Hai, I Will Do My Best!

(Hinata POV)

Ah, Naruto-kun! Finally, I can see his full body from up close! I know it's 6 AM and I should probably go to school now but I can't waste this chance! Naruto-kun's kunai is just right above me!

All this time, the window behind in his bathroom had been locked but now, it's finally open! Ah, Naruto-kun's p*nis!

I reached for something that I could stand on, which was a wooden box, and took a peek on his bathroom window. As I took peek inside, I saw something that would forever haunt my mind.

Naruto-kun doesn't have a p*nis, instead, he has something very similar to mine. A... lower... mouth...

Is Naruto-kun... a girl?

I fell to the ground with my face all red.

(End POV)

While washing her hair, Naruto looks up at the window because she heard a thud but she just ignored it and thought nothing of it before she continued washing her hair.

"Hmm, I wonder what happened back there. Well, not my problem, " she said while washing her hair with shampoo.

(Minutes Later)

Naruto came out of the bathroom while just wearing a towel over her body. She saw Hikaru preparing their food on the table. But it's different from the usual, instead of bacon and eggs, they were a bowl full of fried rice and it's also filled with vegetables and some meat. As she looks at it, she couldn't help but drool at the sight.

Hikaru turns away from what he was doing and looks at Naruto.

"Oh, you're finished? Here, I have already prepared our food but dressed up before you eat. And how many times did I tell you not to go around the house with barely anything covering you?"

"Eeh, what's the big deal? We're both boys, so it's fine. Or, do you swing that way like Sasugay?" she said teasingly.

As Hikaru stared at her, he couldn't help but thought, 'Oh, if only you knew..."

Hikaru turns his head away and said, "Of course not, but it's kind of uncomfortable when I see you like that."

"Hmm, fine. I'll dress up now. I'll be right back, " she went to her cabinet, which was just at the end of her bed, and took out her everyday clothes. An orange jacket and orange baggy pants.

"Seriously though, when are you going to change to other clothes, Naruto?" Hikaru asked while sitting down on the table.

"Hmph, don't underestimate the power of orange, Hikaru!" Naruto said dramatically as she jumped on top of her bed, but suddenly, as she landed on her bed, her towel fell off her body.


"Hmm?" Hikaru turned around to see what was going on, only to see a fully naked Naruto on top of the bed.



It took him a moment to react but when he did...



(An Hour Later, At School)

Naruto wondered why Hikaru didn't go to the academy, he said that he will go and talk with Jii-Jii but he didn't tell what they were going to talk about.

She pouted and muttered, "You dummy..."

She suddenly sensed someone watching her, she looked everywhere and found a pair of lavender eyes staring at her with suspicions clearly visible in her eyes.

'Hmm? What was she name again? Hunata... Kinata... ah, that's right, Hinata Hyuga. I remember she is the princess of the Hyuga Clan. So why is she looking at me that weird?' Naruto thought inside her mind.

Hinata is a slender girl of fair-complexion who, as a Hyūga, her most distinguishing trait is the Byakugan, giving her featureless white eyes. She has dark blue hair that she keeps in a hime-cut of different lengths.

Meanwhile, with Hinata...

'N-Naruto-kun, w-why are you hiding that you're a girl? I-I want to know!' she thought while keeping her eyes at Naruto.

(Hokage Tower, Inside The Office)

Hikaru is currently inside the Hokage office, but instead of kneeling down on one knee, he is standing up while looking at Hiruzen, who is in front of him.

The air inside the room was silently serious, even the Anbus hiding in the shadows detected it.

"Hikaru, you were indeed right. The civilian council has been running an underground slavery business, an illegal brothel, and they have been also taking funds right under our noses."

Hiruzen is the first one to break the silence inside the room.

"Tch, scums!" Hikaru said with disdain. "So what happened to the people being used as prostitutes and being sold to slavery? Did they get rescued safely?" Hikaru asked.

"Yes but unfortunately, the young girls have been traumatized to the point of wanting to kill themselves. It was a very sad sight for me, but we rescued all of them safe and sound, " Hiruzen with sorrow in his voice.

*sigh* "So, what happens now, Hokage-dono?" Hikaru was mildly distressed from what he just heard.

"They will all be transferred to a mental institution to try and at least heal their scars. I just hope that they will be alright, " Hiruzen told Hikaru.

"Me too, " Hikaru replied sadly.

Hiruzen claps his hands and said, "Now, now, let's stop from these depressing stuff. Hikaru-kun, I didn't forget your contribution to this successful operation. Here is a hundred thousand Ryo, " Hiruzen takes out a bank card under his desk and held it out for Hikaru to receive.

Hikaru was dumbfounded. For him, a 100,000 Ryo is a very large amount of money.

"H-huh? B-but I barely did anything!"

Hiruzen chuckles and said to Hikaru, "No, it's quite the opposite. If you didn't report what was happening inside this village, I would've not known about it. Hikaru-kun, It's thanks to you that all of those innocent people were saved. Besides this is also for Naruto-chan, I haven't been able to visit her lately because of the stockpiled paperwork that I had to do. Please, take care of her on this old man's stead."

Hikaru never knew what accomplishment was, for all his life, all he did was go to school and hope for the best. And when he returned home, he would've to take care of his sibling. But now, he actually saved many people from either being killed or sold off. At this, he couldn't help but tear up.

"Hai, I will do my best!"