Chapter 15 - Thanks To Elder Sister For Your Blessing

"How dare you! You slave is so audacious. Are you trying to get the Qian family into a difficult situation?"

Hong Ling's voice was loud enough to startle the butler. "This lady you must not spout nonsense. When did I get my Master into a difficult situation?"

Witnessing that the butler was trying to deny, Hong Ling instantly snorted. "Correct me if I'm wrong. Weren't you trying to ask our Princess Consort to pay her respect to the Old Madam?"

"Our Princess Consort is a legitimate Princess Consort included in the Royal Family tree. How about the status of your Old Madam? How could the Old Madam do such a disrespectful thing without considering her status difference as a subject?"

"Your bad communication skills led your Master in a difficult situation. Luckily Minister Qian is merciful enough. If you were working in the Xiao Manor, I bet you must have been beaten up to death."

As Qian Jiujiu witnessed Hong Ling demonstrating her power, she felt a surge of excitement. As for Qian Manor, the original owner was only back a few days before she got married.

Hence, she was not very familiar with the Qian Manor, however, these few days the butler had not treated her well.

As of now, the butler's forehead perspired with beads of sweat and they began to trickle down. The servant from the Xiao Manor was indeed haughty.

Upon finishing her sentence, Hong Ling quickly summoned a quick-witted pageboy to dash in to inform the Old Madam about the situation outside the entrance.

As Old Madam heard that, she slammed a cup onto the ground out of anger. "What does this b*stard mean? Is she trying to make me kneel before her?"

Not to mention the Old Madam, even Qian Yuge, and Madam Qian felt rather discomfort in their hearts. Besides, Minister Qian had also been informed about this matter.

He then strode over to Old Madam's courtyard. "Mother, it's different now. This girl is indeed Princess Consort Xiao. Even if it's for the purpose of putting up a show, we will still have to go out."

"Besides, the girl does not show up during the matter just now. I bet she must have been under the control of the people from Xiao Manor. Thus, it's better for us to head over."

"Otherwise, if Lord Xiao were to look into this matter, we will get into trouble. Lord Xiao is adored by the Emperor, not to mention that now that he is hurt, if the Emperor found out that we gave the people from the Xiao Manor a cold shoulder, His Majesty will be enraged."

Although these ladies were reluctant, they knew that Minister Qian had a point. Therefore, they rose to their feet and walked toward the main entrance to welcome Princess Consort Xiao in.

Along the way, Qian Yuge revealed an unpleasant expression. Madam Qian noticed it out of the corner of her eyes, hence she could not help but tug at Qian Yuge's arm.

"Yuge. I don't care what you're thinking about but please don't act like before when you meet Qian Jiujiu later."

Qian Yuge snorted in a discontented manner. "She has merely collected useless garbage. Let's see how arrogant she can get."

Madam Qian looked daggers at Qian Yuge. "It's okay to say this statement in front of us. But if others were to hear that, we will get into trouble for being disrespectful to the Royal family."

"Moreover, you'll be taking that position in the future. Qian Jiujiu is merely the dust on the ground so you don't have to lower yourself to the same level as her."

Although Qian Yuge was filled with displeasure, she had no choice but to obey her mother's words.

"Alright, Mother, you can rest assured. Worse comes to worst I'll just ignore her."

Although Qian Yuge told that to her mother, she did not really mean what she had mentioned. Is this b*tch really expecting me to pay my respect to her!

Just you wait! I won't let you off easily. As these thoughts ran through her mind, they had already arrived at the main entrance. While at this moment in time, Qian Jiujiu was still waiting in her carriage.

The Qian family members felt a little displeased at that instant. Hong Ling appeared as though she had not realized the look on these people's faces. She gradually lifted the curtain of the carriage.

"We're here, Princess Consort. Kindly make your way down."

Qian Jiujiu drew a glance at Hong Ling gingerly before looking at the people standing by the main entrance, waiting to welcome her in. Her hands quivered all of a sudden, revealing the unpresentable side of her.

Qian Yuge looked Qian Jiujiu in the eye as the corner of her mouth curled up, letting out a sneer. "Indeed she is still unpresentable like always. It seems like the servant is an expert."

Qian Jiujiu got off the carriage and walked toward Old Madam and the rest of them. Looking at Minister Qian and others, she felt the urge to kneel down. She looked as though she was scared witless.

However, just as she made her first move, she heard Hong Ling coughing from the side as she supported Qian Jiujiu to rise to her feet.

"Princess Consort, be careful when you walk. Don't lose your manners."

Just as what Qian Yuge had thought about just now. What if Qian Jiujiu is Princess Consort? She will still have to kneel down before us. A b*tch remains a b*tch.

Even if she is clad in an imperial robe, she still does not look like a crown prince. Qian Yuge snorted as she paid her respect to Qian Jiujiu alongside Old Madam, Madam Qian, and others.

"Greetings to the Princess Consort."

The tip of Qian Jiuji's mouth slightly curled. "Everyone just gets up, let's talk inside."

A group of people walked in and headed toward the hall of Old Madam's residence. Qian Yuge cast a glance at Hong Ling. "This lady, could you please excuse yourself for a bit so we could have a conversation with our younger sister?"

This remark was clear-cut as it signified for Hong Ling to make a move. Hong Ling frowned as she advised, "Princess Consort, your humble servant will wait for you outside. Please do not forget your identity."

"Do not damage the reputation of the Xiao Manor."

Qian Jiujiu's body trembled as she responded, "I, I know what to do."

