The Breakthough

***author's thought: The entire point of this chapter is to build the plot. I would recommend the readers to NOT try to remember each and every term and numbers at once, but try to understand the concepts behind it. Look at outer space ventures and alien encounters with a new perspective. Just read it and have fun***

There was a specie whose curiosity knew no bounds. They yearned for knowledge and secrets that the universe had to offer. They called themselves humans.

For a very long time, they found no trace of life, so they thought they were alone in the universe. They became more capable and kept exploring further in the so-called "Local group" of galaxies.

A Paradox termed as fermi paradox was introduced which stated conflict between the argument that the probability seems to favor intelligent life being common in the universe but there was total lack of evidence of intelligent life forms having ever arisen anywhere other than on their planet.

So humans considered the two possibilities. First, that they were no intelligent species anywhere in the universe, humans got lucky so they evolved till this point and will continue to evolve further.

The second possibility was a bit scary that humans were on the path of annihilation as the same path that other species might have followed, but none survived this unknown impending doom and that's why they didn't exist.

Since there was no trace of advanced galactic civilization they must have reached a certain point when they became extinct by annihilating themselves or got destroyed by some other omnipotent force.

Time passes by as they became more advanced, and they found themselves capable of colonizing the nearby habitable planets. They now had technology advanced enough to branch out in the outer-space. The first artificial colonization of the planet finished after years of struggle and expenditure of goliath amount of resources.

But now all of a sudden they received an unknown message in the form of encoded-signal through all of their satellite receptors. The signal when decoded stated a brief message. This message was from otherworldly beings who called themselves "Deities".

The message when decoded stated the announcement of the existence of a higher sentient cosmic presence and a threat of total annihilation of humanity in case of rejecting to sign a treaty of cosmic stability.

Three laws of the treaty of cosmic stability :

1- In case humans encountered a scenario where humans pose a threat to other species to the brink of utter annihilation, Then Deities will have all the rights to dismantle the humankind from the universe.

2- The outer space will remain a neutral realm for all perpetuity and forbidding the placement of all classes of space-based weapons beyond omega-level from which no hostile action shall be taken towards beings in the universe. If humans tried to break the law, the Deities will have all the rights to dismantle the humankind from the universe.

3- Humankind will remain hidden from all infant species that are yet to cross the barrier of cosmic expansion. If humans try to break the law, the Deities will have all the rights to dismantle humankind from the universe.

Outcome :

"The above three rules are to need to be followed with utmost sincerity. In case of a breach, we will hold humankind responsible for the misconduct. This is neither a warning nor a request, but the enforcement of jurisdictions.

"To prove that 'Deities' hold a certain amount of power and subsequently proving that this letter is not a fabrication of a cheap facade, In the 24 hours the first colonized planet by humankind will be destroyed to utter annihilation.

"The destruction of the artificially colonized planet by humankind is non-negotiable, it will surely happen. But, this is just proof of the power and pre-emptive disciplinary action so the time of destruction is negotiable in order to protect the resources and lives of humankind.

If Humankind anyhow cannot abide by the above treaty, every trace of humankind will surely be removed from the universe."

The Treaty of Cosmic Stability shook humans to their very core and made them understood why there were no visible intelligent species up till now. Hiding their presence from a lesser species in the vast universe with vast technologies was not a hard task. It was because of this treaty they must have all abided by.

Although Humans already had a clue of the phenomenal risk of encountering other species, because the existence of an unknown threat from one specie to another was not to be taken lightly.

Every specie must have understood the fact that it was impossible to judge the behavior of an unknown species and their level of aggression.

The weapons of species which would grow beyond the infancy will have a tremendous amount of destructive power, so much that they would annihilate the victim species in the blink of an eye.

So the only way to counter this problem was either ATTACK THEM the moment you DETECT THEM for their own survival, or cut yourself from the path of evolution, and stay very, very quiet on your planet any wait for somebody to detect you and get obliterated by the intruders.

Every intelligent species must have had the same idea. No intelligent species will prefer to choose the second option, knowing that the next step in the extermination of their entire race.

So an encounter with other species may satiate the curiosity of enthusiasts, it will no doubt lead to unnecessary bloodshed all in the name of survival. Thus an intervention of an all-powerful external agent that can somehow maintain the law and order was necessary.

They signed the treaty and with three days of extension; they watched their first space-colony get destroyed in mere seconds. Its destruction was unnecessary, but it was a logical cosmic protocol, so they had to follow.

After that, every human heard a sound of a crack in their heads, they felt as if multiple presences were looking straight at them but the feeling disappeared soon; They were ready to encounter several other intelligent species on the trail of their advancement.

This encounter of humans with other-worldly beings and the registration as an adult specie in the spectrum of cosmos later known as "The Great Cognizance Expansion".

There were many species, some were hostile, and some were not. This encounter with these various species was an eye-opener for humans, they soon realized that there was a great tug of war going on for the resource of the galaxies, and the winner was determined by many factors but the most prominent of them was 'Power/Strength'.

