The new ship

Having waited for around five days, Akane and her crew were looking forward to their ship, as it would only take around a little more than a few hours, according to Paulie.

Akane and her crew were waiting at the workshop, looking on from the side as they saw the workers finish the last pieces on the ship. From what they could already see, the ship was a Carrack. It had two sails, each still bare of any Jolly Roger. There were seven canons on the side they could see. The crows nest wasn't that big, though there was enough space for two to three people.

The helm of the ship was on the front, the floor there was covered in soft grass with on the side benches on which the crew could sit.

Just below the steering wheel, Akane spotted a few of the eternal log poses they had bought, as well as the normal log pose. That should be helpful for Laffitte, as well as for any helmsman they may or may not recruit further in their journey.

For the rest they couldn't really see how the rooms looked yet, but they could see doors leading into the aft and the fore of the ship. As Akane had requested, a medium sized sakura tree was blossoming on the deck, enough to the side so that it didn't hamper with the functionality of the ship.

Waiting patiently for the ship to be ready, Akane and the rest continued to stare at the ship until it was lowered into the water. Paulie had already seen them when they arrived, so when the ship was ready and already lowered into the water, he came to greet them.

"So, what do you think? She's gorgeous right? We didn't get any requests as to what the figure head was supposed to look like, so we made it look like a serpent. Once you've paid, you can take your ship to the docks. We'll collect your old ship once you've relocated all your belongings."

While the rest of the crew went to board the ship, Ban handed over the money, casting a short glance at the other workers who were overlooking the whole process. Not one to argue about that, Ban followed the others. He could always get his hands on more money later.

Taking up his place at the helm, Laffitte efficiently maneuvered the ship towards their old ship. After moving all their stuff to their new ship, the Galley-La workers didn't hesitate and took the ship to their personal docks.

Glancing at the leaving backs of the workers until they were out of sight, Akane and Shinobu began to search for their own personal rooms. Shinobu quickly found the sickbay, becoming lovestruck once she witnissed all the equipment she could use.

It was needless to say she wasn't coming out of that room until she had scoured every inch of it.

Akane left Shinobu to her own devices and quickly found the captains cabin. The room was big, as was the sleeping quarters. It wouldn't be any problem to sleep here, even if she was in her big fox form.

The captains cabin had also a personal library and office, one that would come in handy when they had stocked up on all kinds of books.

Leaving her room for what it was, she went over the other rooms as well, the mapping room, dining room, kitchen, library, storage, as well as a decently sized aquarium. Needless to say, this wasn't for fresh fish anymore as Indra seemed to like his own place very much. It was currently napping on one of the corals used as decoration.

Coming together in the dinning room, Ban fixed them some lunch as they all went over the rooms they had went to. They were all satisfied with the work, well except for Ban, as his bed was still too short for his long frame. Nothing to do about it but buy a larger bed.

They all went to familiarize themselves with the ship a little more until they would leave the next morning. The Log pose had already adjusted and they could finally move on. They weren't exactly welcomed by the marines after all and sticking around could cause some problems in the long run.

Having already stocked up on supplies, they went to bed with as satisfied feeling.


Early the next morning.

The crew had all woken up and were ready to go. The Log pose was pointing at a certain direction without any movements, indicating it had become adjusted.

Steering the ship towards that direction, Laffitte made sure they were far out of the canals when they opened the sails.

The ship immediately picked up speed as the sails caught wind, the ship slicing through the waves as if they weren't even there. Like that, Water Seven was left behind, as well as any unfortunate pursuers.

"So, where do you think we're going, Little fox? I hope it's somewhere fun~"

Ban muttered as he lay down on the lawn. Akane, who was in her fox form, looked up from her basking spot under the sakura tree. She yawned slightly, as she turned back human.

"Paulie said that the direction the log pose was pointing at would lead to the Florian Triangle. It's supposedly a graveyard for ships."

"Wow, that sounds fun alright. Maybe we can find some treasure on the broken ships. Maybe there are ghosts as well."

Ban joked, which was quickly followed by a pinch in the side by Shinobu.

"Ban-san. Ghost might be real. There were demons in the world where I come from, as were there in your world. Who knows if ghosts are a thing in this world."

Shinobu said with her usual smiled on her face.

"That makes it even more fun, wouldn't you say so. An intangible enemy makes for perfect practice."

Ban followed it up by his usual smirk, stretching his arms behind his head as he prepared himself for a nap.

"I will make sure to memorize your face when you get scared."

Shinobu replied to Ban's easy going attitude, making a shiver run over Akane's back. She was sure Ban would get blackmailed if he even showed as much as a twitch when they came across a ghost. Don't even mention herself. It would be best if ghosts were truly a myth.