Bounty updated

*A/N: please comment on where there are mistakes in the grammar. Will correct it today when I have the time.


A few weeks have passed since Akane had left the island, her home base, to drift alone on the sea. She had taken a small boat with her, one she could sail on her own without much expertise needed, yet one she could abandon just as easily should she get ambushed somewhere.

News had been getting hectic, as in the newest papers were a lot of interesting topics.

- Paradis island had been discovered by the marines.

Now this she had already expected to happen, as it would stand out sooner or later. With the increased activity of the revolutionary army on the island, the inhabitants weren't just stitting ducks, waiting to be hunted down and sold as slaves.

They had a say on their own and could protect themselves. Historia Reiss would make sure of that, as her regime had already started strong amongst her people as soon as the Titans had vanished.

The picture shown was that of an marine Vice Admiral entering the palace. Further information was withheld, but seeing so from the point of a past visitor of the island, Akane was happy that the renovations were underway. She could spot multiple variants of artillery weapons on the now rebuilt walls, a testament to the increasingly defensive power of the island.

The only thing they needed now was a powerhouse to fend of any strong pirates and marines.

A work in progress.

- New bounties for her and her crew.

This didn't come as a surprise to her either, as she hadn't really been standing still since entering the New world, even before the going into the New world.

Only question now was to see how much their bounties had been increased.

She hadn't seen the past issues yet, so she had no idea what the previous ones were like.

Taking out the posters, the amount on them left her in surprise.



Demon Sherrif

Bounty: 250.000.000 

Dead or Alive



Poison Butterfly

Bounty: 238.000.000

Dead or Alive



Night Beast

Bounty: 180.000.000

Dead or Alive


Osamu Dazai

Phantom Hand

Bounty: 120.000.000

Dead or Alive



The Undead

Bounty: 450.000.000

Dead or Alive


Eldertale D. Akane

Demon Fox

Bounty: 600.000.000



How surprising.

Her bounty took such a big leap since the last time she had seen it. It was a while ago since she had seen her bounty, so maybe they had raised it multiple times. Yet seeing the big number on it, her smile only widened.

The Marines were starting to take her a bit more seriously.


Things were starting to get a bit too boring around her lately.

Now that her bounty had increased, it surely wouldn't take long before bounty hunters and marines would come hunting for her again. If she played her cards well, it would be a free for all of goods and money.

Smirking in glee, Akane took out a log pose from her bag.

It was a big one, encased in sturdy wood.

A single name was engraved upon it, indicating its special nature.

It was an Eternal log pose, one leading towards her temporary destination.

It would take a while before she got there, so she would go about things at a steady pace. Maybe visit a few islands on her way before she got there. There were enough islands on the way to stave off her boredom.




After Akane left the island, things got hectic on the island. Due the multiple calls the Demon Fox pirates had made, going far and beyond, new inhabitants were slowly but surely flowing into the harbor.

The people ranged from many races, from normal refugee and slave humans, to fishman, Giants and even Mink. As the island was one of the bigger ones in the New world, there were enough people who wanted to try their luck and start anew from scratch, though most of the slaves just wanted a place to hide from their former masters.

With the sudden and great influx of human resources, things started to speed up a lot, in construction and welfare.

All the fortifications were completed swiftly, both underwater and above water.

Crops and forests were cultivated anew, as was the military power of the island itself.

Though not shared, there were enough people who applied to join the pirates known as the Demon Fox pirates. Their notoriety against the Marines and Celestial Dragons had spread far and wide, giving hope to the suppressed. Naturally not as much as the more ardent freedom fighters, yet the motivation to do something about the current status quo was there.

Once people came to know about the recruitment, more and more joined, followed by a strict training regime created by none other than Shinobu and Soren.

They were also the ones the most active in training the new recruits.

Shinobu had set up her own command of the healers, known as the Kakushi. They would provide support from the backlines, treating those injured and incapacitated. It was a thing commonly used in her own world, something she had brought back to this one to expand her own knowledge.

The people who were trained to fight were under the command of Soren, who trained each person in their own specific field of talent. The Minks he would train as done on Zou, giving them training in Electro and hand-to-hand combat.

Sword and other melee practice were devided between those available, mostly being him and Lafitte. Dazai had wandered off somewhere, while Lafitte wasn't always present on the island, letting most of the work fall to him.

Yet their strongest fighter right now was absent.

Ban had left soon after the captain did, having left with Indra somewhere. 

It seems he was still worried after all, being the one who had accompanied the captain for the longest.

Shaking his head, Soren turned his attention back on the recruits in front of him, smacking the pole in his hand on the head of slacking individuals. 

He just hoped this seperation didn't last forever, as he missed the boisterous bunch he had come to call his family.