A Stealthy Steal

On evening of the following day, the preparations for the banquet was underway. Fireworks were flashing in the sky above Flowershade. Tons of people were standing on rooftops to watch the colorful explosions from start to finish. But as their eyes were locked on the light-show, something was lurking in the shadows. A floating vehicle carrying two people cut through the wind toward the royal palace. It was being watched though, by a group of mysterious men through binoculars.

"Hmm! You were right! He's here.."

"My intel is never in doubt.."

"After him! We want him—better alive.."

"Ha ha ha ha ha!"

At the palace, the new Council, Gundolf Eisenhaur, gazed down at the city from the great castle's windows. Soon after, a special-class armored soldier approached him. "Are you accommidating well with the climate here, My Lord?" he asked.

"The fine enchantment of this city makes you fall in love with it despite the heat." Gundolf replied. "Look at this cathedral for instance. Elegant, yet whimsical in it's execution. A great example of Solheim's architecture. I hope the Emprror would come take a look upon it himself one day."

"Your speech yesterday was magnificent, your excellency." he said, changing the subject. "It seems you made quite an impression on the people of Flowershade as well.."

"That is enough, Judge Fons." Gundolf chuckled. "It is unlike you to fawn so."

Gundolf then glanced toward Fons from the corner of his eye. "Soon, the'll arrive for the banquet.." he said. "How is security faring? That shall be your only concern."

"Yes, sir." Judge Fons put his hand on his chest and took a stance. "Our defense is full of holes, your excellency."

"I see.." Gundolf smirked. "That's good to hear."

Meanwhile, near the castle's rear loading entrance, the guards were surveilling the goods for the banquet. Mr. Otho, one of the patrons of the ceremony had decided to begin early; so he dispatched his staff to deliver boxes of supplies into the castle's kitchen.

"You lot, hurry up and carry the cargo into the storage hall!" yelled one armored soldier.

"Ye—yes.." replied the laborer.

"No slacking!" yelled another soldier.

Otho's men resumed working while trying to keep their gaze low. They were soon interrupted by a little kid with orange hair. "Soooorrry.." he approached them. "I brought these new employees of Mr. Otho. He said you guys would need extra help.."

"I thought I recognized you from somewhere! You're Mr. Otho's young helper." said one of the laborers. "Your name is Talkid, isn't it?"

The four people Talkid brought assembled in line, and began carrying boxes as well. The laborers smiled, "You guys are a great help!"

"Sure, no problem!" the light-brown haired boy smiled back as he held the box from the laborer.

Jaden, Petra, Julia, and Eugene stepped into the castle. They went in a circle of carrying boxes from the enterence to the kitchen and back for few rounds. On each time, they inspected the rout around them for guards or obstacles. They planned for a quiet stealthy infiltration.



"We'll have to depend on Talkid to put us on the staff, first." Jaden told his comrades while discussing their plan back in Borg's tent. "Then, we clear our way inside."

"And how'd we do that?" Petra asked.

Eugene smirked in response, "There's one thing desert people can't resist."

"What?" Julia asked.

"Cold breeze.." Jaden replied.



While delivering the cargo inside, Eugene used his Sacred Arts to emit a freezing air that decreased the temperature indoors. A couple of minutes later, the guards started yawning, and then fell asleep altogether.

"Bingo!" Petra whispered triumphantly.

"Alright, let's move." Jaden stepped into the corridor, and entered into the hallway with the three in tow.

The four paved their way on the linear white marble hallway. Eugene was walking in front while still carrying a box, and the two girls right behind him. Jaden remained in the back to make sure they were not followed. Every now and then, he glimpsed at the Light Stone, checking if it would respond.

"Uhh..!" Eugene froze in place. "A guard coming our way..!"

A silver armored guard with a helmet, holding a spear was striding toward the four.

"Huh?!" he stood in confusion. "Is anyone in here..?!"

The guard continued his way, without detecting Eugene and the others as they ran to a corner.

That was close!, Jaden exhaled. We were lucky enough to get a detoure this time..

Jaden and the others resumed their way. The ceramic floor stretched forward with a right turn at the end. When glancing at it, Julia noticed a shadow of a soldier coming. "Wait..!" she halted.

