
The trek toward's my friend's house didn't take long. Soon enough, we were in front of a two-story tall house. The walls were made out of stone bricks. And lining the top of the house as if it was a dress tailor-made by nature was sheathes of green leaves.

This house... It's better than mine. Mine is only made out of wood and a simple thatch roof.

"Ray... Your house is nice. Only fairly well off families can afford such a build but how come you don't pay for my healing services?" My healing services only cost a few copper coins... But this cheeky blonde does not even pay.

"Umm... I'm ashamed to ask for money from mom... And I can't sell stuff I get from killing monsters..." Ray scratched her head. Looked at me and answered while twiddling her fingers together while her cheeks were red in embarrassment.

Ah this child... Truly troublesome.

My services are cheap. But Ray owes me a dozen silver coins. A debt large enough to eat up a somewhat well off household's funds for the whole year. How are you supposed to pay me one day? Hunt monsters that give good materials for selling?

Goodluck. Those monsters are usually strong. And I wouldn't suggest that to you either.

I don't want to endanger my meatshield. Yes, that's right... Ray's my meatshield now. She just doesn't know it yet. I've resolved myself not to let her die and to save her mom cause she would outright hate me if I didn't do that.

Since I'm still kind of in my weak stages. I need someone to block the hits. Who could be more durable than Ray? She's a swordsman. I don't know what her class is but it certainly does resemble a swordsman. And she's got that main character aura all around her.

I can sense some plot armor hidden in the shadows. Maybe... Even if I push ray off a cliff she would come back stronger after gaining an inheritance left behind by some old expert.

Then I'm gonna get eighteen generations of my family killed for pushing her off.

No thanks!

Nonetheless. I pursued the matter not. For one. I am hungry. And for two. Ray's mom cooks better than me.

"Mom I'm home! I brought Dominic to eat lunch!" Ray called out. Her tone had become super cheerful as that bright smile nearly sent me blind. I swear to god when this child is happy she glows under the sun.

It didn't take long now... Loud footsteps came from behind the main door. The doorknob shook a little. Clicking due to being locked. Soon, the door flung open. Revealing a sight that was...


I scanned Ray's mom from head to toe. And damn. She's hot.

And thicc...

Curly white hair falling down up to her waist. The hair in front of her ears spiraled down up to her bountiful chests. Long, slender creamy legs in tandem with her smooth satin light skin sent my soul shivering. And those eyes... Those sharp grey eyes that seemed to pierce through everything.

She clasped her palms togather, rested her left cheek against them as she tilted her head sidewards.

Her supple rosy lips parted into a smile. Revealing rows of pearly whites.

Her eyes became full crescents.

"Ara ara~! So Ray brought back his friend home? This won't do... I only made enough food for me and Ray but little Dominic seems to be hungry too? This won't do... Come in! Come in! Make yourselves feel free at home while I quickly prepare something for this cute little boy here! Ahihihi~!" Putting a finger up to her lips. She looked at me with curiosity before finishing her words with a giggle that sounded like pleasant bells in my ears.

Crap... She's dangerous.

I might become a simp if I hang around here too long due to her beauty and attitude. Ray's mom fits the criteria for my ideal woman from before I got sucked into this videogame. And from what I could tell from what Ray would often tell me when we're sparring. Her mother loved to spoil her a lot and was really really gentle.

I gulped. Ray's mom eyed me and laughed a little with a strange glint in her eyes.

Hehehe... I'm in danger?

But I'm just a child... She probably thinks I'm cute.

This is bad... I'm getting full of myself.

Under Ray's weird stare. We entered the house. Everything was squeaky clean.

What attracted my attention the most was a feast prepared on the table.

Fried turkey. Caesar's salad with mayonaise. Mushroom soup. Crispy pork... Grilled steak... Boarbecue...

What the...

The food on the table is enough for five to ten people! What do you mean this isn't enough?

"Food!" Ray's eyes sparkling. One moment she disappeared and the next she was already sitting on a chair before the table with fork and spoon in her hands.

That was too fast...

She's a monster... That speed probably breached past the hundred digits mark.

I grabbed a seat. Fished out a white scarf from my pocket and draped it over my chest.

Ray smiled weirdly at me.

"Dominic in this house you shouldn't mind your manners. Because if you do you would only starve."

"Ok..." I nodded. But why?

I only realized why later.


Ray awaited her mom's cooking with bated breath. Most of her attention was glued to the kitchen. Sometimes occassionally shooting Dominic a glance.

