PRE 4: Wisps 101

There are a few things to note. There are 4 main types of Wisps, each with their unique dangers and multiplication.

Fire Wisps

Ghastly looking figures that emit heat. They are aggressive and explosive in nature, the most powerful attackers. They light up ashes, usually those of living creatures, to multiply. Roughly 1kg of ashes to spawn 2 more.

Frost Wisps

Do you know the condensed water vapour that forms when you open the fridge? That is what they look like, except denser. They freeze victims, then use their frozen corpses to spawn a new Wisp of any kind.

Blitz Wisp

They are cunning. They are the embodiment of electricity, and can zoom into electrical currents, meaning they can infiltrate cities. They are a real pain in the neck. Luckily, all electrical appliances have a built-in electromagnetic field, thus mitigating their advantage.

When they attack, there is a chance an unstable electromagnetic field will generate, and create a Blitz Wisp.

Shadow Wisps

These are the most terrifying. They can blend into shadows, hence the name. They also have more resistance to magnetic fields. However, this is not the scariest part. The most chilling part is the fact that they can inhabit a host. The host will start to rot and die on the inside, meanwhile the wisp has connected and started multiplying. When the host dies, he or she will release not 1, not 2, but hundreds of Shadow Wisps at once. When a Shadow Wisp enters your body, you have 5 seconds to get rid of it before it makes a connection with your mind and starts decaying your body.