Fishmen Island IX

The sound was getting clearer and clearer, leaving Akane with little doubt that something was getting closer to them.

Rushing towards the sound, the guards quickly followed after her, not sure if they should stop her or not.

Before long, the guards paled as they recognized which way they were going.

"Listen! Can't you hear it?"

Akane asked again, increasing her pace even further. At this point, even Ban could hear it.

Not waiting for the guards to react, Akane dashed out, ending up in front of a steel door that was imbedded with multiple weapons.

Looking around, Akane spotted the origin of the sound.

A massive claymore was heading their way, swinging through the air as if it was tossed with a lot of force, defying even gravity as it made a strange turn to get higher.

As the claymore got close, Akane covered her fist in a dark black haki. A red current ran around her fist as she slammed it down hard, breaking the weapon in tiny pieces with ease.

Even broken apart, one of the bigger pieces still flew forward. Seeing that, Akane knew there was something odd about this. There was definitely a devil fruit involved in all of this.

Drawing Amaterasu, Akane blasted a stream of hot black fire towards it. Within seconds, the remaining piece was smelting and was lying motionless on the ground.

Bending down, Akane prodded the slowly hardening metal, wondering what might have been the cause for it to suddenly come this way.

Turning around to question the guard of the cause, she didn't see him anywhere.

"Ah! The guard has left a while ago. Something about warning king Neptune it happened again."

Ban helpfully commented.


He just left?

Then what about his duty to show us to our rooms. What is that guy doing, leaving unknown people to their own devices. Is he a novice.

"I wonder if that weapon was a result of a devil fruit? I can't help but wonder who wants to do something like that."

Bending down beside Akane, Shinobu touched the cooled metal, a thoughtful look on her face.

"Why not go inside the room and see what it is? It surely was heading that way."

Shinobu said as she immediately acted on her words and walked to the door. Unsurprisingly, the door was locked tightly.

"Ban-san, if you will."

Ban quickly pried open the lock and the three of them walked inside the room. Walking just a bit behing Shinobu, Akane couldn't help it but feel like they were doing something they shouldn't.

Yet those thoughts halted when she saw another giant merfolk sitting on a giant bed. Her pink fishtail moved up and down in nervousness as she spotted the three strangers in her room.

"Etto, nice to meet you, whoever you might be. I am Eldertale D. Akane. The people beside me are Shinobu and Ban, who are both part of my crew."

The mermaid looked fearfully at Akane, but still politely introduced herself.

"I'm Shirahoshi. Why are you in my room? Are you here to hurt me?!"

Shirahoshi immediately began to tear up, frightened by her own thoughts.

"Oh my, aren't you a crybaby~ We clearly aren't here for that, so stop those poor tears."

Shinobu said as she hopped on the bed and sat besides Shirahoshi and began to gently tap her on her fishtail, an attempt to calm her down. It clearly worked, as Shirahoshi immediately stopped crying.

"We noticed a weapon flying this way. We destroyed it, but we were still curious as to where it was going to. So we might have pried open the lock without permission."

Akane said, scratching her head in embarrassment.

"I see! Then you are good people! I'm so happy to meet you then. I don't have a lot of friends and this is the first time I see so many new people!"

Shirahoshi excitedly exclaimed, picking up both Ban and Akane and putting them besides her on the bed. She smiled brightly as she began to ask questions.

"How is it above the sea? I have never been there but it seems do exciting! Do you know what trees are?"

Akane couldn't help but answer the curious girl.

"Hmm, I guess above the sea is less wet? And trees, do you want to see one? I can show you if you want."

Shirahoshi quickly nodded her head. She really wanted to see!

"Then I'll show you."

Akane grabbed Shirashoshi's hand, well her finger.

Looking at Ban and Shinobu, Akane gave them a word of caution.

"I'm going to show Shirahoshi my mindscape. We will both be out for the count for a while, so keep us protected. And Ban?"

"What is it captain?"

Ban smiled, waiting for Akane to continue.

"Find out whatever it is that causes those weapons to target her. I'm sure there is some kind of marker on her body. If it is you, I know you can 'snatch' it away. Try to break it once it is off. We don't know if it will return."

"On it captain. Have a nice dream."

Smiling at Ban and Shinobu, Akane brought her attention back to the excited Shirahoshi.

"Alright, Shirahoshi. Try to find a comfortable position, as we'll both be asleep for a while."

Shirahoshi nodded, making herself comfortable on her bed and sinking deeply into the cushions. Before closing her eyes, she grabbed Akane and placed her between the two bouncy peaks.

"I'm ready, Akane-sama."

Shirahoshi said as she shyly spoke.

Akane was a bit surprised at the sudden change of view, but relaxed and laid down as well. The only requirement was for skin to skin contact. So it was easily attained this way.

Closing her eyes, Akane let her mind relax, pulling herself and Shirahoshi into her mindscape.