
Aya's POV

Not a speck of blood on him. Not one. As I moved forward he lightly placed a hand on my forearm. "Aya.. Please let me give you my cloak so you can cover yourself. Then we can go to where you left your pack." The upset and pain he felt over what he had done,  was real. It reflected in his kind brown eyes. 

At the barest hint of a nod, he swiftly removed his navy blue cloak and swirled it around my shoulders. It was huge, and swallowed me up; trailing behind me as I began to walk. "The new visitors hut next to Mako is finished, if you'd like to go there. The Elder had it prepared for you." Jin continued to babble on as we left the cells and walked over to the high bushes near the tree across from Mako. Adjusting the cloak over my shoulders,  I reached behind the bushes, as Jin bumped into me in the dark. Embarrassed he smiled sheepishly,  "Sorry.." 

Grabbing hold of my pack,  I turned toward the small hut. "I have it from here Jin,  I can see really good at night so I'll be fine." I walked away and so did he, muttering about cleaning up the mess in the cell.  

Setting my pack down right inside the doorframe,  I closed my eyes and raised my nose to catch the scent of water. I knew they must have built this compound with some source of running water, though from what I could tell it was quite a ways off to the south. Tonight I would bathe far upstream away from all the men, and prepare myself for meeting Good Father,  as I have always called him. It is outside that I will wait for him to show. He'll feel my presence. I will let him feel most of it. All of my aura could harm him. The first person other than my parents. The only one I trust now. 

Jin's POV

My arms and legs pumped hard as I sped down the hall I heard one man beg and then there was horrible ripping and tearing. A huge loud "POP" and I saw her standing in the blood and Gore that splattered all over the entire room.. Alone. Until I shifted my eyes and saw the blonde haired boy. I knew now, what the men had tried to do.. That was a God! A real one! After having seen what the God could do,  I submitted to him right away getting down on my knees and bowing with my forehead to the floor. The men wanted to commit a horrible crime,  but I feel like my own crime was just as bad. Betraying her trust in me not once,  but twice. 

Once the God had left,  she and I spoke. To be honest,  I don't think she'll be forgiving me anytime soon. I feel so stupid for having underestimated the men. 

When I stood before her, chained and vulnerable; covered in blood, I wanted to reach out to her, hold her,  tell her it would be alright.. But it seemed she didn't need my help after all. Seeing her break free of her bonds frightened me, but it also made me grow hard. 

Her show of strength really made me wonder how strong she truly was.. We had held a five hundred year old vampire once and he couldn't break free. He was huge too. Yet,  here is Aya. Small and delicate boned that breaks through manacles like a hot knife through butter. The anticipation to know more about her is driving me crazy.  Uh.. Wait a minute.. I sound as if I am truly feeling something for this vampire. I need to think on that.. 

We walk outside to go and retrieve her pack and all I can do is talk about the compound, and general small-talk. But then she bends over for her pack.. All praise the God's for such a sweet ass! I'm glad it's dark,  I think I blushed. It's just so perfectly rounded, you want to use it as a pillow. I gotta get out of here.. 

When Aya says "I've got it from here," I bee lined it out of there then stopped a ways away as I saw her leave her hut wearing my cloak wrapped tightly around her lush curves. I felt myself grin. Whatcha doing Aya? Bathing perhaps?

Aya's POV

Following the slope of the trees, I finally made it down to the edge of the slow moving river. Setting down my clean clothes by the base of a tree,  I used my elongated nails to cut out a four foot by two and a half foot piece of tree bark to float on. Once finished,  I removed the cloak from my naked body, letting it drop onto the stones beneath my feet. Taking up the tree bark, I held it close to my chest and dove into the water. 

The river wasn't too deep which was a good thing, that it was barely moving helped too. Kicking hard,  I resurfaced with the piece of bark,  and laid back on it carefully. I felt like I was being watched,  and as it turned out, I was by two men. Each on opposite sides of the river. 

One innocently gave me images in his mind of what he wanted to do with me in a sexual manner,  the other.. did the same,  yet at the end of his images.. I lay dead. 

The second I tried to force my way into his mind for an identity he blocked himself off well. A vampire. Still quite young by my standards. Hmm... He's still out there. The predator in me feels him,  and licks her fangs. The little girl must have gotten back to the others quite quickly. Good. Then this should be fun! Who knows? Maybe it was this Lord Kai himself? Time will tell.. 

I laughed and dove back into the water to wash the blood from my hair and skin by using the natural sand at the bottom of the river. 


Author's Note:

Please keep the Follows,  comments,  and votes coming! 😊❤😊❤