She was nervous. She loved to eat but what would Dominic think of her once he sees her go wild?

And her mom was worse than her. Ray was a glutton she admit. But her mother was the queen of gluttons.

'Would Dominic think I'm a pig? Would he get disgusted at me and stop being my friend... I hope not." Ray's head drooped down a little. Her heart beating erratically as she felt uneasy on that seat of hers.

Dominic's strange expression also bothered her.

It was blank. Completely passive but if one looks close enough into his eyes. They would see a mix of emotions.

Worry. Fear. And Uncertainty.

Dominic behaved weirdly these past few days. Something Ray noticed from the start. She chalked it up as Dominic being Dominic.

But this Dominic seemed to always be lost in thought.

A sudden idea struck Ray. Her hold on the utensils tightened.

'Dominic... What if Dominic had been possessed?'

A thought she couldn't continue due to her mother's sudden appearnce. Holding a few plates of extra food to be set into the table.

"Now now... Since we have a guest here. Ray... We are inclined to change the rules a little."



"You have fifteen seconds to eat as much as you can. Starting from now! Goodluck!"

Ray's mom. Whose name was Elena giggled before sitting down on a chair patiently.

Dominic had zero ideas what was happening so he happily dug into the food. Upon first bite, the boy was stunned.

The food was too good. The taste too heavenly.

He started eating at a fast pace. Finishing half of the turkey and downing a whole extra large bowl of mushroom soup. Finishing it off with some pork crackers and orange juice.

Dominic was full. Elena and Ray looked at him with a curious gaze.


"That's all you're going to eat dear?" Elena asked. Puzzled at Dominic's small appetite.

The boy nodded. Elena looked at her daughter posing as a boy and grinned. The latter grinned aswell.

It started.

A competition!

A competition between mother and daughter on who could eat more than each other.

Turkey? Devoured in three bites?

Huge pot of mushroom soup? Elena chugged it down as if drinking water.

Dominic stared helplessly at the two.

They resembled gluttonous wolves in human skin at this point.

Even he who could eat his fill in fifteen seconds paled in comparison.

He could only admit defeat.


After Elena vanished into the kitchen to do the dishes. I was left with a satisfied Ray sitting back on her chair.

Burp! Ray laughed shyly.

While she was busy patting her stomach. I was sitting on my chair. Reflecting.


She's smoking hot and thicc.

The fact that she has a daughter but has no husband also added attractive points.

I can go rant on how good of a Milf she was but there was something I noticed.

Elena's mana was vast... If mine was a small bucket of water. Her's was a whole ocean. I felt like I was drowning when she passed by me earlier.

That much mana can only be achieved by a tier three magic related class. Or a tier four if we stretch it.

Yet... She was helplessly violated in the original script of Reverie before I came into play.


How can a powerful being be pinned down by bandits like that?

I can picture Ray being beaten up and Elena desperately begging for leniency towards her daughter.

The only possible answer why Elena can't fight.

Is because she is injured. Or cursed.

Looks like my plans have to change a small bit. And it's better than before.

I turned to Ray and asked with a cheeky grin.

"Hey Ray?"


"What do you say I become your father and marry your mom? Don't fret. I'll certainly make her happy and spoil you lots." I was semi joking and semi serious.

I want to get closer to Elena.

To learn magic... Definitely just learn magic.

Even if she's injured. She can teach me right?

"NO!" Ray slammed her fists onto the table. Summoning the magic blade and going as far as to point it at my throat.

"You're my friend! My friend! I don't want you to be my father!" Ray seemed to nearly go insane.

I chuckled.

And a giggle came from the kitchen.

"Come on Ray... Dominic's idea isn't too bad. I don't mind him being your father." Elena giggled. She's probably finding these sort of events amusing.

"But mom!" Ray glanced at her and me. Torn.

"If he was a few dozen years older that is."

A bucket of cold water seemed to splash onto me.

I got rejected. Totally reasonable and expected.

Ray breathed a sigh of relief and rejoiced.

I smiled towards Elena instead. It was a knowing smile. And using my control of mana, I manipulated it into a coarse, pure shape.

Mana could only be seen visibly by magic endowned classes. Unless if the mana was too abundant in a certain place.

Elena visibly stopped. Smiled at me.

Mana words formed infront of me.

"Nasty little kid. If you can pass my test then I shall teach you some knowledge."