Chapter 19 - Smelly Fart

Both Qian Jiujiu and Lord Xiao could see through Minister Qian's doubt in his eyes. However, both of them could not be bothered to help resolve Minister Qian's problems.

Mu Yexiao called out Qian Jiujiu amicably, "Princess Consort, what are you waiting for? Are you reluctant to leave this place?"

Qian Jiujiu stuck out her tongue. Who would want to stay here for long? It's full of scheming since I entered just now. She hated that the most as she was someone who preferred a simple and carefree lifestyle.

She chuckled in the direction of Mu Yexiao. "What are you talking about? I'm coming now."

As Qian Jiujiu said that, she turned around to face Minister Qian. "Father, please take good care of yourself. I have to leave now."

Minister Qian could sense Third Prince's glare. No way! I can't let them go so easily. As such, he immediately yelled, "Please wait for a moment, Your Highness and Princess Consort."

"Whose daughter will not stay for lunch after returning home from marriage. If so, others will perceive that we don't like Princess Consort. We can't let this happen."

Qian Jiujiu gazed at Mu Yexiao in confusion. I didn't know that the Great Zhou dynasty has such a tradition though. She was merely an outsider so it was only natural that she was unaware of such a thing.

Hence, all she could do was to look at Lord Xiao. It happened that Mu Yexiao misunderstood her real intention. That's right, Qian Jiujiu is merely a daughter of the concubine, for sure she craves for recognition from the Qian family.

With that in mind, he nodded. "Alright, since we are already here, let's pay a visit then. Princess Consort, let's enter together."

Mu Yexiao could move the wheelchair himself on flat ground while for slopes, he could utilize his martial arts to make the wheelchair fly up.

However, he could not reveal this side of him under the watch of so many people. Hence, when we made his way into the residence, Nan Feng and Dong Chen were directly responsible for carrying him in the wheelchair.

Upon the arrival of Lord Xiao, naturally, Madam Qian and others including Qian Yuge and Old Madam Qian would have to pay their respect to him.

"Greetings to Your Highness."

"Greetings to Your Highness."

"Greetings to Your Highness."

They paid their respect to Lord Xiao one after another. As Qian Jiujiu listened to Qian Yuge's melodious and appalling voice, she made a disapproving tone. She was so ferocious when she was accusing me just now, but look at her now!

Mu Yexiao shot a glance at Qian Jiujiu. Her oblivious look that pretended that she had not seen or heard anything amused Lord Xiao.

She could clearly tell that the voice that Qian Jiujiu made was right after the young lady spoke. Hence, he could not help from glancing at the young lady.

As he came to an understanding, he assumed that this lady must be the pampered child of the Qian family, Qian Yuge. With that, the corner of his mouth curled up as he gave Qian Yuge a stare.

"Is this young lady your daughter as well, Minister Qian?"

Listening to Lord Xiao's question, Qian Yuge felt a surge of elation. As expected, being stunning can attract attention easily. Qian Yuge thought to herself.

She then lifted her head to throw an alluring glance at Mu Yexiao but she did it surreptitiously. In her point of view, she was considered very careful with her actions.

However, Qian Jiujiu witnessed all her actions. She then sneered and rolled her eyes. She didn't want to get married to him by all means but now she is trying to seduce him!

Is anyone sure that Qian Yuge is not a st*pid person? Mu Yexiao had certainly seen Qian Yuge's luring glance at him, hence he sneered in his heart. How dare this lady even dream of that position?

He could not help but suppress his laughter as he looked at Minister Qian, waiting for his reply. Minister Qian was certainly aware of the conversation among these ladies in the Heshou hall.

He caught a glimpse of Qian Jiujiu awkwardly. Qian Jiujiu curled her lips, revealing an unconcerned look on her face.

Minister Qian knew from her expression that he could not control this daughter of his anymore, hence he said, "This is the niece of my wife. Now that Yuge is married to Xiao Manor, I purposely send someone here to accompany my wife for a period of time."

Mu Yexiao lifted his eyebrows. "What's her name?"

When Qian Yuge heard Lord Xiao asking for her name, she appeared rather delighted as she directed her gaze at Qian Jiujiu.

As for Qian Jiujiu, she found Qian Yuge rather hilarious. Doesn't she know that His Highness was trying to confirm her new identity? From today onward, she will not be associated with the title as the daughter of the first wife in the Qian family.

Minister Qian was dumbfounded for a bit. He then looked toward Mu Yexiao before replying, "Her name is Wang Wan'ge."

Mu Yexiao murmured in agreement. "How is the preparation of the lunch so far, Minister Qian?"

Upon saying that, Mu Yexiao looked at the Third Prince with an astonished look. "Ah, Third Brother is here too. I have just seen you here. I'm so sorry about that. I hope you won't mind."

"But why is Third Brother here today?"

Mu Yesheng's facial expression changed instantly. "It just so happened that I have something to discuss with Minister Qian. I'm about to make a move. I better not disturb your family reunion."

Once the Third Prince said that, he turned around and left directly without giving others a chance to persuade him to stay. Upon seeing that the Third Prince had left, Minister Qian heaved a sigh of relief.

"Your Highness, your lunch is done, please."

Inside the hall of the Qian family, a screen was used to divide it into two with each side placing a table. One side was used to serve His Highness, Mu Yexiao while another side was to serve Princess Consort, Qian Jiujiu.

