I've been thinking a lot recently about this fanfic. It's obviously bad and one of the reasons is that I didn't plan it, unlike others. I really don't know whether I should drop it or not, I mean, this fanfic is already blacklisted, isn't it? It'll probably result in more headache if I continue this fanfiction.
I don't know, maybe it will return soon? I really don't know. I'll wait for it, maybe it'll return soon. But since this is just a really bad fanfiction, WN would probably not care. They'll just say, "Meh."
For the time being, I will plan a fanfiction and post it in fanfiction.net, maybe? I'll still post here from time to time. It has gotten messy, really.
Hmm, I really don't know. Maybe it's just the way we are?
No matter, I'll stick you into my prayers.
A fine dark soul to you...