

2,439Chapter 8: Meetings

Chapter 8: Meetings

The Hokage was currently experiencing one of his biggest migraines, since the Yondaime had died. He thought to himself. "This boy, only one night and you've already find yourself in the middle of all this trouble."

He had first gotten into the middle of an international problem within a minute of stepping into Konoha, than afterwards he was nearly killed in what a message from Hiashi described as an attempted takeover of the clan from the inside.

Though with all the hassle these issues bought, there was some good that had come out of it. For one they were able to arrest and interrogate the Kumo-nin and now they had the upper hand in this little political game. At first the Raikage asked Konoha to escort him back to Kumo so he could be trialed there, but the Hokage had refused to send him back and demanded the Raikage come to Konoha instead, where they would place the Kumo-nin before an impartial judge from the land of iron.

Reluctantly the Raikage had agreed to the Hokage's demand and now in a days' time he would arrive to oversee that this so called "traitor" got his fair trial.

The Hokage would have continued his train of thoughts, but a knock on his door prevented that. Composing himself and straightening his slightly disheveled robes he said in an commanding voice and a strict face

"Come in."

The door swung open and in entered Naruto along with a Hyuga guard which had slightly amused the old Hokage, thinking to himself "hmm it seems you have already gained the favor of the Hyuga's, not many have been able to achieve that in such a short time Naruto-kun."

"Good Morning Lord Hokage," Naruto said with a bow.

"Ah Naruto-kun, How are you feeling today. I heard you had a pretty rough night." The Hokage replied with a small smile.

"I've had better nights Lord Hokage, but my tenant has done quite a good job in patching me up." Naruto answered.

"Your tenant? Are you talking about the Kyubi?" The Hokage asked in a slightly worried tone.

"Yes Hokage-sama, it was only because of the Kyubi was I able to come back from the edge of death. Though this might seem like a weird statement, but it would seem the Kyubi is not the demon others make him out to be. In reality he is kind of nice." Naruto replied.

"Be that as it may foxes are known to be notorious tricksters Naruto-kun, I wouldn't be so trusting of the Kyubi if I were you." the Hokage said as he stood up and walked over to where Naruto was standing.

"I will keep your advice in mind Hokage-sama, But from what I was able to gain from my short interaction with the Kyubi though he is easily irritable he's actually quite understanding." Naruto responded in a reassuring tone.

"Well you know him better than anybody, so I will trust in your belief in the Kyubi Naruto-kun" The Hokage said with a smile than placed his hand on his shoulder. "Now why don't we go out for a walk through Konoha, I could use a break from all this work and give you a tour." He waved his hand behind him to show all the paperwork he had left over.

Naruto thought about asking why the Hokage just didn't use Kage Bunshin like he had seen Jiraiya use back in Mount Myoboku, but he didn't because if the Hokage was the so called God of Shinobi than he should have been able figure out what a 4 year old boy did.

Walking out into the sunny day the Hokage took Naruto around Konoha for a tour showing him where the best place to go to get weapons, where to get the most durable clothing and a nice little shop that the Hokage said made some of the best dango he ever had. They had decided to stop there for a break, and it was here that Naruto meet one of the more interesting characters of Konoha.

"Ah, Welcome back Anko-chan." The Hokage said to a young girl with purple hair that was shaped like a palm tree dressed erotically in a fishnet shirt and pants only covered up by a beige trench coat and orange miniskirt, she was probably around 12 years old.

Turning to the Hokage Anko said with a mouth full of dango. "Oh hey old man you stopping for lunch?" Without waiting for the Hokage to reply, she immediately began devouring multiple sticks of dango at once again.

Naruto was appalled by her actions, for one she was openly disrespecting the Hokage whom for some reason wasn't angry but rather had an amused looked on his face, when watching the spectacle that was the young girl. Then there was her clear disregard for table manners. "Maybe she's just really hungry… that must be it." Naruto thought

Naruto watched her in a bit of awe because he thought he had a big appetite, but his was clearly dwarfed by this girls love for dango. "Maybe it's because of that puberty thing that I read about in Jiraiya's books" Naruto also thought to himself, "Yeah that must be it."

