
'The wind blows as hard as to destroy those delicate brush, how unexpected is not it?' "

-You're right friend, I would have liked to spend more time with you. So this is goodbye?

-If friend, I don't have time left, I think I'm going to die in one way or another. Until we meet again in the afterlife !! ........ .....



[Kaito] =So I died .... I don't feel anything, so is it like dying? ... Anyway, at least it's quiet here ...

(voz)=¡¡NO !!, you still don't have to end your destiny ... Don't you think so?

[Kaito]= I don't know, maybe Yes or No? .... The truth is I don't know perfectly ... I just want an adventure but .... That is no longer possible ... Isn't it so, God?

(God)= hahahaha so you already knew heeee? .. I think I like you young

[kiato]= And you to my God, what does God want me to talk to a mere mortal? ...

(God)= The truth I have seen all your life and the truth I felt a little angry about how I treat you the human world, And I want to propose a deal to you What do you say?

[Kaito]= I really can't turn down a deal from God Himself and tell me what it's about.

(God) = I'll be direct boy don't you like to reincarnate and be a god?

[Kaito]= I just can't find how to decline the offer Mr. God, I only have a request if it's not a hassle

(God)= Tell me boy, don't worry, I'll try to do it if it's at my disposal

[Kaito]= I just want you to take away my emotions and just leave me my memories

(God)= ¿Are you sure of what you say? ... I can fulfill it but did you want that request?

[Kaito] = If the truth if I have emotions it can be a hindrance for future elections..

(God)= ¡¡Then it will be !! ... take care, I wish you the best

[Kaito]= Goodbye and thanks for everything.


-Unknown place-

[Daishinkan]= ¡¡Congratulations !! ... You have been created by the tree of Life ... I present myself my name is Daishinkan I am is supreme priest and assistant to Zeno Sama THE KING OF ALL

[Kaito]= A pleasure Daishinkan Sama, if you allow me, what is my purpose for my creation? ... (It seems that I am in the Dragon Ball universe? .... It is good not to have emotions so I can make decisions with)

[Daishinkan]= First I will give you a name, it would be very impolite not to have a name in front of Zeno Sama

[Kiato]= I get it

[Kaito]= If you allow me to add I would like to create my own name, if it is not a nuisance Daishinkan Sama

[Daishinkan]= It is not a bother at all, although I must tell you that you are before having your name

[Kaito]= Got it, thanks and please continue

[Daishinkan]= Comenzaré ... Eres especial ya que parece que el árbol te dio una extraña gen, eres mitad ángel y mitad shin, Ambas razas tienen ki divino, pero la del ángel te da habilidades unicas. Now tell me the name you want to have

[Kaito]= If I may wish to have the name of Kaito .. (I see I'm half angel half shin that explains my aurolea on my head and my silky skin)

[Daishinkan]= So, a pleasure to meet you Kaito San, let's continue to the palace and do not make Zeno Sama wait

[Kaito]= ¡¡HAÍ!!






[Daishinkan]= Zeno Sama I have brought the person who gave the tree of Life

[Zeno Sama]= Hi, what's your name?

[Kaito]= My name is Kaito, Zeno Sama. What is the purpose of my existence? ..... (I have a little idea of ​​what he is going to say)

[Zeno]= He creado el Universo 0 pero no tengo a nadie con quien dejarlo, ¿Te interesa jugar un poco es ese universo?

[Kaito]= Con todo respeto Zeno Sama creo que no puedo, no tengo fuerza para cuidar un universo

[Daishinkan]= In that Kaito San is wrong, you were born with great power, currently your power would be below Me and Zeno Sama.

[Kaito]= Don't notice that, an apology Zeno Sama

[Daishinkan]= But before you go fences I will train you enough since despite having all that power you don't know anything about fighting and you can't control your abilities.

[Zeno]= I leave it to your care Daishinkan and Kaito San, come back to play

[Daishinkan]= This is how Zeno Sama will be done, I will take Kaito San for 200 years so that he can do his work.








[Daishinkan] = With this concludes your education and training Kaito San

[Kaito]= I understand Thank you for everything Daishinkan, he considered him as a father to me for everything he has done for me (although I have no emotions it seems that my heart ends up fond of him)

[Daishinkan]= And I consider you as a son to me Kaito San, all you need to do is introduce your assistant and send you to your universe, let's go with Zeno Sama, your assistant is there, there is Kaito San

[Kiato]= Understood then, let's not wait any longer



[Daishinkan]= Zeno Sama, Kaito San is ready for his job

[Zeno]= Sugoi, Kaito San Are you ready to play in that universe?

[Kaito]= Yes Zeno Sama, I'm more than ready for the order that you give me

[Daishinkan]= This is Zeno Sama, currently Kaito San is the second strongest of all the universes

[Zeno]= Sugoi, Kaito San then you are ready take a sweet, Have fun in the universe 0

[Kiato]= Thanks for the sweet so I will do my duty just like Zeno Sama said

[Daishinkan]= So follow me Kaito San I will introduce you to your assistant







[Ron]= Welcome father, Kaito San, I am glad Ron is your assistant, I am here to serve you

[Kaito]= Nice to meet you Ron I am Kaito I am The new God of Destruction of the universe 0 I am in your care

[Daishinkan]= It seems that they already met, I retire and luck in your universe and one last thing your universe is twice the size of normal universes, Bye







[Kaito]= Sorry if I'm indifferent but I wasn't born with emotions

[Ron]= Don't worry Kaito Sama doesn't worry me at all, if you let me say I think it helps you in your decisions like Hakaisin

[Kaito]= If so then let's tackle my planet from my universe

[Ron]= ¡¡Understood Kaito Sama!!