"What..?" Eugene and Petra turned toward her.

"Hey, you there!" the fully armored guard spotted them.

—Shit!, Jaden bit his tongue.

The guard stood directly before them. Jaden and the two girls were at lost for words. Petra was on the verge of breaking out, and summoning her Knives of Light.

"Uhh, well.." Eugene scratched his head. "Sorry. I got lost when I was delivering this cargo. I must've taken the wrong way.."

"All of you?!" the guard stammered.

"Yeah, sir." Petra added. "This castle is really big!"

"Uhh—ha.." the guard got confused for a second, but shook himself off and said "In that case, I will show you the way!"

"Oh really? Thanks!" Petra forced a smile onto her face.

"H—how thoughtful of you, sir.." Julia let out an awkward laugh.

"Let me help you with that!" the guard grabbed the box that was with Eugene. "It seems heavy on you."

"Eh, not really. I got it—" Eugene tried to pull it back, but the box fell down.


"Haaa!" the guard saw the content of the box once it broke open. "Why is there weapons in your cargo?!"

Jaden and his comrades had no idea what was in the box. It turned out to be a pile of swords and daggers mixed in with bottles of drink. And now, they were in an unexpected pinch. How could they flee from this, Jaden didn't know.

"I shall report you!" the guard shouted. "What are these weapons?!"


"Ugh..!" Petra's knife found it's way into the guard's neck. Blood dripped out on his armor. And with a shocked face, he collapsed.

Eugene and Julia went pale. The man before them just took his last breath. Petra was also shaken up, but regained her composer. "C'mon! Let's get outta here." she began running.

Jaden and the other two soon followed the gothic girl through the hallway. But once they reached a turn, a group of seven armored soldiers spotted them.

"Stop right there!" they shouted.

"N—now what?!" Julia's cried.

"We fight!" Jaden summoned his and Eugene's swords.

"Drop the weapons or else!" one of the soldier readied his spear.

Jaden dashed toward him using [Sonic Leap], and his blade sliced the spear into two.


"Ahhhh!" the soldier fell down. The others took a fighting stance, ready to engage. "Kill them!" they charged at Jaden.

"So much for a stealthy steal.." Eugene sighed, and stepped to support his friend. "[Ground Swift]!"

~Slash! Clank!

"I knew this would happen.." Petra locked blades with one soldier.


"Close in on them!" yelled the guards. "Don't let them escape!"

In the heat of the battle, Julia's heart was beating in her throat. She couldn't do anything but shriek to the sound of metals hitting against one other.

This is scary!, she thought. I might die in here! But, if I don't do anything, I'd die for sure..

—— I have to fight, Julia forced her eyes open, and clenched her shivering fist.

"There's another one over here!" a group of guards charged at them from the rear.

"Shit, they brought backup.." Jaden said as two soldiers were closing on him.

"GET THEM!" the backup group attacked, but—


A purple transparent barrier electrocuted the squad the second they got near Julia. They all dropped to the ground.

"What the..?" one guard muttered.

"Good job, Safi!" Eugene gave her a quick thumbs-up.

"Let's get this over with!" Petra unleashed her [Raging Blast].


"BWAAAAAHHH!" the remaining soldiers got swept away with the bright white blast.

Jaden motioned to his comrades to keep running forward.

As the four made their way through the confusing castle's corridors, Jaden kept referring back to the Light Stone for any response.

Why isn't it blinking already?, he began to lose his patience. Grandpa Borg said it'll glow when we're close to the passage. But we're almost deep into the center of the castle!

"..C'mon.." he gritted his teeth as he ran.

"THERE THEY ARE!" a soldier emerged before them with a full heavily armored squad entailing him. "They're the ones who stabbed me and fled!"

"Yo—you're alive!' Julia and Eugene uttered happily.

"Uh—hello! He's our enemy!" Petra shot back.

"Yes, and I'll make sure I'll be the last living being you see!" the soldier pointed to the squad. "ATTACK!"

"HHHHAAAAA!" the heavy armored enemies charged against Jaden and his comrades.


~Clank! Clank! Clank!


"Dammit.." Petra's knives broke when she blocked the assault of one soldier. "These spears are stronger than the previous ones."