"Hmm yes Anko-chan, I was just bringing Naruto-kun here for a small break and some snacks. I've grown quite fond of this establishment, ever since you dragged me here to treat you to lunch Anko-chan." The Hokage answered.

With a mouth full of dango Anko replied, "That's right old man I told you remember! I said you would love this place and that I would never steer you wrong" after she finished she proceed to order another round of dango.

The Hokage nodded than walked over to Anko's table and asked, "Do you mind if me and Naruto-kun joined you for lunch? I'm sure you two could become quite good friends."

Anko stopped eating her dango and squinted at Naruto a bit than said with a smile, "Sure old man not like I could stop you if you really wanted to anyway this is kind of your village, but let's make this clear you and the brat get your own food this is mine!" she pulled the plates of dango closer to her protectively.

Smiling the Hokage answered, "Of course Anko-chan even though I am a kage I would never dare come between you and your dango, that's unless I wanted a death sentence." The Hokage rubbed his chin slightly than said, "Oh my where are my manners, I've been so caught up talking to Anko here I've forgotten about you Naruto-kun. Come here and let Anko introduce herself to you."

Naruto walked up and stood in front of Anko, who put down her stick of dango and stuck her hand out to give Naruto a handshake, staring at her hand which had quite a bit of fallen dango pieces on it he hesitated than grasped her hand lightly.

Shaking his hand Anko said, "Hey kid names Anko Mitarashi, Chunin of Konoha. My goal is to become head of the interrogation department and be recognized as the sexiest kunoichi ever. What about you kid?"

Slightly shocked at her last statement Naruto replied, "Pleasure to meet you Mitarashi-san my name is Naruto Uzumaki and as for a goal I don't really have one yet. Though aren't you a bit young for the title of sexiest kunoichi ever?"

Waving a stick of dango in Naruto's face Anko replied, "Look kid where you come from it might be different, but in any ninja village once you get your Hitai-ate you are officially an adult. And you know what I'm not far from achieving that goal either. Also don't call me Mitarashi-san makes me feel old, you can call me Anko-chan. She finished with a smirk and a wink.

Naruto thought for a moment than asked, "Uhm okay Anko-chan, I have a question though is there any difference between most beautiful kunoichi and the sexiest kunoichi?

The Hokage watched the two young children interacting intrigued with their conversation though slightly worried about Naruto's question he thought to himself. "You better be careful what you say Naruto or you're going to find yourself in quite a bit of trouble and possibly pain."

Anko also intrigued with the boy stated, "Why does it matter if it's most beautiful or sexiest kunoichi it's pretty much the same thing."

Naruto putting his hands in a thinking pose said, "Well the thing is if you were to say you were the most beautiful kunoichi ever I would have to say you are clearly mistaken."

"WHAT." Anko roared out while leaking out a tremendous amount of killing intent, which for some reason Naruto was completly unfazed by, hell he looked like he was deep in thought. But it was a completely different story for everybody else inside the dango shop, even the Hokage the strongest ninja in the village was slightly uncomfortable with the sheer amount of killing intent Anko was letting out but didn't show it physically.

Grabbing the front of Naruto's shirt and bringing him in front of her face she said in a sadistic tone, "So who is this supposed Kunoichi whom you find more beautiful than me."

Struggling slightly and choking a bit from Anko's grip he said out, "Lady Hyuga."

Anko let out a loud "HMPH" than let go of Naruto's shirt causing him to fall on his ass, then she muttered something along the lines of "Dam Hyuga genetics."

Inside the Hyuga compound in one of the larger meeting rooms, Hitomi Hyuga sneezed lightly into one of her kimono's sleeves.

She was currently entertaining all the main branches children with the stories of the history of the Hyuga clan from its conception in Konoha till when her husband took over the mantle as the clan head

A meeting of all the main branches children was unheard of until it was suddenly requested by Hiashi. When asked why by the parents he told them that the history of the clan was being forgotten by the younger generation and now they needed to be educated in it.

Though there was some truth to Hiashi's words, all of this was just a guise for Hiashi his true intention was to use children to put his plan to flush out the traitors in his council into action.

