002: First Step to Revenge

There is a force of elite people, not only in physical strength but having some of the brightest minds. They are EAWF, Elite Anti-Wisp Force, dealing with more dangerous situations. Throughout the years, Wisps have multiplied rapidly, and most form clusters (similar to hunting groups) that are very deadly. The magnetic wall of Brenrock City is very tough. However, 10 Wisps working in unison can easily bring down what is our Aegis to the apocalypse.

My dream was to join the Frontier Corps, those that handle Wisps on the frontline. However, only the most skilled and smart will join the Frontier Corps, and the EAWF is a pain to enter. Being a 15 year old, I am considered underage to be fighting frontline, especially since my brother works at the EAWF's Support Corp, which aids the frontline both medically and analytically (they are the comms, medics, and eyes in the sky). There is a silver lining in this situation. They regularly hold tests to allow people of all ages to take part in. The tests consist of physical fitness, knowledge about Wisps and how magnetic fields work, and mental stability. The last part might sound strange but it makes sense when you realise that backing out is not an option at times, and following team orders is what separates good from the best.

To prep for the test, since I had knowledge about technology, being an engineering student and all, and to keep my mind from the nightmares, I frequently have 5 km runs to let out all my inner frustration at times. The only problem was mental stability. My brother was extremely depressed (emotion) after the passing of my parents, however, I had developed depression (syndrome) and Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder, more commonly known as PTSD. I would have frequent nightmares that would keep me lying awake in bed, despite my heavy eyelids. Luckily, I have been seeing the local psychiatrist that treated patients who were mentally broken from the loss of his or her comrades in war. Mind you that this war has gone on for 5 years, and to live in war for 5 years is mentally straining, even for a sane individual. However, the catch was that my depression and PTSD have allowed me to build a much stronger mental resistance, and my psychiatrist even said he could see the improvement. It was more hiding emotions than it was accepting and letting go of the trauma.

I took the test. The 3 km run was easy, standard fitness tests were also fine. I aced the physical test. The IQ test was also easy. My passion and dedication for engineering really brought me a long way. Then came the mental stability test. We were asked questions and monitored using machinery and brainwave scans. I passed the test because I was stable and able to follow through despite my brain tearing me apart on the inside.

A Few Weeks Later...

One day as I was returning from school, I noticed a white envelope with the EAWP logo on the cover. I was expecting to be in the standard patrol team, where they monitor Wisp activity in and out the border, to prevent invasions if any. My heart raced as I opened the letter. As I unfolded the piece of paper, my eyes were drawn to 2 words. "Frontier Corps".

I smiled for the first time in a while