Sawney and Bean

While the rest of the new recruits were being left at the city, Akane and her crew were traveling with Levi to an empty castle, a bit further away from the city. It was situated in a forest, well hidden on the side of a hill.

It was very old, but was still well maintained.

Waiting outside, a group of people with the Survey Corps uniform were waiting. Eren was standing among them, looking a bit out of place as he stared at them, his unease aparent to the naked eye.

"What an uptight bunch. Makes me want to leave here already."

Ban complained as he looked at the others.

"Don't make trouble Ban. If everything works out, we should be gone from this island real soon. If shit hits the fan, we could always just leave and drift about a bit. It isn't like we got no eternal poses on our ship."

Akane replied as she gave Ban an elbow in the side. Not flinching at all, Ban playfully gave her an elbow back.

This back and forth continued for a bit, making the tension a bit less strained.

While Ban and Akane were fooling about, Shinobu had already spotted her target in the crowd. How she recognized it was a mystery only known to Shinobu herself.

"You, girl with glasses. I'm sure you can converse with me for a bit. You seem like a woman that has her own curiosities she wants to unravel. Let's have a chat about these new beings called Titans."

Shinobu grabbed the woman, Hange Zoë, who became interested at once when the subject of the titans was brought forward.

"I would love to! Call me Zoë."

"Oh my, then you can call me Shinobu."

Arm in arm, Shinobu and Hange walked back in, their excited chatter on mutilated titan corpses ringing through the empty hallways to the outside of the building.

"Good to see the idiot found someone to talk with."

One of the men said.

"Please shut it Bozado, Hange is just peculiar."

A girl replied, who glared at Bozado.

"Don't be mean Petra. You know I speak the truth."

Bozado muttered, not going in further on her comment.

The rest remained quiet, staring at the new group as if they didn't hear the arguments.

"Listen up. These guys will be joining us temporarily. It was Erwin's decision, so don't ask me questions about it."

Levi said as he walked in, leaving the rest of his squad behind.

"Then I guess we should introduce ourselves, shouldn't we captain?"

Lafitte glanced at the bickering Akane and Ban, followed by an introduction.

"I am Lafitte, the navigator of our crew. The bickering pair over there are our ships captain, Akane and our cook, Ban. The Mink over there is Soren, the shipwright. Lastly our doctor Shinobu has left with one of your companions."

Lafitte stated, giving a small theatrical bow.

Glancing up, he could see the man Bozado nodding.

"Nice to meet you. I am Oluo Bozado. The uncouth woman besides me is Petra Ral, while the other two gents are Eld Jinn and Gunther Schultz."

Having finished the introductions as well, each member greeting them with a nod, they followed after Levi.

The rest of the week was rather boring, as the first thing they had to do was clean the base. And with clean, it meant shiny surfaces kind of clean.

Not bothering with it at all, Akane had only done her room, her crew doing the same, and ditched the rest of the work to the others. She and her crew were only here to help them after all. No need to do tedious work.

Sitting on the rooftop, Akane spotted the excited Shinobu and Hange, both exchanging their research notes on the subject of titans. Suddenly turning to face Akane, Shinobu motioned for her to come.

Dropping from the roof and nimbly landing on her feet, Akane joined the two others in their conversation.

"I never imagined that there was this kind of possibility. I still need more indications that your results are plausible, but if it is the case, then it changes the way we think of titans."

Shinobu nodded to Hange's statement.

"It doesn't surprise me, Zoë. Your medical facilities and equipment are not reliable for such undertakings. It was a surprise for me too when I came to this world. The technological advancement is truly magnificent."

Shinobu replied in turn, sharing a look with Hange, who in turn nodded her head as well.

"I still does surprise me. You know so much more than we do. It makes me jealous."

"There are stranger things in this world after all."

The back and forth continued.

"Though I think Akane-chan would like to see what you are working on to, Zoë. You have fine specimen to work with after all."

"I would love to! It is such a joy when people understand my dreams!"

With that, Akane was dragged by Hange and Shinobu to a courtyard. In the middle of it, two titans had been pinned down to the ground, both having only limited ways to move.

"I introduce you, Sawney and Bean. They are so obedient."

Hange said as she made a move to pat the larger one on the head, only for him to lunge at her to take a bite.


"Section commander! Please stop that! It's dangerous!"

The people around them yelled, as Hange just laughed it off.

"He's energetic today!"

Hange laughed as she grabbed one of the spear of the men.

"So, Akane. The things we discovered is-"

Stabbing the spear deep into Bean's chest, Hange turned it a few times and let it stick in.

"They don't die from injured main organs, which is basically the same between any of them. They have no need for sustenance, as their main goal is just to kill humans. The humans they eat will later be regurgitated, much like an owl pellet. The only true way to kill them is to cut out a thick piece of their neck, which we now know is likely to be related to the spines of humans. They are more active during the day, as they seemingly get their energy from the sun. No titan so far has any type of consciousness, with the exception of Eren."

Hange explained as she pulled out the spear. The blood immediately evaporated, the wound in Bean's chest regenerating at a fast pace.

"As these titans were formally human, there is surely a catalyst in what made them titans. Maybe if we find that catalyst, we might even be able to return them to their human forms. This however is pure speculation."

Hange shrugged as she handed the spear back to the soldier.

"I'm sure that if Shinobu and I work together on this, we will be able to unravel the deep mystery surrounding the titans. I can't wait to find out!"

Clasping her fist in excitement, Hange's eyes remained on the two titans in front of her, her thoughts only known to herself.

"Ara, Zoë really has a nice dream~"

Shinobu clapped her hands in joy, her eyes glued to the two titans as well. Akane couldn't help but wonder why they even were that interested in it. They hadn't been here for long and Shinobu's spirit had already been ignited.

"Then find it out. Going back to the ship would be best, as all your medical equipment is still there. If you find a cure, good. If not, too bad. No use crying over spilt milk. The only solution then is to kill every titan on this island. Shouldn't be too hard with a lot of work. It isn't like they procreate like rabbit. Their numbers are finite."

Having said that, Akane sat on the side as she watched Shinobu and Hange resume with renewed vigor.

While Hange handled, Shinobu took noted from her and Hange's observations. They truly were a frightening duo.