"Die, in the name of the Empire!' a soldier swang his spear at her.


"Uh..!" Petra evaded the attack due to Jaden's interference. His Engineblade collided with the thick spear.

"Guhhhaa!" Jaden pushed the enemy few steps farther, and unleashed another attack.

"[Sharp Nail]!" he pushed the tip of his blade forward and stang the guard with a single blow, and tossed him against the wall.


"The door is nearby." Jaden said. "We gotta stand our ground!"

The rest of the soldiers dashed against Jaden, but Eugene was preparing to counter. "System Call • Generate Blizzard Element • Floor • Adhere!"

The white ceramic ground transformed to a glacier floor with all the enemies feet froze in the ice. But the heavy armored soldiers didn't falter. They all started enchanting symbols in the air. And head-size fireballs were forged before them.

"What the—?" Eugene exclaimed.

"Mystic Arts!" Jaden's jaw dropped.

"Fire!" one of them signaled.


The fireballs flew toward Jaden and the others in high speed. But Julia stepped forward, and put her palms in front.


A purple barrier absorbed all the assaulting fireballs, and the following second, a group of purple colored fireballs emerged from the barrier and rained back at the guards.

"[Reflecta]!" Julia uttered.

"N—no way..!" one soldier shrieked.


"Safi for the rescue!" Eugene cheered.

"Thanks." she smiled back to him.

"Okay, let's move!" Jaden took off again.

The group maintained their pace, looking for the secret passageway to the treasure room.

"I really felt bad for that guard, though.." Eugene said. "He survived at first, but ended up getting burned.."

"Yeah, he was really friendly when we talked to him the first time." Julia added.

"You guys are lame, y'know that?" Petra replied.

The moment they passed across a left turn, Jaden noticed the Light Stone blinked.

"Wait." he halted, causing the others to crash into his back. "We're close."

Jaden stretched his hand that was holding the Stone. Once he directed it toward the left pathway, the Stone glowed blue.

"Oh!" Petra gasped. "It's that way!"

"C'mon, then!" Eugene went first.

The linear pathway wasn't different from any of the marble lined walls the four passed by before. In fact there were no apparent doors or windows. Jaden slowed his pace, trying to be thorough. He examined the walls for any possibility of finding a hidden switch.

Where is it?!, he palpated the walls around him. We can't just hit a dead end after all of this! That's not fair! But wait, isn't supposed to be underground? It's a treasure room after all. Maybe it's directly bellow us—!

"Ehh, Mado..!" Eugene's voice brought him back to his surroundings. But the golden-brown boy was pointing to the front. "Incoming.."

When Jaden gazed forward, his eyes widened. A total of three squads of both regular and heavy armored soldiers were closing in on them. But this time, they were accompanied by an even larger and thicker tank armored soldiers.

"Just like Grand Theft Auto!" Petra said. "The more stars you get, the tougher cops you face."

"Let's hope it's not as endless.." Jaden shot back, as he readied his sword.

"Uhh, guys.." Julia pointed toward another squad of soldier of different armor thickening emerging from behind. "They're coming our way.."

"Not again.." Eugene tightened his grip on the Blue-Rose Sword. "We'll lose all our Mana at this point.."

"We can't turn back now." Jaden dashed against the armored squad on the rear. "HAAAA!"

"Burn him!" the soldiers shot fireballs at him, but Jaden dodged them all.

The tank armored one slammed his heavy fist onto Jaden.

[Air Dash]!, he leaped up, negating the attack.

~Crush! Miss!

Jaden flipped his body in thin air, and charged against the tank armored soldier using an arial attack. "[ARIAL SWIFT]!"



The thick armored enemy took a slash from Jaden's Engineblade that made him lose balance. Jaden bounced into the middle of the squad.

"Close on him!" one of the soldiers yelled as they circled around him.

Jaden shifted his weight to his foot as he dashed forward with a blurring speed using [Sonic Leap].

~Clank! Slash! Slash!


A number of enemies dropped on the floor and others lost balance. But one heavy spear wielder found the chance and struck Jaden.


"Ugh!" Jaden took a hit in his flank.

"Mado!" Petra shouted.

