Begining Of Breath

Lets start with some questions . Questions that have some sense . Okk ! what is love ? We all know , what is love . But in this meaningful and fantastic world , the definition of love is totally deleted and disgraced .

okk ! Lets start with a realistic incident .

All this started in the month of Feb . 2019 . On Monday , Robin had to go to office and as usual that we all do in our daily life , he checked his phone and visited Facebook .There he found , A girl named Sona confirmed his request . Wow ! what a moment . He smiled with a cozy smile in bus and start a general conversation with Hii .

And after it , he moved to his office and put mobile in a self as usually he did . But there was a hope , the girl will reply . Dont know why , Robin had positive vibes about the girl , the girl will reply . Okk , the day passed and according to the positive vibes , Sona replied with a hello .

Now all of you would start thinking , its normal in this conversation . What's new in this ? But for a person like Robin , whose all messages had no reply even he had blocked by many girls . So this hello had a separate value that cant be deminished by anybody's opinion .Robin started to talk with some words , that everbody use when they talk to a unknown girl like , How r u , From where are you , etc. etc. It was a surprising incident for Robin , the girl was replying in a intresting manner . Wow ! what a day and God please don't spoil the relation . Everyone noticed , the girl only replied as a stranger , but our Robin , thought it a relation , Haha .