Chapter 3 - She Used His Cutleries

Dong Chen led Qian Jiujiu to a shabby building.

At that instant, Qian Jiujiu was certain that she saw a spark of joy in Dong Chen's eyes, and concluded that he was gloating over her misfortune. "Princess Consort, this is your residence."

After introducing her house to Qian Jiujiu, Dong Chen was ready to leave the place. Meanwhile, Qian Jiujiu stared at the scene before her, mouth agape.

What the h*ll? Is that a spiderweb?

Even a beggar will not live in this place! She turned to look at Dong Chen, eyes filled with disbelief.

"Guard Dong, are you sure you're not taking revenge on me?"

Haughtily, Dong Chen shook his head. "This is His Highness' order."

Right after he finished his words, Dong Chen walked away. Qian Jiujiu stared at Dong Chen as he gradually disappeared into the distance. Then, she turned to look at the shabby building, which apparently had not housed anyone for the past 10 years.

Jiujiu had an urge to cry in the corner, but all she could do now was to curse Mu Yexiao under her breath, hoping that he would never get to eat any supper, ever again.

By right, they were partners, and he should not arrange for her to live in this ramshackle house.

Qian Jiujiu did not even have the courage to enter the house. No. This is not working out. I need to talk to Mu Yexiao. I need to at least get a place that can truly shelter me.

Qian Jiujiu attempted to recall the route she took to come here. Before long, she got lost on the way to find Mu Yexiao.

Qian Jiujiu had a poor sense of direction. She studied her surroundings as she cussed under her breath. "D*mn it, Dong Chen. He is definitely trying to take revenge on me."

"I've already said that I will not take over your spot. Why are you still so bitter?"

In fact, Dong Chen had not left yet. Instead, he was tailing Qian Jiujiu, and—owing to his superb sense of hearing—overheard all her mutter of dissatisfaction.

However, he remained confused. Why does Qian Jiujiu care about my spot as a guard?

After she was done ranting about Dong Chen, she continued grumbling, "Is anyone here?"

"Where have all the people of Xiao Manor gone? Why haven't I seen anyone till now?"

Initially, Dong Chen could not understand what Qian Jiujiu was doing. She seemed unaware that she had walked up and down the corridor twice, and was planning to walk up the corridor for the third time.

Dong Chen finally grasped the situation, and understood that Qian Jiujiu had a terrible sense of direction. He made a discreet gesture, and a figure in the dark vanished. Before long, a pageboy appeared before Qian Jiujiu.

Qian Jiujiu was relieved to finally meet a man. She grabbed the pageboy and yelled in excitement, "I've finally found a living person!"

The pageboy was evidently taken aback by Qian Jiujiu's action. "I have met Princess Consort before. How can I help Princess Consort?"

Finally realizing how absurd she appeared Qian Jiujiu let out an awkward laugh, and let go of that boy.

"Can you please bring me to the bedroom? I need to talk to His Highness."

"Sure, Princess Consort. Please follow me."

Upon finishing his words, the pageboy led the way. Qian Jiujiu followed closely behind him as they headed for the bridal chamber she was previously at.

Meanwhile, Dong Chen arrived before they did, and reported everything he witnessed to Mu Yexiao.

Mu Yexiao did not utter a word upon listening to Dong Chen's words. Instead, the corner of his lips twitched.

This woman is certainly very different. How could she get lost within the manor?

Expecting Qian Jiujiu, he threw a glance at Nan Feng. "Prepare the meal."

"Yes, Your Highness."

Just when Mu Yexiao took his first bite, Nan Feng brought him the news. "Your Highness, Princess Consort is here."

Mu Yexiao, who had been expecting Qian Jiujiu, was not surprised by her arrival. "Bring her in."

Qian Jiujiu entered the room, and immediately took a few sniffs. She smelt the delicious food as she stared at Mu Yexiao with her glowing eyes.

This guy knows how to enjoy his life. She looked at Mu Yexiao and said, "Jiujiu greets Your Highness!"

Mu Yexiao raised his eyebrows. Did she just address herself by her own name? After all, I shouldn't expect someone with such a simple name—Qian Jiujiu—to be sophisticated.

Qian Jiujiu could not be bothered by what was going on Mu Yexiao's mind. After greeting Mu Yexiao, she immediately took a seat, although she was apparently not invited.

She looked at the two guards beside Mu Yexiao m—Dong Chen and Nan Feng.

Dong Chen glared at Qian Jiujiu when she took her seat, while Nan Feng remained cool and composed the entire time.

Qian Jiujiu could not help but shake her head as she witnessed this scene. This is why Mu Yexiao is biased against Nan Feng. He's a Prince, and it's only normal for him to favor the adorable one.

However, Qian Jiujiu thought Nan Feng was the better looking one. On the other hand, Mu Yexiao was bewildered by Qian Jiujiu's gaze which continued to linger on his two guards.

"Qian Jiujiu, what's wrong with my guards?"

His words had awakened Qian Jiujiu from her reverie. She seemed nervous after she was called out. Oh, no! Did I just insensibly stare at his lover in front of him?

She let out a dry cough, trying to relieve her awkwardness. "I'm only wondering when they will pass me my set of cutleries. I don't think you want to starve me right, Your Highness?

"After all, I'm your partner. Are you not worried that I'll die in that house? Then, what should you do with your legs?"

Mu Yexiao got further confused. He looked at Qian Jiujiu and asked, "Why will you die in that house?"

Qian Jiujiu could not help but roll her eyes. "What if the house collapses in the middle of the night and kills me?"

Mu Yexiao was taken aback by her words. He let out a dry cough as he glared at Qian Jiujiu. What's wrong with this woman?

Why does she think that the house will collapse just after a one-night stay?

Qian Jiujiu stared at Mu Yexiao quietly, and her expression grew unexpectedly solemn. "Your Highness, I'm telling you that I will not move into that house."

"If you refuse to place me at another house, I'll stay here with you."

Mu Yexiao pondered upon her request. Qian Jiujiu seems positive that I'll not fight back.

He threw Qian Jiujiu a glance, and realized that she had already grabbed his chopsticks and started eating.

Dong Chen could no longer hold back his anger. Knowing that His Highness had noticed Qian Jiujiu's unruly action, he shouted, "Qian Jiujiu, that's so rude of you! How can you use His Highness' cutleries!"

As if she had done nothing wrong, Qian Jiujiu answered, "I told you to get me my own cutleries. Moreover, I haven't eaten for the entire day."

"I'm starving. If I'm to die, I want to die with my stomach filled."

Her answer infuriated Dong Chen. "Your Highness, look at what she's doing!"

Mu Yexiao turned to look at Qian Jiujiu, and found that her cheeks were puffed up as she chomped her food like a chipmunk.

Although she had used his chopsticks, he was not upset at all. Instead, he found Qian Jiujiu's candidness rather adorable.

As the idea hit him, Mu Yexiao intuitively furrowed his brows, while Dong Chen continued to mumble at the side.

Mu Yexiao waved his hand and stopped Dong Chen. "Bring another set of cutleries here, and bring her to Bixiao Pavilion after this."

Before Qian Jiujiu could react, Dong Chen was yelling in surprise, "Your Highness, you allow her to stay in Bixiao Pavilion?"

Qian Jiujiu was flabbergasted by Dong Chen's reaction. Where is Bixiao Pavilion? Why shouldn't I be allowed to live there?