006: Breakout Pt 1 (The Intruders)

It was the next day. I spent those sleepless hours completing assignments for school. Yes, I still go to school. The Frontier Corps will only call me if they require immediate backup, if it is the weekends, or if there is a really bad situation. The next day was a Wednesday, and I told my brother about the dreams. The cool thing about my brother is that he is a support unit, meaning, he supports frontline, patrols and even surveillance. The last point was the real lifesaver to my situation. That is some serious foreshadowing, keyword being lifesaver. I went to school as per usual. On the way, I mustered my courage and talked to Elissa. Her eyes were still blue. Great. She looks so beautiful that day… I got carried away. That means there would be an intrusion. This Information was then reported to the Frontier Corps, so they would stay back to prevent any catastrophe. After all, they were the strongest of strong. As we were halfway into history class, we heard a siren sound from the emergency broadcast towers. "INTRUSION! INTRUSION! Please do not panic. Stay safe… ". Through my earpiece, I was told one of the FC members will aid me in protecting my school. The situation was bad.

"Everyone! Lock yourselves in the classroom! Do not leave unless necessary!" Using the earpiece, I gave an announcement to the whole school. Just in time, Jhin, the Frontier Corps Defense Specialist, arrived. I headed down to the school gate to meet him. Just as they made it down there, a wave of Wisps showed up. Before they attacked Jhin, I blasted a wave of flames, saving him. Barely. This is the part where my foreshadowing was pointing to. My brother informed me that there was something in the school that was attracting the Wisps to my current location. That also means that there are many Wisps right outside the school compound. Out of instinct, I shouted "RUN! GO TO THE RENDEZVOUS POINT!" that being the Shelter.

Using all the power I currently had, I used an EMP on the school. It wiped out the barrier protecting the city, but it wiped out all Wisps in the vicinity. For about 10 minutes. Meanwhile, I headed to the Shelter, A building that was very sturdy, electric insulated, heated insulated. The foundation was very stable, and the walls were impenetrable.

When all the people were in the building, something told me my objective was complete. However, I knew for a fact that there would be a round 2 of Wisps as the barrier is being fixed. There was a deafening scream of a Wisp. Of multiple Wisps. Wait, only leader Wisps scream like this. FYI, Leader Wisps have an element like regular Wisps, but they have a second element like earth, light, nature, etc. and they have a deafening high pitched scream. When I say deafening, I mean ones that can drive you insane.