"Whatch out!" Eugene threw away an enemy before he hit Petra.


"Majd, we're surrounded!" Julia's back was touching Eugene's. The circle surrounding them was getting tighter.

"Arial Element • Tornado Hole!" the light-brown haired boy unleashed a destructive storm that swept away the soldier squad.


"How about THIS!" Petra let out her [Raging Blast].



Another group of armored guards pushed against Petra, Eugene, and Julia.

"Haaaaa!" Julia brought up her shield, and it electrocuted the assaulting guards.


"Ouch.." Julia fell down on her knees.

"You're Mana is running out." Eugene tried supporting her.

"I think so.." she managed to utter.


On the other side of the hallway, Jaden struggled against the spear wielder.

"[Urmagidar]!" he rotated his body full-circle horizontally, and delivered a blow that gushed away most of the guards around him.


Jaden then glimpsed the tank soldier closing in on him. So, he picked the spear his enemy dropped.


That'll do, he raised the spear up high. And with one fluid motion, he threw it at the approaching soldier. "TAKE THIS!"


The spear struck the tank armored guard on the face. And through the obscuring helmet, blood splattered out. That scene horrified the remaining guards as they were vigilantly stepping backward.

On the other hand, Jaden was completely worn out. He leaned against the white wall to support his injured body.

I'm toast, he panted. My Mana is near zero. And this stupid stone is glowing for nothing! Where's that damn passageway?!

"..Don't call me then lock me out.." he muttered.


At that moment, the wall behind him started shaking and glowing bright. When Jaden turned his gaze, a segment of the wall laxed inward, and then quickly rotated itself upright; lodging Jaden inside in a second. "—Whoa!"

"What the—?" a soldier exclaimed.

"Where did he go?!" another one was turning in all directions.

"Huh?!" Eugene witnessed his friend disappeared into the marble wall. "Where did he go?!"

"That's not good.." Petra was struggling against an armored soldier.

"Ha ha! This is the end for you!" said the soldier

"I'm running out of Mana." he pushed the enemy away.

"We can't—we can't keep it up.." Julia could no longer stand on her feet. "SOMEBODY PLEASE HELP US!"



After she screamed, the ceiling above them crumbled down; throwing the armored soldiers off guard. But when the dust cleared, someone in a red worn out cloak emerged from the rubble.

"Eh.." Eugene noticed that the mysterious figure was looking straight at him.

"You were the one who took the box with the weapons, weren't you?" a male voice emanated from the unknown person.

"Ye—ah, but I dropped it at some point.." Eugene stuttered in fear. The last thing he wanted was to pick a fight with someone who had just crashed through the ceiling.

One of the soldiers behind the red cloaked man yelled "Hey, who are you, bastard?"

"Me?" the man's voice sounded extra intimidating.

He then raised his fist, and as he pushed it towards the soldier, a mass of energy enveloped it.


"I'm death!" a bright golden energy blast blew the guard out, and smashed him on the wall. "And I have come for you, Imperial scum!"

"H—he's an enemy! Take him down!" one soldier cried as the rest charged at him.

"That's not a place for fighting." said the man as he drew a symbol in the air, and then, put it on the ground.

A second afterwards, a yellow magic circle grew on the ground.

"Huh?!" Petra, Eugene, and Julia all covered their eyes as the glowing magic circle engulfed them in the bright white light.


When the light went down, the guards were the only ones in the hallway. Eugene and the two girls, along with the mysterious man vanished without a trace.

"They're gone?!" one soldier wondered.

"No, they must have taken cover somewhere nearby. Search for them!" the heavy armored one ordered.

Deep down below, Jaden's vision was hazy. He couldn't tell much, apart from the fact that he was lying on his chest on solid ground. The room around him was dim; as though it was lit with candles.

When he tried to rise his head up a little, Jaden glimpsed a person's feet. The moment he followed with his eyes, he spotted a girl with below the shoulders black hair, styled in a single braid. Mado recognized her immediately. She was someone he can never forget no matter how hard he tried.

—Mari!, his body froze in place.

"There's something about this musty place.." she spoke with soft nostalgic tone while wondering around. "It reminded me of our time back on that school. When we used to stay so late, and then wander in the dark halls."

