CHAPTER SEVEN - you are not coming back


On walking into the restaurant, my gaze moved across the room as it landed on her. I move to walk towards her when I felt a hand on my arm stopping me. I growled in warning at Brice

"Calm your ass down bro " he said rolling his eyes "you don't want to scare her away again right, remember how long it took for us to locate her. You wouldn't want to look for her for that long again or longer even" he said pulling me to sit in one corner of the restaurant.

" prince Brice is right your highness. It wasn't easy locating your mate. It's better if we don't rush things and take it one step at a time" my gamma Rye said agreeing to Brice. " Why not let me walk up to her and make our order to see her reaction first"

I nod in agreement to Rye and sat down. It took all my will power not to stand up and walk up to her. I can't help it. Looking at her now, she looks so different from how she looked when I saw her in her pack. The differences in her appearance are just too much.

she looks more breathtaking as I stare at her.



Startled, I take a step back.

Damnit! Just when I thought fate was being nicer, allowing me to find a job that paid the rent and bills. Just when i was getting accustomed to this place, just as I was settling down-BAM-he just had to find me.

"Your highness" the guy in front of me said looking at me


"Yes you are the crown prince mate and by right our crown princess, your highness " he told me

"I don't know what you mean. I am no princess"

I take a deep breath and tried to compose myself before asking

"How can I help you"

"Prince Zeid will like to have a word with you, your highness "

"Can you stop with the 'your highness' of a thing and why does he want to have a word with me" I replied with a sarcastic tone "is it to reject me?"

A surprised look flashed across his face before being replaced with a grin "You wouldn't know until you talk with him"

"What if I refuse to" I ask crossing my hands

"Then you won't like what happens next" he said with raised brows

I look him in the eyes before looking in the prince direction. Seeing his expression I know I have no choice but to go to him.

I take a deep breath and walk towards him.

"Your highness " I said in greetings bow my head to him.

"Don't Do that"

My Goddess, his voice sent shivers down my spine. It's not only filled with power, deep and husky, but dark and mysterious hold a sense of authority that you don't want to mess with.

Snapping my head back up, I'm surprised to see his crystal blue eyes that entices me staring at me as though it was looking deep into my heart.

"I'm sorry your hig..."


"Zeid?" That's his name. He wants me to call him by his name? But how can I. He is the crown prince of the werewolf kingdom. The king to be.

"I'm sorry. You asked to have a word with me"

I find it difficult to control my wolf. It keeps wanting to be free but I won't let it


"Why what..." I asked confused

"Why did you runaway "


He stands and grabs my hand and started pulling to the exit

"Let's go we will talk about it on the way"

"Y...your highness what do you mean. Where are you taking me to" I asked still being dragged by him. "At least let me get my things in the locker room"

"No need. It's been taken care of"

"What... what of my things at clothes most especially I can't go without taking those" I argue

"We will get you new ones, anything you need will be bought" he informs me opening the passenger door of his car.

"Bu....but I can't just leave like that I need to inform the manager of my leaving if not when I get back I won't have a job to meet"

"You are not coming back"