Bloody beatdown

Her swords drawn, Akane took her stance. Taking deep controlled breaths, she could feel her blood speeding up.

"Illuminate and purge, Amaterasu. Obscure and enlighten, Tsukuyomi."

Unlocking her shikai, her blades took on their black appearance, the Hannya masks glowing in a bloody red light.

Amaterasu's heat began to scorch the surroundings, while Tsukuyomi seemed to draw in the heat that was going towards Akane, effectively protecting her from it.

Both of them were more than ready and began to attack.

The Beast titan once more swiped his arms forward, a crystalline skin forming around it. The air began to whistle under the force, but it didn't deter Akane in the slightest.

Running forwards, Akane let her haki pour into the blades, making their black color even darker. Tsukuyomi hummed in response as energy was beginning to form inside of the blade.

Slashing at the arm coming towards her, the space around the blade began to deform, sucking in the arm aimed at Akane. Then a blood splattered everywhere, as the arm simply vanished, leaving only the torn off end behind as the blood spurted out without stopping.

The other arms followed soon after, closing in on her as if there was no tomorrow. Yet when she was ready to parry, the arm made a sudden bend, as the objects hidden in its hand were thrown towards her.

Rocks and trees were flung at her like bullets from a gun.

Hardening not only her blade but her tails as well, she cut the trees in half, burning them down to ashes while the tails deflected the rocks.

Increasing her speed, she made her way up the retreating arm, sinking Amaterasu deep inside of it as she ran. A blazing trail of grayish black flames spread in her tracks, engulfing not only the arm but spreading to the rest of the torso as well.

Even if the Beast titan tried to crystallize his skin, he wasn't fast enough to catch up to the speed of his opponent. Having no other choice, the Beast titan forsook his arm, opting to safe the place that truly mattered. His nape.

Seeing through his plan, Akane didn't stop her actions at all, skidding to a stop on his shoulder.

Flames burst out of her katana as she swung it sidewards, though not in the direction the Beast titan had expected. The katana sunk deep into the Beast titan's throat, cutting through it almost effortlessly. Even if the back was protected, she could always go for the front.

Blood spilled all over her, covering her from head to toe. Akane didn't seem to mind though as she burst out in a gleeful laughter.

"Come on! Bleed some more for me! The color is truly beautiful."

Continuing to hack into the neck and head of the Beast titan, Akane's laughter could be heard above the sound of slaughter.

It was surprising she hadn't killed the titans pilot yet.

"More, more, pour out some more~"

She giggled, the heat on her katana intensifying even more than before, as the amused laughter of another female voice could be heard.

[Let me taste more of this blood~]

Amaterasu moaned, licking her lips as the blood on her blade glimmered under the coppery liquid.

Having completely cut out the pilot, Zeke Yeager, he soon fell down to the ground. He could only watch as his titan was cut into a pile of steaming blood and bones. He himself wasn't unharmed either, as he was cleanly bisected around his midle, his lower body still sticking out from the mauled beast titan corpse.

"Captain! Tone it down a bit. The blood is splattering my way~"

Ban yelled as he gained the attention of a blood-soaked Akane.

"Hahahaha....haa...Ah.... yeah."

Looking down at her katana, Akane could feel the bloodthirst from Amaterasu fade away, making her head a bit clearer than before.

[You keep it down as well. I already have enough to do as is without the sudden emotional breakdown.]

Akane muttered towards Amaterasu, who just shrugged as licked the blood from her lips.

[I would, if you fought a bit more. I feel neglected.]

Amaterasu giggled, heaving up her breasts as she sashayed back towards Tsukuyomi. He was staring at her with exasperation, though he didn't meet Akane's eyes.

[What's up with you?]


Tsukuyomi replied to Akane, who left her mindscape soon after to deal with the aftermath of the bloodbath she had created.

Staring at the middle-aged looking figure of a blonde man, Zeke Yeager. The man himself was panting and barely conscious, as steam was slowly being emitted from his stomach. The wounds were already slowly healing, flesh already appearing as his hips were being regenerated.

Standing in front of him, Akane crossed her arms over the other, looking down at his lying figure.

"Nice to meet you again, Zeke Yeager. We have much to discuss."

Akane said, as her crew members gathered around her.

"I wonder what..."

Zeke replied, getting a amused smile from Shinobu in reply.

"Don't worry. Your body can speak for you. Now stay still. It won't hurt one bit~"

Shinobu closed in on Zeke.

Muffled grunts were heard for the rest of the day as Shinobu had her fun. All while the rest of the crew were dispatching all the crowding Titans in shifts.

At some point, they had all vanished, not even leaving a trace besides the wrecked landscape.




Two days had passed and the deceased body of Zeke Yeager was lying on the ground, his body having stopped regenerating just a few hours before. His body was riddled with holes, brownish black blood pouring out of it.

The most curious fact though, was Shinobu who was happily bouncing about with a vial in her hands. In it was a transparent white substance than seemed like it was alive. It crawled up the sides, sloshing back down when it crept up to far.

This substance was the titan power of the Beast titan that Shinobu had managed to extract. It wasn't easy, as she had used a wide variety of drugs and poisons to edge the titan power into a certain part of the spine before she had expertly extracted it.

Now Shinobu was grinning at the vial as she swung it back and forth and noted down the reactions.

While Shinobu was interested in the living part of it, Akane was more drawn to the spiritual part of it. The living substance was shying away whenever she came close, something that no doubt left her speculating.

While the attacks of other weapons were merely a distraction to the titans, the power of her weapons seemed to completely kill them, if they were injured enough. This was proven by the fact that the flames of Amaterasu had left a mark on the owner of the beast titan as well.

This was also a point Shinobu had caught up on, as Zeke Yeager had been unable to move the arm Akane had burned, even if he was in human form. This raised questions she was desperate to find answers to. Answers she would surely get when she talked with her Zanpakuto.