However, the table Qian Jiujiu was sitting on was not as happening as Mu Yexiao. Qian Jiujiu could tell that Minister Qian was currying favor with Mu Yexiao since he sat down.

Pouting her lips as she listened in on their conversations, she began to lose her appetite. With a sigh, Qian Jiujiu lowered her head, preparing to drink her soup. Just as she was about to drink her soup, she could sense a weird smell coming from the soup.

Qian Jiujiu frowned. They can't wait to lay their hands on me?

She put on a smile all of a sudden as she fixed her gaze at Qian Yuge. "Elder cousin sister, this is our first time seeing each other! Therefore, I will like to grant you this bowl of soup."

After giving it a sniff, she knew that the ingredients added into the soup were not poisonous, instead, it was something used to embarrass others by farting perpetually.

Well, Mu Yexiao was handicapped so her life or death was not the main concern. All they wanted to achieve was for her to experience an embarrassing moment so she would not dare to lift her head in front of the people in the Qian family.

Even if it was for her to embarrass herself in front of Mu Yexiao. That was good enough.

However, they miscalculated Qian Jiujiu's competency in medical skills. Such a thing will never be able to scheme her!

Once Qian Jiujiu's voice subsided, Qian Yuge's eyes were wide open, looking astounded.

Looking at the change of Qian Yuge's facial expressions, Qian Jiujiu was a little upset. "Why? It's your pleasure to be granted this. Are you trying to reject it?"

Now that you have said so, can she still reject you? Madam Qian furrowed her brow, looking extremely anxious. If she were to reject it, then this would provide you an opportunity to condemn her, right?

To be honest, Madam Qian was not aware that the bowl of soup was prepared by Qian Yuge ahead of time to embarrass Qian Jiujiu. If she knew about it, she would not think that way.

"Wan'ge, quickly drink it up."

The resentment in Qian Wan'ge's heart was inexplicable. She was thinking of taking it over and finding a way to spill it. As she was deep in her thoughts, Qian Jiujiu's voice resounded in the air.

"Hong Ling, serve the soup to Lady Wang. Don't spill it."

Hong Ling immediately rose to her feet. "Yes, Princess Consort."

As she was responding to Qian Jiujiu, she took the bowl of soup to the front of Qian Yuge right. "Lady Wang, please help yourself."

Qian Yuge's eyes bored at the bowl of soup bitterly. Just then, Hong Ling pushed the bowl closer to her. "Madam Wang, please."

Perturbed by the scene, Madam Qian gave Qian Yuge a stare. Drink it up quickly! "Wan'ge, this is bestowed upon you by Princess Consort. Quickly drink it up."

As Qian Yuge heard what Madam Qian had said, she took over the bowl and finished it up in one go.

She then directed her gaze at Qian Jiujiu. "Thank you very much for your kindness. Your humble servant is not feeling well. Could you allow me to dismiss myself so I can get some rest?"

Qian Jiujiu blinked her eyes. "Ah, you're not feeling well. Hurry up and call for an imperial physician."

"Ow! Look at your pale face, you look rather sick."

Listening to Qian Jiujiu, Madam Qian began to look worriedly at Qian Yuge. "Wan'ge, what happened to you? Let me get you a physician right away."

The commotion at this side caused a stir and attracted the attention of the people on the other side of the screen. Mu Yexiao's voice reverberated around the atmosphere swiftly.

"What's going on there, Princess Consort?"

Qian Jiujiu felt a sense of warmth upon hearing Mu Yexiao's words of concern. "Your Highness, could you please summon Nan Feng to get an imperial physician? It seems like Lady Wang is not feeling well."

As Mu Yexiao found out that Qian Jiujiu was alright, he felt a sense of relief. It was alright to call for the imperial physician after all. "Go now, Nan Feng."

The surrounding people who witnessed the scene had their own thoughts in mind at this instant. It seemed like Qian Jiujiu played an important role in Mu Yexiao's heart.

Otherwise, why would he summon Nan Feng to call for the imperial physician straight away? Just then, the hall was filled with an almost never-ending sound. Puff!

Following that, there was an unpleasant smell spreading across the room. Qian Jiujiu frowned. She felt she had made the wrong decision for not allowing Qian Yuge to excuse herself first. Such a smelly fart is great torture to the nose!

Madam Qian looked daggers at Qian Yuge in astonishment. How could she embarrass herself in front of the crowd?

Madam Qian was not a dense person, hence, she came to a realization of that bowl of soup just now. Just as everyone was shocked and annoyed, another puffing sound resonated across the atmosphere

Minister Qian was enraged. "What is going on? Who is that?"

As it was separated by a screen, he could not tell who did that but never had he thought that his eldest daughter whom he placed great expectations on would be the one farting.

Qian Jiujiu let out a couple of coughs. "Lady Wang, it seems like your condition doesn't allow you to stay here. Quickly leave first before the smell spread to His Highness."

"I wonder what you have eaten. Why is the smell so strong?"

As she uttered those words, she waved her hands before her nose as an indication of being disgusted. Qian Yuge was infuriated to a point where her face was as pale as a ghost.

Due to her sudden impulse, she pushed the screen, causing the screen to topple. The situation on this side was immediately exposed. While at this moment in time, Qian Yuge farted again.

As Hong Ling witnessed the scene, she yelled, "Lady Wang, what are you trying to do? You're lucky that Princess Consort forgave you for being offensive, now you are trying to offend His Highness instead?"