Chapter fourteen -you have no right whatsoever to do so you murderer..


We both ran back to where the fight is being held and saw that the creatures have severed the right arm of my father from his body and it's lying down flat on the floor about 3ft away from them.




I jolted awake socked with my sweat. I pull my legs to my chest, held my hair in my hands, and try to calm my breathing as I try not to recall what happened that night but my mind keeps drifting to the memory. The grip on my head becomes tighter as I'm thrown down memory lane.


"Pa!!!... Ben!!!" My mum and I were filled with grief when we saw this and I knew my mum was doing everything in her power not to lose control as she holds me back from running to them.


"Ashley listen to me... Ashley... Ashley..." she held my arms and shakes me trying to get my attention away from the scene in front of us. I looked at her with a lost expression before she shakes me again till she gained my attention.

"Ashley...listen to me" I shake my head trying to shake the scene ahead away from my memory.

"I want you to leave here..."

"No....No ma" I keep shaking my head and crying heartily

"Run... Leave this place"

"No....No...Ma....I..I w...won't l..leave..."

"Ashley...listen to me... I need you to leave here...go and call for help. I need to go and help your father... Please my baby know that we both love you so so much... You are and will always be our darling angel. Go and get help here" she said pushing me away before she turned to her wolf and joined the fight.

"No... No Ma don't go" I call after her as I collapsed on my knees and see everything unfold in front of me. I felt powerless as I witness my father's body being ripped apart pieces by pieces. As a result, leaving my mother devastated as her legs gave way and she slumped on the floor having no energy to fight back.

When the creatures were done with my father, they slowly walk up to my mother who still knelt on the same spot without trying to move or fight. Thus I started running towards them shouting"No..... no... please stop get away from..... no... no....."

Before I could take my seventh step, my mother's head was ripped out of her body.

It took me a few seconds to comprehend what just happened as I watch my mother's head roll to my feet.

Seeing this, the next thing I know was that I saw red... Everything I saw was painted in red.

I look at my mother's head, trace it down to her body that was still convulsing, to the shredded parts of my father's body before landing my eyes on the creatures that were now making their way towards me.

I lost all rationality and let out an earth-shattering scream which was followed by a shimmer of light come out from within me, shining bright on the creatures, burning them to ashes.

This lasted for just a minute and after that, I lost all the strength in me and fainted.

When I opened my eyes later, the first thing I saw was the white ceiling, before I moved my gaze around only to discover I was surrounded by pack members that were looking at me with hate-filled eyes. I look around and every single gaze my eyes met was filled with hatred. I was confused as to why they would look at me like that as I could remember I was loved by everyone.

Before I could say anything to anyone, the door opened, and in came the Alpha.

The Alpha gave me a disgusting look before ordering everyone out of the room. They all left one after the other leaving behind contemptuous gazes.

I finally managed to relax my nerves after they've all left the room.

"uncle...where am I...why are my hands tied to the bed uncle...what is going on... pa...parents...."

Furious and with so much hatred laced in his voice, "Stop right there...don't you dare mention your have no right whatsoever to do so you murderer.."

"w... w... what... what do you mean... I did not kill my parents" I became hysterical and started shaking my head frivolously with tears flowing down my face.

Before I knew what was going on, he moved swiftly to my side and held my throat in a tight grip, "I said don't you talk about claim you didn't kill them but we found your parents and you deep in the forest with their body shredded to pieces while you were in one piece having no scratch on your body. We found no traces of rouges invading the premises that it will be said that it was the handwork of rouges. Nothing to state otherwise but you being the cause of their death."

"no that's not true..."

"I don't want to hear What you have to say!" Eyes filled with rage, he shouted tightening his hold around my neck.

Using his Alpha voice on me, "Here is my verdict, from this moment on you are hereby demoted to omega and will have no right to partake in anything related to the pack. You are only to show yourself in public gatherings only when needed or asked to and you are to attend to every pack members' needs without questions asked from you."

I whimper and could not refuse his command.