They Exist!!!

Diamon's POV

The scent of the moist Earth filled my lungs as I sat on my heels collecting from one of my firewood stashes along the forest line. Out of the corner of my field of vision, I saw movement. Forcing myself to keep my body still, I slowly lowered my head. 

She moved so quickly from tree to tree, that no human could have followed her movements. Catching a glimpse of the side of her face, confirmed she was just like me. Damn, she was fast! Dropping my firewood I grasped the edges of the material of my kimono and took off at a run, following her. We hit the stone steps that reach high into the mountains and I know she'll lose me higher up. Pretending to be out of breath like a human, for the moment, I stop and call out to her, "Wait! I just want to talk to you!" Setting my hands to my knees I wait for her response. 

Turning to face me, she asks, "What do you want?" I am speechless for a moment. She is the most beautifully ethereal creature I have ever seen. Her large black eyes are what draws me in the most. That and what seems to be an innocence? Nah! Not in our kind. 

Despite the fact that she is a bit filthy in her partially shredded blue dress and matted hair. Could she have been living up high in the mountains for so long? Her hair screamed it. Seeing her like this, kinda brought out the mothering instinct in me. A side I usually keep hidden from the world. Making a quick recovery, I ask "Are you 1st Generation or 2nd Generation?"

"I am of the first." Holy crap! I thought all 1st Gen's were dead by now! Okay, that's it. Now I gotta help bring her up to speed on the way humanity is, or she's dead. Permanent, that is. 

I talk her into coming to my place, her name is Aya by the way.. As I untangle the matting from her hair, we talk. As it turns out, Aya is good with slight of hand, and works as a thief in the villages for things such as clothing etc. You know, for the things she needs only. She speaks of her parents as if they were perfect. Always there, always attentive.. Her stories of what it was like when they were alive, tear at my heart. Making it ache. My parents were crap, but that's another story. 

Then as we relaxed she asked if I believed in the Gods. Not wanting to seem like a fool I answered that I didn't. Seeming a bit saddened, she said quietly, "I understand. Otherwise, there was something I wanted to show you." Laughing I sat up and straightened my kimono. "Well, if you think you can convince me, do so."

Sitting upright, Aya adjusted her kimono and flipped her long black, straight hair behind her. "You are sure?" Nodding, I watched as she closed her black eyes and resting her forearms on her legs with palms up, she slowly raised them in supplication. 

The gravity pull in the room shifted drastically as Aya began to glow with a pure white light that was nearly blinding, yet not. Just as fast as the light came, it was gone. I didn't know what the hell to make of it. Then suddenly I blinked, and there was a young yellow haired boy holding her hands and resting his forehead to hers'. Opening her eyes Aya smiled softly and let go of the lingering hands of the boy. 

"Diamon, this is Enikil. Enikil is one of the Old Gods. Been watching over me since birth. Enikil, this is Diamon." I reached out to him and the boy raised his hand and a bolt of that white light hitting me in the chest knocking me out the back wall of my hut. With a split and bloodied lip I stretched my muscles and felt the pain of that power still electrifying my cells from head to toe. I felt fried, but I managed to get up on wobbly legs and walked back inside carefully to face him head on. 

Seeing the crimson of my eyes, she knew my anger level, and Aya came and stood between us both, blocking him. Putting herself in harm's way. Oddest sight I ever saw. An old and powerful vampire, protecting another. We usually would walk away! Not that I have.. "Please Enikil, you know she meant no harm." I studied this "Old God" and was surprised to see that he was partially invisible. "That wasn't you at full strength?" What in the hell?! 

Never letting my eyes leave either of them, I watched as Enikil looked at Aya. It was almost like a father watching his daughter with pride. "For you, I'll let it go." He said with a smirk in my direction. Swiftly he looked at me up and down, his mercury colored, cold eyes, bored into my soul. 

"The next time with you, you shall die but more importantly, your soul shall completely cease to exist. No more of the reincarnations you dream of." His sweet smile kinda threw me. My jaw just about hit the ground. This God was REAL.. The Old Gods were said to be really petty creatures. So I am sure he'd do just as he said.

Though I absolutely hated it, I got down on my knees in supplication, bowing my head close to the mats covering the floor. I figured I would hear him approach, if he did. There was nothing but the feel of a gentle hand on my head. "You may rise up Diamon Draconis, daughter Cianara and Minferal Draconis. You are most welcome here. You and Aya will be doing much talking over the coming years.." Turning back to Aya he grasped her fingertips and kissed them. Forgive me, dear one for leaving so abruptly but I must. No time to dawdle today." Letting go of her hands, he backed away and simply disappeared.'

Slowly rising up, I brushed off my kimono with what I am sure was a silly, 'stunned' look. But before I could say anything, she pointed out to our left. "What's out there?"

I just shrugged and smiled. "Only the small pier and the beach, want to go?"

She grinned at me then laughed as she took off running at full speed. Crap! So soon I'd forgotten how fast she could run. 

I rolled my eyes, sighed, and took off after her.