The column

I was currently sitting in bed at home typing away for my column in next weeks paper. I couldn't stop listening to his voice on the recorded, at this point I knew all the words he said. But he wasn't a man of many words. He answered my questions vaguely, all I got what was made him started his business and what he plans on doing next. The more personal questions were basically ignored. He didn't give me any details of his love live or his family. But he was a man of his words I give him that, I had my 10 minutes with him.

I knew I couldn't go back to work and give my boss this, he wouldn't print it. It wasn't interesting or eye catching. I had to think of something else to include that people would actually want to read.

The way he watched me as I asked the questions was making me shiver, his chocolates brown eyes were staring into mine, like he was trying to read my mind or see through me. I was surprised when he offered to walk me to the lift after I was done. He took my hands in his as I got onto the lift, my hands were still tingling from his touch.

People in my office were very interested in knowing what happened, how he was? Especially the women, but I think I killed their dreams when I told them he was rude and an asshole. Which wasn't a complete lie.

I could see why females were crazy over him, I mean he was a very attractive man and rich. But I personally wouldn't wanna date him. He was full of himself and didn't have manners. Typical rich man vibes. My cheeks flushed as I looked at half naked pictures of him on the internet.

"What are you doing" I shut my laptop quickly seeing Emma standing at my door

"Eww were you watching porn" she asked disgusted "not that I would be surprised, it's been years since you had sex'

"No, I was just looking at pictures of Mr Kingsley" I tell her as she moves to sit on my bed.

"And by your face it went good?"

"Not really, he came off as rude. Maybe if we spent more time together I would be able to judge him fully"

She started laughing as I said that, I looked at her confused as to why she was laughing. What I said wasn't funny.

"Of course you wanna spend some more time with him, who wouldn't" she says between laughs

"No no no that's wasn't what I meant. I'm simply saying I don't want to judge him over just 10 minutes of us talking" I say flustered

"Go away, your distracting me from my work" ignoring her laughs as I opened my laptop.

"Whatever helps you sleep Myra, it's not a sin to say you found him attractive. You can't stay single forever"

"Hey, there is nothing wrong with being single!" I yelled at her as she left.

"Well, if you stay at home all the time you won't ever meet the "right guy""

She says using air quotes.

I didn't swear against men or anything, I just haven't had the time to date yet. If I do start dating I have no problem dating. I wasn't a prude, but work, college and my internship has me busy all the time. I was dating this boy in college but I hardly saw him, I was always busy so he broke up with me saying I wasn't worth it, that was the night we had sex. After that I told myself I wouldn't date until I had time for someone else.

I went back to pictures of him in a Calvin kelvin boxes, looking at his body. I blushed seeing his bulge, it was big, very big. He had a six pack as well and big arms. I didn't know I would be into muscly men, looking at his body was making me hot and sweaty.


It's been a week since the interview and the column on him was now out. I know I could get in trouble for what I wrote but my boss approved it. But it wasn't him I was worried about.

Calling him a sexist and ageists wouldn't make him happy for sure. I know I went a little bit overboard but I wasn't lying. He didn't think I was suitable for the job cause I was too "young". The sexist part was my bosses idea. The title was more catching "The Richest Bachelor in New York, a Sexist and Ageist?" in big black letters.

My father called me to tell me he read it in the morning, which I was surprised about because he never reads the paper. But apparently he doesn't like Mr Kingsley, something about him stealing his deal years ago, my father worked for a holding company, they owned and buy stocks of other companies then they share it.

I think they had a deal with a company my father wanted to buy our something. So father approved of what I wrote about him and was very proud of me.

Emma came home with about 10 papers laughing saying she was going to frame it. She couldn't believe I wrote that, I couldn't believe I wrote it. But she said it was good and at least I wasn't afraid to say the truth. She seems to think he is going to call me and ask me to rewrite it and told me to ask him for 10 million dollars check if he wants me to take back what I said. I shake my head at her and laughed. She was crazy sometimes but I knew she wasn't joking.

"Can he sue me over this" I ask her as we eat the Chinese

She paused with the noodles in her mouth "he can, but that will just make it more worse than it is now"

"You should go in Twitter, he is trending right now" she says looking at her phone.

I haven't been able to look at mine, I logged out on all social media so I wouldn't see what people were saying about him. I knew it wasn't going to be good. This was bad publicity for him. I was having regrets now. I could have ruined his business and charities. I remember his saying he has charities all over the world. I did add that in the column. And the bit where he thought I was too young for my job. I also talked about how his workers were rude and didn't have manners.

"Myra, listening your not the first journalist to write a bad article about him or someone. Just think of it as a bad review" Emma says, she knows I'm worried I could get backlash or something. I met his fans were already on my Twitter right now.

"You told the truth, he was an ass ok. Now eat and let's enjoy the movie please" I picked up my fried rice and looked at the tv. We were watching the new season of Power.


My colleagues clapped as I walked into the office the next day. We sold a lot of prints yesterday due to who know who and what. My boss congratulates me, I feel good but I still had guilt. I was getting a bigger column for the next article I write which was a big deal, kinda like promotion. But I didn't know what my next one will be about.

People were waiting for Mr Kingsley comment on the paper but his social media and publicist have been quite all day yesterday and this morning. But there was a few pictures of him yesterday when he was leaving a restaurant with a model on his arm and when he left work. He looked normal in them. I mean he didn't look angry or annoyed but he wasn't exactly smiling at the camera. So I don't think it affected him that much.

Thanking my colleagues and boss I went into my tiny office to start my work. But paused when I saw a big box of flowers with a white envelope on my small desk. It made my desk look smaller, It was the type of flowers in those boxes, with fancy names. The ones that celebrities were alway posting, I wasn't even sure what flowers they were but it was breathtaking. But who got me flowers?