although the spirit in that fragment warned him that in the Dao Plane humans are ten times stronger in all aspects, why doesn't he ask for the protection of his soul when he is going to possess the body? Well, at least one son of my human race will win that talent he chose with his second wish, if he had chosen a body of the asura race or a body of those bastards of the divine race, I would have killed him myself, so maybe he isn't so unfortunate, he will live as part of the child's soul at least it can be said that its wish has been fulfilled" Thinking about the mortals who died from the fragment, he felt nothing.

"That little boy will have a great future with that second wish and and his own bloodline so he should have no problem in the aspect of cultivation, if they kill him it is his problem, what kind of powerhouse has not come out of a mountain of corpses and seas of blood, I'm looking forward to seeing him at my level so he can tell me the stories he has lived on his way to the top" The man said as he laughed thinking about the future that awaits to those bastards of the asura and divine race when that little man goes to the battlefield.

The man opened a hole in space and disappeared from where he was.

The teenager after running all the way to the source of the light, arrived at what looked like a five year old boy with fangs longer than normal humans, protruding from child's mouth, assuming that was the soul of the body and knowledge in his mind about how to possess him, he launched himself at the innate soul with the suspicion if this was going to work, when he saw that the child's soul was at least twice as big as his own soul, trusting that the jade pendant's desire would protect him, crashed into the child's.

When the souls crashed, the child's soul opened its eyes and let out a howl, after which it caught and absorbed all the foreign soul, completing the teenager's desire to transmigrate.