CHAPTER FIVE - The encounter


"You can both leave to prepare for your journey " my father said as he dismissed us.


We got to my mate's pack, the blood moon pack at exactly 12am of the following day.

When we got there it was the Alpha and the elders that came out to greet us but at the same time we could hear the sound of music playing from inside.

"Welcome Prince Zeid, Prince Brice" They all greeted us bowing their heads.

My brother and I acknowledged them with a nod and followed them into the pack house.

On entering, my wolf started becoming restless and I knew my mate was nearby.

I tried to calm him down as I tried...take note "tried" listening to the Alpha as he introduce me to all the elders one after the other.

God knows I can't remember a single person name among all of them.

All my concern right now is to locate my mate.

I mind link my brother to keep the Alpha and the elders occupied while I excused myself.

I take a turn to the corridor at the right where I feel the mate bond getting stronger. As I walked down the corridor, the mate bond became stronger to the extent I almost lost control of my wolf.

It took a lot of my self control to be able to retain him.

As I turned to the left at the end of the corridor, I saw the most enchanting view ever.

When I laid my eyes on her, I knew right away she was my mate.

she was simply too enchanting.

I took a step towards her and couldn't stop myself from calling out...MATE.

And when she turned around it seems the whole world came to a stand still as if nothing else was alive and it was just the both of us. She simply took my breath away.

I was about to take a step towards her when I hear the Alpha's voice which brought me out of my trance.

"Prince Zeid what's wrong?" I was surprised by my mate's reaction when she noticed the presence of Alpha Scott.

She was literally trembling in fear before she ran away.

"Prince Zeid "

As I take a step to go after her, Alpha Scott calls me once more stopping me from going after her.

I growled at him for doing that and he quickly lowered his head and said

"My prince ur attention is needed outside in the gathering you can deal with that omega later for what she just did ". What does this idiot mean by what he just said? I question myself. I gave him a questioning look and demanded he should tell me what he mean by that.

"She's nobody " he said and I raised my eyebrows trying my very best to control my anger at what he just called MY MATE

"Sh....she's the daughter of the former beta that was killed with his wife five years ago by rogues". He stuttered before answering me.

"Since she is the former beta's daughter why did u call her an omega...isn't her rank supposed to be higher than that of an omega.." I asked him finding the situation odd.

"She was demoted to an omega" he answered me. But on seeing my questioning look, he proceeded to explain.

"She was the cause of her parents death by leading them to the forest where the rogues ambushed them and killed them, leaving only her alive. Before the pack could get there it was too late. And as punishment, she was strip to the level of an omega and treated as such."

I was so furious when I heard and tried my best to control my anger

"ohh... I see....did you investigate the situation and confirmed she was the cause of it?" I asked him sarcastically.

" Prince Zeid but her uncle which is now the current beta made us to know that she was the cause of it and since she was the only one there at the spot definitely confirmed what he said" the so called alpha stuttered.

I was at this point beyond furious.

My gosh is this guy an idiot naturally or he chose to be one. What kind of stupid explanation is this. Who would believe it. The more I hear him, the more I become angry. With how stupid he is, I can only imagine how the pack is being run and what my mate must have gone through from their hands. I can't stay here any longer listening to his nonsensical words while my mate is gods know where. I gave him an irritating look that stopped whatever he wanted to say from coming out from his mouth and walked in the direction my mate went earlier.

I search everywhere for her by following the mate bond which led me to the boundary of the pack.

Did my mate just runaway from the pack? What could have happened to her to make decide to runaway?. What type of treatment have she faced in this pack?

All sorts of unanswered questions began to pop up in my mind that I definitely needed answers to.

I head back to the pack house in search answers.

I needed to get them so I will know how to approach my mate. Finding her now is an easy quest for me since I now recognize her scent.

I forgot to tell you I'm very good at recognizing scents. Once I get a sniff of it, it sticks.