As Qian Jiujiu watched the figure of Hong Ling walking out, she lifted her head to face the people in the room. Old Madam Qian had already sat on the main seat at this moment.

She was waiting condescendingly for Qian Jiujiu to pay her respect to her! As for Minister Qian, he was standing by the side with his wife standing next to him.

Madam Qian was clad in a red dress, revealing a standard's wife demeanor. If it was not for her sarcasm, she actually gave off a feeling as though she was a kind matron to others.

While standing right beside Madam Qian was Qian Yuge, who was the prettiest lady in the Capital. She was dressed in cloud-like clothing with butterflies sewn on it, coupled with a jasper, golden buyao on her head.

She wore a pair of red jade beads earrings. Her skin was as fair as jade while her mouth was delicately small and her eyebrows were curved elegantly. All was perfect except for her angry face which was suppressed. Qian Jiujiu could not help but let out a sneer.

It's a waste to have such a beautiful look! Qian Jiujiu hung her head low, trying to control her emotions. Just then, she slowly spoke out, "Greetings to Old Madam Qian, Madam Qian, and Minister Qian."

For sure, Qian Jiujiu was unwilling to address these people as her great-grandmother, etc. as those were appellations for family members. However, these people obviously did not treat her as part of them, so there was no need for her to address them as such.

Moreover, looking at their matter-of-fact facial expressions made her feel the urge to throw up.

Minister Qian hummed as he gave Qian Jiujiu a sidelong glance before directing his gaze toward Old Madam Qian.

"Mother, since you're here to serve Princess Consort, I'll make a move first to attend to my official tasks."

Old Madam Qian responded with a tone of acknowledgment. Just then, Minister Qian left, leaving the ladies in the room. Both Madam Qian and Old Madam Qian exchanged looks with each other, then they let out a cough or two before starting to say something.

"Jiujiu, how have you been in the Xiao Manor?"

Qian Jiujiu looked up and shot a glance at Madam Qian. Just then, she quickly lowered her head, replying, "His Highness treats me well."

Upon hearing that, Qian Yuge who lacked manners immediately chimed in, "His Highness will definitely treat you well. As for you, the b*tch who is able to make a match with him, it must be a great blessing accumulated from past lives."

Hearing Qian Yuge's words, Qian Jiu Jiu mumbled a tone of acknowledgment before saying, "Thanks to Elder Sister for your blessing."

"Shut up, who is your elder sister? You've quite a long life, not to mention Lord Xiao who has a tough life."

"It's such a miracle to think that a malefic Lone Star like you couldn't kill him."

Qian Yuge was in a bad mood, extremely unpleasant mood because this b*tch actually expected them to pay their respect to her at the main entrance just now.

She let out a sneer. "B*tch, let me ask you a question. Your identity was exposed in the Xiao Manor but why are you still alive?"

Qian Jiujiu looked up, staring at Qian Yuge with a surprised look. "What do you mean by that, Lady Qian?"

Qian Yuge hummed before replying, "What do I mean? Isn't Lord Xiao famous for being decisive in killing? You're so lucky to be alive for not being killed after he found out that you are a disaster."

Qian Jiujiu was rendered speechless. Qian Yuge claimed to be the prettiest lady and indeed, this was a fact. However, as for being the most talented lady, it must be a lie, judging from her problematic mindset.

How does she actually earn the reputation of being talented?

Qian Jiujiu could not help but mock her secretly. She sent someone to death and luckily I managed to survive. Now that I'm paying my first visit home after marriage, I was asked why I am not dead yet!

Is anyone more pathetic than me? Qian Yuge's remark had resulted in her being tongue-tied. As a result, she could only ask faintly, "Are you disappointed that I'm not dead?"

Qian Yuge showed a matter-of-fact expression on her face. "Of course, I was thinking of sending you to death initially, how could you return alive?"

As expected by Qian Jiujiu, she snorted before uttering, "Since you want me to die, I purposely won't die so I can piss you off."

"How dare you! What did you just say?"

Qian Yuge was almost upset to death by Qian Jiujiu's utterances. Never had she thought that Qian Jiujiu would dare to talk to her as such! She must be looking for death.

Just as she thought of slapping Qian Jiujiu, Qian Jiujiu took a step backward. "Who is the audacious one here? Are the upbringing of the Qian family members like this? I'm at least someone with high quality."

"Do you all just allow her to talk back to me as she pleases? This is too absurd! Even before I stepped in, she has been cursing me to death or maybe this is the wish of the Qian family?"

As Qian Yuge was about to say something, Madam Qian interrupted after snorting, "Princess Consort has turned so haughty after gaining power. Are you trying to show off in the Qian Manor?"

Qian Jiujiu blinked her eyes. "What are you talking about, Madam Qian? You're my mother on paper! Oh, not to forget our great-grandmother. Have you forgotten about it?"

"I'm returning as the Eldest Young Lady of the Qian Manor! Do you all know who this person is? She keeps on talking back at me."

Madam Qian was taken by surprise. As she stared at Qian Jiujiu, she could feel that she was totally different than she used to be. She observed Qian Jiujiu when she kept silent, realizing that a hint of guilt was flashing through her eyes.

It seems like someone had taught Qian Jiujiu to say such words! Could it possibly be a message from the Xiao Manor?

Indeed, Madam Qian had over-thought it. As for Qian Yuge, she was extremely infuriated, hence she immediately stood out, pointing at Qian Jiujiu.

"You b*tch, are you trying to take my identity?"