Stage FOURTEEN: To Where it All Started

In the middle of the night, Scarlet got up. She can't sleep with her mind full of thoughts about Freyja and Van's case. Very carefully, she got out of bed, not a single sound so as not to awaken her elder sister sleeping on the other bed. Quietly, she walked out of the house, and to the yard where she 'time-travelled' the first time her aura awakened.

Looking at the round moon up the sky, she recalled Freyja's words earlier. The Phrein looked surprised when she's not with her 'dragons.' "Meaning, there has to be something who'd stick like glue to Freyja, so much its surprising not to see her with them." She mumbled. But where are these dragons? And why won't they look for Freyja? Are they even alive? Scarlet is extremely frustrated, she knows there is something more to that. Then, looking at the yard, she remembered something.

"Van, Aya and I… we were 'awakened' to balance out Freyja's aura in this universe. Is it possible that in the absence of these 'guardians' we are the ones doing the job?" What is binding Freyja to this world? Scarlet have two guesses. One, a crucial part of Freya's identity as a celestial is keeping her from leaving. This can be the dragon thing the Phrein is talking about. Her second guess is more of a gut feeling. Two, she has unfinished business with the person she displaced, the real person who owned the body she took as a baby.

Feeling the cold breeze calm her down a bit, Scarlet went back in.

The next morning, Freyja didn't come to school. While classes haven't started yet, Scarlet and Aya spotted a rather hysterical Van running to the back of the school. It's their usual route when skipping classes. "Van, where are you going?" Aya asked, running after her. "I don't know something might have happened to Freyja!" Van pulled her crystal necklace out and showed it to the two. "See? It's emitting more aura than ever!" They hurried.

Scar, Van and Aya found Freyja on her school uniform, but is walking to the opposite direction of the school. "How dare you skip class without telling us!?" Van jumped at her from behind. "Hey! Cut it out it hurts!" Her chokehold sure can kill. But seeing she's in one piece, Van sighed in relief. "Don't go scaring us you moron."

"Frey! We thought something happened!" Aya said in between breaths. "Yeah! And where are you going now?"

Freyja is acting like her usual self. But, she is obviously paler, and worried, just like the three of them. "I dunno, I just had the urge to go home all of a sudden."

"Which home? The one near our house?" Van asked. Freyja shook her head. "That's far. I'm planning to stop by my grandma's house. Wanna chill?"

Scarlet's eyes sparkled. "YES!" She's sounding unusually enthusiastic. "I mean, it's the house you grew up in, right?"

"Yeah. I told you that before didn't I? We only moved out a couple of years ago. Anyway, Let's go." The four of them headed to Freyja's old home, her grandmother's ancestral home.

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