Without Judgments

Dharvey embraced herself, knowing that sooner or later, she is about to cry. Since she is alone in one of the places she finds comfort the most, she allowed herself to be vulnerable.

To Dharvey, she read on the internet quotes that Angela Abraham shared in descriptionari.com about sadness.

The lines that Dharvey read from her hit like home, making her save the quotes in her notepad of favorite quotes for her to read every now and then whenever she wanted to.

Dharvey couldn't count in her hand how many times she opened her notepad of quotes. She did it again while the music in her phone played, her eyes scanning to Angela Abraham's quotes about sadness.

"As the sadness comes you must love yourself as a good friend, treat yourself as a person you love, for then you will make it and the tough road will have been worth travelling with bare soles."