Stay at Your Place

Everyone was already done eating their dinner. They all paid for their share then they stayed for a while as they looked at the time. It was already 10 minutes before 8PM.

"You guys have Discord, right," Arlo said and everyone nodded. "Nice! I shall make a server and everyone of us would be chatting there," the guy said excitedly then he opened his phone and proceeded with making the server for the five of them.

As Dharvey was drinking her water, Frey put her arm around Angeal then spoke.

"Dhav, may I ask why you are taking nursing?"


Upon hearing the question, Dharvey put her glass down then thought to herself for a moment before answering Frey's question.

When she decided on her course, she was unsure of what to take. Honestly she liked arts so much.

Whenever she drew portraits, or painted them, it gave Dharvey her own world. Other than being alone, whenever she held a pencil or a brush, it gave her inner peace—like she could be comfortable being with herself.