CHAPTER TWO- I've short lived my smooth going day so far

Luckily for me it's been smooth going so far. I haven't encounter any trouble yet today and hope it will be like that for the rest of the day.

I quickly get myself ready for school.

On getting to school, I hoped and prayed once more for today to be normal for me.

I keep my head down as I find my way to my classroom. My stomach keeps grumbling because I haven't had my breakfast yet.

I check my phone for bank alert, as today is the last day of the month, waiting for Mrs Johnson whom I work for as a library assistant to give me my salary.

So I keep checking my phone as I sit down on my the far corner of the classroom near the window. I pretend to be looking out the window while at the same time being alert, listening to everything around me. And I rather sense that the my classmates are busy today, with them gathering in groups talking among themselves.

I horn my listening ability to hear what they are talking about properly.

"Did you hear Steph, he is coming tomorrow. I'm so curious how he looks. I can't wait to see him". I hear the pack's slut Chloe, say.

"I heard he is so handsome and that he thinks his mate is in our pack that's the reason why he is coming. I really hope I'm his mate". She adds. I wonder who they are talking about. Who is he, that he got everyone of them worked up.

"The pack is so lucky to have him chose our pack to transfer to and will surely be happy tomorrow, most especially me". Chloe continues.

I'm beginning to get more curious as to who is coming tomorrow.

Usually visitors from other packs do come to our pack for a visit but there's rarely a case where they attend the school. It's actually very difficult to transfer schools between packs. Only very few people are privileged with the power to do so. These people are the royalties and those special case where the royals and the wolf councils come to agreement to transfer an individual with a special reason. So definitely the person coming be either cases.

" I'm sooo excited too Chloe.... I've been wanting to see him up close. I only got the chance to see him from a very long distance and that was just thrice when I followed my parents to the council meetings". Stephanie one of Chloe's friends replied.

My curiosity got the best out of me when I moved slightly to the side, making it very obvious I was listening to them.

The next thing I know was dat I saw a book flying my way. I was able to avoid it at the last minute by moving to the side and the book fell with a thump on the floor.

I heard loud gasps as most of the students present were surprise I could avoid it.

I think mostly because first, the speed at which the book was thrown wasn't normal and it was with the intent of causing damage. Therefore I shouldn't have been able to avoid it so fast since it was believed I have no wolf.

And also my head was lowered when it was thrown so they didn't expect me to avoid it since I didn't see it coming.

"How did you do that?" Chloe demanded coming to me with angry steps. I chose to ignore her and kept quiet.

"Answer m....." she said as she slapped me

This time I didn't avoid the attack but braced myself for it....but who would have thought that the moment she slapped me, her bones were heard broken and following that was the loud scream of Chloe's voice.

" hand.....she broke my hand...."she shouted dramatically. What a drama queen....isn't she a ware wolf with her wolf intact and also has d ability to heal faster than humans. Serves her right anyways. Right now I believe the whole school heard her voice and literally speaking, they did. The moment she screamed a large group of students and teachers rushed into the class.

"What's going on here?" The moment I heard that voice I visibly shudders. Leon the pack's alpha to-be asked as he walks in. He is mostly the instigator of the maltreatments I face and there's no length he has gone to make my life a living hell. That's why today as been feeling so unreal for me because it was going just too smooth to be true.

Well it seems I've short lived my smooth going day so far. Now I prepare for the misery that's about to happen.

His gaze scan the class before landing on me. He growls out as he notice me looking at him sneakily. I quickly lowered my head.

On seeing him, Chloe ran to him with tears running down her face.

"Leon she broke my hand"

" did it happen. As far as we know she has no wolf and is nothing less than a human." He said as he walks towards me. He stopped it front of me and said with venom laced in his voice " freak answer did you do it".

I chose not to answer and kept me head down.

"Answer me" he demanded using his Alpha order on me (AN: she was born into the pack as a werewolf but not bonded with the Alpha making her not having any mind link with the pack. But she's still a member of the pack. An alpha's command can still be used on her). I notice that it doesn't work quite well on me....I just feel it slightly. I was shocked. It should have total control of me like it usually do before....but now it's just slightly that I can chose not to obey it. I think he also felt it because I felt him being shocked for a bit before he covered it up with his viciousness.

Wait a minute... I I seriously felt his feelings just is that can I feel his feelings and him being an alpha to-be at that. I tried feeling his feelings again and all I feel coming out from him his is anger at not understanding and controlling me right at the moment. I also feel his wolf trying to gain control because he could not tolerate disobedience. I sigh and chose to obey his alpha control

"I don't know " I said in a small voice but everyone of them can still hear me because of their high hearing ability

"You don't know..." he roared losing control to his wolf. He raise his already clawed hands and was about to attack me with it.

"Leon.....stop" his mate, Ever quickly went forward to stop him before he does. She gave me a sad look before dragging him out.