Sabaody Archipelago IX

Pede Pede Pede

Pede Pede Pede

Pede Pede Pede


"This is Sengoku."

"Fleet Admiral! Something terrible has happened!"

Sengoku frowned, wondering what had occured to make them so anxious.

"What happened!?"

"A Celestial Dragon has been killed in Sabaody Archipelago, Grove 5!"


Sengoku yelled, anger rising. Who dared to kill a Celestial Dragon! Were they out of their mind!?

"We have evacuated the remaining Celestial Dragons! We request reinforcements! No sign of the perpetrator has been caught as of yet. Witnesses claimed a guard had killed the celestial dragon. We do have a prime suspect. One of the witnesses saw through the technique and discribed to assailant."

The soldier continued his report.

"Are you certain it was her? Absolutely certain?! The last location where she was spotted was Water Seven! She couldn't have reacher Sabaody Archipelago that soon."

Sengoku yelled, feeling a headache coming up. Damn you Garp!

"We are certain, Fleet Admiral. The perpetrator is Eldertale D. Akane, sister of yonko Red Haired Shanks."

"Gather all the marines and find their ship! They are planning to leave the island as soon as possible! I will send the nearest Admiral your way, so stop them at all cost!"



Sengoku slumped down on his chair, almost glaring at the den-den-mushi.

At this time, the biggest cause of his headache walked into the office, rice cracker bag in hand as he crunched away on them.

"Garp! You said you would get her back! Now see what has happened. I will get the higher-ups on my head for this!"

"Now, now, Sengoku. What has gotten into you to get your beard so twisted?"

Garp asked full of humor, stuffing a few more rice crackers into him mouth.

"The kid! Shanks' sister! She killed a Celestial Dragon!"

Garp remained silent for a while. Then he burst out in laughter, slamming the table in excitement.

"Bwahahaha, nicely done, Akane-chan! Hahahaha!"

"This is no laughing matter, Garp! Hurry up and get that brat!"

"Fine, Fine, I will get going as soon as I finish this bag."

Garp replied, grabbing a few hands with crackers again.

"Now Garp!"

Sengoku grabbed the bag and emptied it in his own mouth.

"Oi! Those were mine!"

"Shut up and get going!"

Garp grumbled and left the office in a bad mood.

Sengoku sighed.

Picking up the den-den-mushi, Sengoku made a call to one of the admirals closest to the Sabaody Archipelago.

"Aiya, Sengoku-san. Somthing going on?"

A lazy voice sounded through the den-den-mushi.

"A Celestial Dragon has been killed on Sabaody Archipelago. You should be closest to that location."

"Oh, how surprising. Sure, I'll go there. I can be there in a second. Any idea who did it?"

Sengoku rubbed his head, muttering the name.

"Eldertale D. Akane, Captain of the Demon Fox pirates."

"Hoh, the one to be capture alive? I'll try to hold back then."


Leaning back in his chair, Sengoku looked up at the ceiling, as his pet goat ran up to him and licked his hand.

"I hope you get there in time, Kizaru."

Sengoku muttered, getting back to the work that was starting to pile up on his desk.

Who said being the Fleet Admiral was a nice job? They should wash their eyes and look again. His back was starting to kill him. He would die from overwork before he could die in battle. Don't even mention retiring.


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Pede Pede Pede

Pede Pede Pede


"Kizaru, why did you call?"

"Aokiji, your assignment has shown up in the Archipelago. Heard she killed a dragon."

"Yare yare. She's already there."

"You really should stop taking the bike. It's slow."

"Where are you now, Kizaru. I might be there before you. I just passed the Florian triangle."

"Oh ho, already there? I'm a few minutes away."

"Then I guess I'll leave it to you."

Without saying anything more Aokiji hung up.

Kizaru glanced at the den-den-mushi in his hands before stuffing it away again. He was currently flying through the air, hopping from one island to another.

From what Sengoku had said, they killed a Celestial Dragon and vanished soon after the deed. The time in between reports are short, but they might have been delayed. The Demon Fox pirates might have already left. Don't even mention that the had no clue as to where their ship had been docked.

"This is so not fun."

Kizaru muttered, making another jump his body became light particles again, rushing forward at the literal speed of light.


Back at Akane's position, she had already reached her ship and was currently helping Ban and the others with loading all the loot onto the ship. Everything but the small boat had been loaded.

The coating had been finished as well and Rayleigh had already left after receiving his payment for the job. An overcharged payment at that. He and Shakky truly liked ripping people of.

No wonder they had become husband and wife.

"Alright, is everyone present?"

Looking around, the only person that was missing was Lafitte.


Having expected somthing like this to happen, Akane glanced at Ban who knew what she meant immediately.

Ban grabbed a den-den-mushi and began to call.

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Pede Pede Pede

Pede Pede Pede


"Ban. I am on my way back. There are a lot of marines combing around the groves. The captain has made a big ruckus amongst the marines."

"Not that I can help it. He was too disgusting. He also wanted to make me a pet."

Akane replied, silencing the whole crew.

"I see."

Was all Lafitte said, hanging up soon after.

"Let's wait. It shouldn't take that long. Prepare for departure."

The crew came in motion as soon as she had said it, all they had left to do was wait.

Not long after the figure of Lafitte came in sight. He was alone, having clearly left the marines in the dust.

"Leave now! We don't have much time."

Lafitte said, jumping on the ship.


Having said that, Mero jumped into the water and opened the valve beneath the ship. Air quickly entered and enlargened the bubble surrounding the ship.

When the whole ship was encompassed, it started to shrink.

When the ship was completely below water, Mero jumped back onboard, passing through the bubble membrane and landing in Soren's arms.

Like that they avoided the worst case scenario, leaving the marines far behind and escaping the mess they had made in surface.