Although the treaty was laws, everybody had to follow, but the loopholes were fairly obvious, the treaty prohibited to use weapons beyond omega-level, and ultimate intent must never be total extermination of any specie or war.

But competitions, negotiations, diplomacy, and fights for self-improvement still existed. Humans had great potential, but they were lacking with their overall strength.

They had explored sutras(Aphorisms), Vidya(Arts), Abhyasa(Practices), and Kala(Craft) from different races from all over the world but these techniques and arts never gave them any radical strength to compete against the higher beings with adequate power.

Humans were weak, although there were exceptions among them too, they were still lacking. As time passed, they found themselves in the lower parts of the cosmic spectrum.

Since they did not have enough strength to fight, they were often taken advantage of by the strong species in the struggle over resources and were often tricked by them.

Humans continued to lose their lands, their resources, and many times the lives. Weapons were not some kind of hidden wisdom only for humans, every species had their own weapons sometimes even better than theirs, humans found themselves on the losing side.

Although Cosmic Unions and Federations were formed to ensure some law and order among the species. But the entire purpose of them was to ensure their safety in-case of hardcore bullying, and to maintain some pseudo-balance, prevent extremists from revolutions, and incitation of war from extreme retaliations.

Political agendas, extremism, furthermore crimes, a sense of superiority, and the notion of vengeance were never foreign concepts among intelligent species, be it human or any other.

Humans had great potential in them, but in a state of constant turmoil, it was never truly visible. Losing the lives of the loved ones in battles put a heavy toll. The grief of always being on the losing side engraved in the hearts of all.

The religious sectors and cults were taking over society, civil wars often broke out, Mutinies were led by the frustrated, thus things were not looking good.

Now they realized how cruel the treaty was since it never allows a specie to possess weapons beyond the omega-level(Relativistic kill vehicles, Quantum missiles) but they still allowed the struggle in a cosmos with simpler weapons.

Thus the species that are weak will always remain weak, and strong ones will get stronger. After the 'cognizance expansion', humanity lostovermillion lives all over the planet earth due to internal strikes, revolution, and protests including the ones that went for the resource gathering and negotiations.

But the humans had made many technological advancements before the expansion. So they had some innovations and cards up their sleeves, with the help of those they were barely qualified for the struggle.

Innovations and technologies were the real helpers during the conflicts such as high-density mechanical exoskeletons, Automated Androids, Ballistic Projectiles, plasma guns, chemical weapons, sonic-beams.

For strategic weapons, they had pulse-grenades, molecule-destabilizers, disintegration-pistols, Wave Simulators, beta-pills, and pandemic boxes and stealth tools such as invisibility cloaks and neural-inhibitors were also there.

But the most helpful innovation was a blue colored serum know as flux-serum. This was created by an organization known as 'Eon Techs'. The company was third-best in the world in terms of deliverance density and quality of their products.

It's head researcher's name was Tang Lie, who was a genius behind the creation of flux-serum at a mere age of 19 years. He came up with a solution composition that could temporarily increase the size of blood vessels and strengthen the heart, creating massive blood rush to the entire body with ridicules inflation of raw strength at the expense of the life force of an individual.

The flux-serum was a one-time use product after that person would keep losing his life force until he/she dies. Although the person would die from the use, this was hope for humanity because they observed that every person has enough life force to survive for less than a day if he was on flux-serum.

And in that one day, the person would become capable enough to destroy an entire battalion with an average of 500 soldiers all by himself. The man's level of agility, dexterity, perception, and strength would rise above the charts.

Therefore, the squad of soldiers on flux-serum was called the 'suicide squads'. A group of 50 people could wreak havoc in the fields or individually. They were equal to 25000 species that were equal or a level higher than them.

This gave them ample edge to at least be capable enough to sit on the table on negotiations with the species who were neither too low nor too high level in the cosmic spectrum. They were somehow getting by.

This led to the gain of minor relief to forces of the military in the battle of attrition. Things began to re-stabilize and humans continued to fight in the same manner for many years from the cosmic expansion and somehow maintain their growth on the graves of these combat heroes.

During this period, humanity went on with their explorations and discoveries leading to produce many more tools and weapons for their growth, and chances of survival, Life-expectancy of humans now could be easily increased to double of the original.

Now, They could live for around 200 years, this too came from a serum developed by Tang Lie of Eon Techs with the collaborations with another company named 'Brahma Groups' the head researcher's name was Megha Acharya, she too was a well-known genius in the field of medicine. The name of the serum that they developed was called 'Apollo's Nectar'.

After 100 years of constant struggle and sustenance at the same level, humans discovered very controversial phenomena that occurred, shattering many pre-defined concepts of selves.

The Fabric of space-time had observable fractures in it. These fractures were so deep that it was impossible to find the exact reason for their existence.

With the help of Tang Lie, Megha Acharya, and many researchers that were best of the best, they soon realized that these space fractures were actually a path to the other worlds.

They discovered the worlds of Akashik Glitches, a very dominant breakthrough.