He had ran some tests on the tea that he had taken from Naruto's cup and he had discovered that the poison was a slow acting poison from Kusa that weakened your immune system over time, this poison was soaked into Hitomi's tea leaves and was released from the leaves when hot water was added, doing more tests he found to his horror that the entire jar of the tea leaves that Hitomi was so fond of was poisoned.

Hiashi assumed this was done for two reasons, one that it couldn't be traced back toward whoever poisoned the leaves because different servants would bring her tea to her every night and second whoever had poisoned the tea knew his wife well enough that they knew this was the one flaw in her character she was just plain addicted to that type of tea, and because it was imported directly from the land of snow. This made it extremely expensive and was always high in demand in Konoha, hell it was high demand in all the elemental countries. So only Hitomi would usually indulged in it

Hiashi thought to himself, tea leaves from a country covered in snow a selling point didn't get better than that!

Regardless while Hitomi was entertaining the children, Hiashi had a meeting with all the main branch members regarding the Hyuga clan's monthly spending budget.

With his reading glasses on Hiashi was reading off a list he had written last night, "We seem to have gone over budget this month, so all spending for the rest of the month will have to be cut back."

Gasps were heard all through the room one of the elder council members said, "How is that possible Hiashi, has the Hyuga bank account deteriorated so much that we have passed our budget just 2 weeks into the month?

Hiashi replied with a monotone voice, "Well there has been an influx of order for eye-drops which can only be explained by the increase in pollen count this year, among this we have a couple of shipments from Kusa, hair conditioner from hot spring country and multiple payments to a shop that specializes in drawing portraits of nobles. Then to a lesser extent certain council members are certainly enjoying the lavish life style by indulging in finer red wines that Konoha has to offer.

Although it seemed like Hiashi wasn't paying attention to the rest of the council while he was reading the list in reality he was scanning the room with his Bykaugan, the glasses he was wearing had a genjustu placed on them to hide his Byakugan. Which was currently scanning the room for anything that stood out especially during the part when he said there were shipments from Kusa.

He had witnessed 5 of the council members slightly flinch to his delight. Now there was just one more step in his plan. Taking off his glasses he looked up from the paper to the council and said.

"Now this is just a warning to the rest of you, I will let this slide this time but I hope we do not need to have this meeting next month."

Letting his words seep into the rest of the council for a minute he then said, "If nobody else has any questions, than this meeting is concluded. Oh and before you leave do finish the tea that was served to you it was very expensive.

Giving the entire council a moment to finish the cup of tea he said with a smirk, "It's my wife's favorite tea leaves from the Land of Snow, she was nice enough to share with the council and the children she is teaching at the moment."

The reaction from the council was instantaneous there were some that seemed grateful to be able to sample such a expensive tea, but what stood out to Hiashi was that the same 5 council members that finched earlier their faces had turned pale in shock and fear.

Inwardly Hiashi said with a smirk, "Gotcha". As he watched the 5 of them leave the meeting room.

Inside a Hotaka's room (name I made up for one of the council members), The 5 council members were currently arguing with each other.

"Hotaka please tell me us you have an antidote to the poison you have been giving to Hitomi." One of the council members pleaded.

"Don't worry about the poison, in small quantities like one cup it is no threat to a fully grown adult." Hotaka responded smugly.

"But that bastard Hiashi said that Hitomi also served it to the children, my daughter is in that group will the poison affect her? What will happen to the children?" Another council member said in a frantic tone

"Yeah didn't you hear what happened to that Uzumaki kid that drank the poison?" another one said.

Gritting his teeth a bit Hotaka replied, "Yeah, yeah don't worry I have the antidote locked up in my safe. Just bring the children around later and I will administer the antido….."


The door to Hotaka's room suddenly was blown apart, when the smoke had cleared Hiashi stood in the middle flanked by a squad of Anbu.

"Hia.. shi," Hotaka stuttered out.

"Hotaka," Hiashi said in a cold tone. You and your accomplices are now under arrest, under the charges of attempted murder and attempted coup of the clan."

Seeing the council members weren't going to say anything Hiashi roared out, "ANBU ARREST THEM!"

Sorry about late update been busy with stuff!





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