Dreams and goals.

"Ne, Ban. What is your goal after joining my crew, exept for finding a way back?" Akane said, curious why he bothered to go with her.

They had both sparred for awhile, ending in a draw. They were both relaxing right now, Akane having already returned back to her human-beast form. Ban seemed especially taken by her tails as he was currently resting his head on them.

Luckily he wasn't as senseless as Ace and Luffy as he just enjoyed the softness of her fur, instead of rubbing and grabbing it like Luffy and Ace did.

Akane rested with her back against the tree, with her tails besides her as Ban seemed to enjoy the warmth they provided.

Ban spoke with his arms behind his head and keeping his eyes closed.

"Mm, I'm also trying to find a way to bring a loved one back from the dead. I couldn't find a way back in my world, so I figured I might find one here." Ban responded in a sleepy tone.

"Besides, It will be a lot of fun just traveling around this place. I have a feeling you'll have a lot of strange and fun encounters, so I'll just follow you. Who knows, I might find a way back if I stick with you." Ban said. "What about you?"

Akane smiled as she told him about her brother, Shanks.

"He's a great pirate, one of the strongest there is. I started my journey to give him a huge scolding. He lost an arm and still told me he was fine, how can I not scold him for that? On my way to travel towards another island, I was ambushed and I realised how weak I am. Too weak to reach where my brother is now. So I aimed to become stronger. I gained three brothers and my goals became bigger. I want to travel and experience new things, meet new people and fight a lot of strong people. I won't back down, even in front of a Celetial Dragon."

Akane said, as she had already explained a bit to Ban about this world and the power system in place. About the Celestial Dragons, The marines and pirates.

"Heeh, I knew it would be interesting with you. So once we find your brother, can I battle him too? I won't kill him, just beat him a bit and have fun." Ban said as he sounded quite energetic in contrast to how lazy he looked.

"Sure, let's see who can let him battle harder when we meet him." Akane said as she made a bet with Ban. She was sure Ban would be in for one hell of a fight.

Akane looked forward to set sail again. She would gather a crew and then set out for the Grand line. She now had her cook, so next it would be onward towards West blue and get herself a Navigator. Hopefully he hasn't moved yet, otherwise she needed to find out where he was last seen.

For now she needed to find a way to get to West blue. The only way that was slightly possible right now was to get herself and Ban on a merchant ship heading that way. It was impossible to go towards the Grandline in the ship they had anyway.

Might as well try to find herself a good ship in West blue or on her way towards the Grandline.

"Oi Ban, let's go. You can rest on the ship." Akane said as she was ready to leave this island. She'd already stocked up on provisions and she had already got herself a cook so she could leave this island.

Ban begrudgingly stood up and started to walk towards the port.

"Oi, little fox. Before we go, can we first get something to eat? I'm starving." Ban said as he placed his hands on his stomach.

"Sure. I'll find us a place. Why don't you entertain yourself in the meantime." Akane said, as she saw Ban look at the town with glinstening eyes.

"Your so thoughtful, little fox." Ban said as he took a turn at an alley, walking off the Main Street. "See you in an hour, little fox." Ban said as a grin appeared on his face.

Akane watched as Ban disappear and couldn't help but feel her he was up to no good. Call it a gut feeling. She hoped the poor soul Ban would terrorize was at least a bad person. Akane gave a short prayer and walked down the street in search for a restaurant.


Somewhere down the alleys.

Ban was walking around while whistling as he looked forward to the trip he would be taking. He normally didn't really care, but he would do it if he could get some fun out of it. This whole journey thing seemed pretty damnable fun, so he was quite excited.

While he was in thoughts, some back alley scum seemed to see him as a good target as they surrounded him.

"Hey, give is some money if you don't want to get hurt." The man said to Ban as he pointed a knive towards him. Despite how the man looked like, he had some pretty nice clothes on him.

Ban smirked as he first looked at his own bare chest, after which his eyes twinkeled as he looked at the man that had a similar build as him.

"Yo, those are some pretty nice clothes you have." Ban said.

Not long after, the men that had surrounded Ban were laying badly bruised and unconscious on the ground. Ban dressed into the clothes he had taken a liking to, a plain white shirt with a red stripes motive and a black overcoat with a white fur on the hood.


Ban pulled a bit at the cuffs and stuffed the money he had 'borrowed' from the thugs into his pocket.

"I don't think the little fox is cut out for stealing, so I'll help myself and add to the crews funds. Hope she doesn't mind." Ban whispered as the sly smirk was still on his face.

He walked out of the alley in search of the little fox that would be his captain in this world.