Llegada al Universo 0

[Ron]= Kaito Sama we have reached universe 0, about 10 minutes away is your planet ... Do you want to go there or do you want to start doing your job?

[Kaito]= Let's start, let's visit the gods, right?

[Ron]= As you order Kaito Sama, We will go to Asgard, In that place is Odin he is a mid-range God






[Kaito]= We got there faster than I thought, it only took us 3 minutes to get here

[Ron]= That's right sir not for nothing I am your assistant

[Kaito]= You're right let's pay a visit to that Odin


[Kaito]= Hmp? .... Don't you know who you're talking to?



[Kaito]= Let's keep moving forward Ron

[RON]= "Hai"Kaito Sama





[Kaito]= "¿Old Odin are you here? ".... I have come to give a little salute to the northern galaxy

[Odin]= ¿Who are you? And what are you doing in Asgard?

[Ron] = I'll take care of this Kaito Sama .... Mr. Odin is currently facing Hakaisin, is that enough?

[Odin]= Wh ..... QUEEEEE !!!! ... Please forgive this stupid who dared to insult Hakaisin Sama

[Kaito]= Don't worry, I'm in the mood today so give me a good banquet and I won't exterminate you from here. Doesn't that seem like a good deal to you?

[Odin]= It is an excellent deal, please wait a few minutes when they prepare a banquet worthy of you

[Odin]= !!ROSSWEISSE !!!!! ..... We have a special guest tell the chefs to prepare a feast with the best of asgard

[Rossweisse]= at your command Odin Sama.

[Rossweisse]= A question Odin Sama, I can know who are those two people over there? ... (especially the one on the right is too beautiful ..... I'm thinking I'm Odin Sama's guests)

[Odin]= Rossweisse more respect please .... The one on the right is HAKAISIN and the one on the left is ...

[Ron]= I am Ron the assistant of Kaito Sama, I am at your disposal

[Rossweisse]= E ... he ..... He is HAKAISIN an apology, I beg your forgiveness I don't want to die !! I WILL DELIVER MY BODY AS PAYMENT FOR YOUR FORGIVENESS!!!!!!

[Kaito]= I don't want any of that just give me your food and if it's not good I'll just destroy you like that. Was it clear?








[Kaito]= It's too delicious everyone is forgiven

[Ron]= Without a doubt Kaito Sama, have you already tried dragon meat with that dessert called pudding?

[Kaito]= If it's excellent ... Hey Odin where we found that dessert called pudding !!

Odin= Hakaisin Sama are at the coordinates 1390,1289 is a planet known as DxD

[Kaito]= Rum look it up I want to try more of that delicious pudding

[Ron]= ¡¡HAI Kaito Sama!!

[Ron]= ¡¡I already found it Kaito Sama !! .... It seems that this planet is inhabited by dragons, dragon gods, angels, demons, yokais and mostly humans

[Kaito]= It seems interesting, if the pudding of that planet is as tasty as here I will not destroy it

[Kaito]= Let's go Ron I want to see it with my own eyes and if I don't like something I will simply erase it from existence

[Ron]=. At your command Kaito Sama

[Kaito]= Until next time Odin San






[Odin]= ...(They are gone ..... I need to warn everyone that HAKAISIN is heading to the planet .... I just hope they don't provoke it)

[Odín]= ¡¡ROSSWEISSE !! contact. to the three factions and tell them that the Hakaisin Sama will be on their planet in an hour, tell them to treat him Excellent if they will not disappear from existence

[Rossweisse]= It will be done as you indicate Odin Sama



[Ron]= Kaito Sama we come to the planet

[Kaito]= How boring is here we go to that place called Underworld






[Kaito]= Hello, is this the Underworld by any chance?

[Sirzechs]= If this is the Underworld, please pass Hakaisin Sama, await your arrival and prepare a large amount of pudding

[Kaito]= I like you boy tell me your name

[Sirzechs]= Sorry for my lack of respect I introduce myself I am Sirzechs lucifer, one of the 4 maos of the Underworld a pleasure to meet you

[Kaito]= If we start eating anyway, this feast gets cold

[??]= ¿How did you get in? What are you doing at the Gremory mansion? and ¿who the hell are you?

[Sirzechs]=¡¡RIAAAASS !! ... Perhaps you want to be killed .... Please Hakaisin Sama it was not her intention to insult him that way I beg your forgiveness from my little sister !!

[Kaito]= Mmmmmm ..... Okay I will forgive her this time thanks to the delicious pudding you gave me just kneel down while I eat my pudding but it is the last time it is repeated.


[Rías]= Oni Sama pe ... but ~ "Slap" ~

[Sirzechs]= Sorry Rías but it is the only way for you to understand, do not anger Hakaisin Sama, Rías is just a 16 year old.

[Rias]= I understand Sirzechs Onii Sama





[Ron]= Kaito Sama food gets cold let's start eating

[Kaito]= You're right but I'm missing something ... mmmmm ..... I already know a foot recharger ... SIRZECHS !!. since you're kneeling get close I need a comfortable place to put my feet

[Sirzechs]= ¡¡YES HAKAISIN SAMA !!





[Kaito]= Haaaa so relaxing ~ "Crunch" ~ ... Ho it seems like I broke something from your head Are you okay? Doesn't it bother you to have your face on the floor?

[Sirzechs]= No Hakaisin Sama I'm fine it's an honor that you put your feet on my head

[Rías] = P ... p .. but Sirzechs Onii sama ....

[Sirzechs]= Don't say anything Rías leave it like that, nothing happens to me once

[Rías]= ¡¡¡B ... b ... But since nothing is going to happen to you Oni ​​Sama, you are bleeding a lot from the head !!






[Kaito]= I'm already satisfied, I'm leaving this planet, until next time and thanks for serving me as a cushion Sirzechs








[Sirzechs]= Rías calls the doctors and he is gone, it seems that I have a broken head and some ribs too or worse

[Rias]= Yes Oni Sama

End of chapter: v