"Remember?" Mari gazed back at Jaden with her deep green eyes. Her voice made his heart ache like it was stabbed by a thousand dagger. "I had to always hold onto your backpack when we head out 'cause I was scared.."

"Uh—uh.." Jaden couldn't get the courage to put anything into words. His insides squeezed as though they turned to a knot.

What's going on?!, his mind was running wild. My mind is playing tricks on me! Or, is she really here? Is that actually Mari? How could Mari be here in Lacrima?! Am I——dreaming?!

"Ma—!" Jaden tried to speak, but something fell on his head from above.


"Ouch!" he held his head as he groaned in pain on the floor. "Ouch! Ouch! Ouch! Ouch!"

Jaden opened his eyes once the pain subsided, and tried to get himself up.

"Huh..?" his jaw dropped. "Where did she go..?"

He looked all over the room, but there were no trace of her. Jaden wasn't even sure that Mari was just in front of him. The whole incident had clouded his mood.

Am I imagining things, or Mari is really here in Lacrima, too?, he frowned as he scrunched his heart side of his chest.


The ground vibrated, and shook Jaden out of balance. Then, a sound of metallic piece hitting the floor echoed all over the room. When he turned, Jaden realized that the thing that hit his head earlier was a fallen metallic piece.

Jaden picked the one next to his foot. "A silver pot?" he scratched the still throbbing back of his head. "Uh, wait a minute!"

After finally becoming aware of his surroundings, Jaden gawked at the room that he ended up in. "This is—the treasure room..!"

It was a square room with brown marble walls. Berrels and boxes filled to the mouth with gold and silver coins and jewels.

"That's insane!" he examined all the goods and fancies. "This can set me up for a lifetime!"

Get it together!, Jaden slapped himself.

He steered his head left and right, "Where's the Key..?"

The place was randomly arranged. Jaden couldn't decide where to start looking. He found no other choice but to use the Mana technique he learned from old-man Borg.

Here goes nothing, he exhaled; shifting his focus towards the Mana coursing through him. The faint thumping energy within him streamed peacefully with every breath. Then, within the darkness, a flicker sparked.

"Uh!" Jaden turned toward the corner. "Over there!"

A golden statue of a woman stood against the wall. Jaden walked up to the statue with his eyes searching for the Key.


The UI before him showed a window for him to press.

"About time for you being useful.." Jaden smiled as he tapped the window.


The golden statue riggored slightly before erupting wide. The head and chest area bloomed open like a flower. And a knife sized Key hovered out of the statue's head, and slowly rested on Jaden's palms.

"Ohh..?" his eyes widened in awe as the UI labelled the item as the «Golden Key of Azerrak».

"I got it..! Another Key.."

Jaden examined every centimeter of the Golden Key. Once he flipped it, he noticed a name engraved on it. "Alvin..." he said. "Must be that prince who found it first."


From the other side of the treasure room, a portion of the wall twisted, forming a new enterence. A sound of approaching footsteps reached Jaden's ears.

"Huh?!" he held tight onto the Key.

The guards!, he thought. They figured out where did I go. My HP dropped by half, and my Mana's almost run out. I wouldn't stand a chance at this point.

Through the new entryway, a person with black leather boots stepped in. He was wearing a white collar shirt underneath a golden vest, along with black pants, perfectly fitting his slender waist.

He's not dressed in any armor, Jaden stepped back cautiously. But if he's not a guard, what the heck he's doing here?

Jaden looked at the newcomer's face. He was a young man, roughly his age. He got a pale white face, a pair of sharp green eyes, and a slit back straight brown short hair with blond highlights The smug on his face felt natural that made Jaden uneasy.

"Quite the performance!" said the mysterious guy. "After carefully crafting the perfect script, I end up finding someone else, beating me to the grand prize.."

"..Wha—?" Jaden clenched his jaw.

"But why?" he sighed. "Why does it have to be a kid like you..?"

"Wh—who are you?" Jaden asked with his legs slightly shaking.

The mysterious guy cracked a smile. "Me..?" he stretched his hand as if expecting Jaden to hand him the key. "I play—the leading man of this show. Now, you may start to give a damn.."