
The weekend went really fast, after I got a cab home from you know who. I have decided not to think or say his name again. I was done with him, I will never have to see him again or write about him.

I distracted myself on Saturday, went for my run and stopped to get our Saturday coffee and muffins at the coffee stops, by the time I got home he wasn't even on my mind. I was too distracted by the half naked stranger that was in my kitchen.

'Who are you' I asked alarmed closing the door, knowing New York I wouldn't be surprised if he was robbing us half naked.

'I'm Nate, came home with your beautiful roommate' he said drinking from a cup

'Emma?' I asked confused, wasn't dating someone called Jake? Oh wells I wasn't going to judge her, what ever makes her happy.

'Yeah the pretty blonde' he mumbled

'Sure, just ignore me'I told him dropping her coffee and muffin on the counter. This wasn't the first time she's brought a guy home but they never last long. I left him in the kitchen and went into my room. I spent the rest of the day doing my laundry, sorting out my calendar. I enjoy the feeling of ticking off what I have done. I didn't see Emma all day, I had the feeling she was ignoring me and I wasn't sure why. Maybe she was upset that I left her at the club or something.

Sunday was the same, I didn't think about him. I went to Long Island to visit my parents and we had lunch together, i watched them argue over what to eat and how I was never coming to see them. My father said it was cause I was working very hard but my mother doesn't agree, she thinks I am looking for ways to abandon them.

I got home late and didn't see Emma, once again she was locked in her room. It was already 9 and I needed to be in bed by 10. I have to have 8 hours of sleep for me to be able to function and think clearly. I made sure my outfit was laid out and ready for me in the morning. I went with my white short sleeves shirt with my pink high waisted skirt.

I heard Emma door opening, this was my chance to talk to her.

'There you are. I was just going to call you,' I exclaims, looking at her. 'Did you just wake up?' She still doesn't look up.

'Yeah kinda' she chuckled finally looking at me moving into the kitchen.

'How was your night with Mr Kingsley' she sang his name laughing. I guess she wasn't angry with me.

What do I say? That he took me to his so called hotel out of town, that I  can't look in his eyes for fear of passing out and he liked my hair, I say, 'Interesting,'

She looks up. 'Do tell.' she prompts, her eyes sparkling as she opens the fridge

'It wasn't what I expected.'

'Leave out what you expected and tell me what you got.' She's stopped pouring her self a drink. Instead, her eyes are narrowed on me.

'Did he take you back to his apartment' she wiggled her eyebrows

'No he took me to his Hotel' I tell her blushing remembering how he affected me. I wasn't meant to be thinking him.

'Why are you trying to sound cool? By the way. Your cheeks are the colour of my nails' She points to her painted toes.

'Wow he owns a hotel, Ryan Kingsley, didn't expect that' She finally walks over, sitting in the chair opposite me. I was surprised as well, there was nothing online about him owning a hotel. Maybe it was the exclusive; only club members allowed.

'Tell me.' she presses, knowing there's something to tell.

I sat down and told her everything that happened, including the kiss which she almost fell of her chair. And was angry I kept it from her for that long. The dinner he invited me to that she was trying to convince me to go to. We spent the rest of the night our PJ's talking before I had to go to sleep.

I stared at the flowers that he gave, I paced it on my dresser. They were starting to die and the petals were brown. I pick it one up and twirl it in my fingers for a few moments, then dump it in back. What was he playing at?


'Morning, Lisa.' I greet brightly.

'I've had the most stressful morning. Scott and Rose called in sick and I had to get there column print it myself. I've had to cancel all the orders of the magazine cause we used the wrong font,' She waves his arms in the air in frustration. 'I got a parking ticket for not displaying a permit  and, to top it off, I got caught in the rain this morning.' She starts picking the stacks of paper on her desks. She walks away, shaking her head, I guess someone is grumpy.

After two meetings with George and my colleagues and a coffee break at the new cafe in Greenwich, I'm back in the office listening to Lisa moan about how lazy Rose is. It was a normal Monday, I enjoyed a whole weekend away from the office without her. I really have no idea how her boyfriend stands her, she was always complaining.

George breezes in with the widest grin on his face, and I know he was happy with the amount of sales we made last week.

'Lisa, I'm emailing you the edited copy of the interview, Can you make sure you send it today?'

'I will," she mumbled ignoring me.

'Yes, thank you.' I turn back into my office and resume editing, reaching over to grab my phone when it start ringing on my desk it was probably my mother she normally calls around this time. Glancing at my screen, I nearly fall off my chair when I see the name Ryan Kingsley flashing up. After a few seconds of staring, my brain finally gets the message. What the hell?

I never stored his number nor do I remember asking for it. Was there a way he hacked my phone? And even so, I wouldn't have saved his number. I hold my phone in my hand, scanning the office to see if Lisa was paying attention to me. I let it ring off. What does he want?

I put it down when it stopped ringing going back to my work but then it rings again, halting me in my tracks. I take a steady breath and connect the call.

If he doesn't understand when I said no, then I will tell him again. I won't be going to dinner with him and I'm  not happy with him disturbing my work.

'Hello?.' I say, I sounded nervous in my greeting. I am aiming for sure and confident.

'Myra?' His husky voice has the same impact on my weak senses as it did on Friday. But at least over the phone he can't see me trembling.

'Who's speaking?' That sounded better, professional, business like and steady.

He laughs lightly, and it throws me completely off guard. 'Now, I know you already know the answer to that because my name came up on your phone,' I cringe on the spot. 'Trying to play it cool?'

Oh, no. I wanted the floor to swallow me up. How does he know that? But then realisation dawns on me. 'You added yourself to my contacts list?' I gasp. When did he do that? Did I leave my phone on my visit to the toilet when I left. I can't believe he went through my phone! Oh god I hope he didn't go through my pictures.

'I need to be able to get hold of you.'

'We have nothing to talk about ,' I coolly inform him. 'I'm afraid you have the wrong idea in your head, I don't mix business and pleasure.'

'Same,' he replies. I sag in relief but then frown. Why is he calling me then? 'I'm sure you don't, but I asked you to dinner and I expect you to be there'

My mouth gapes. Who does he think he is? He's called to tell he expect me to come to dinner with him? This man is way past arrogant. I close my gaping mouth.

'I'm busy, sorry.' I sound less than sorry; I sound irritated.

'Are you?'

No, I'm not sorry. But I'm not about to tell him that. 'Yes, I am.' I lie. I want to add that I Would never date a man like him but that wouldn't be very professional.

I hear him sigh. 'I don't think you are, Myra.' My name sounds like velvet rolling from his lips, causing a familiar shudder to course through me. How does he know I'm not sorry?

'I think you're avoiding me.' he adds.

I'm going to dislocate my jaw at this rate. He's right. He sparks some unwelcome feelings in me, and the fact I've worked with him doesn't help.

'Why would I do that?' I ask cockily. That should shut him up.

'Well, because you're attracted to me.'

'Excuse me?' I splutter. He knows no bounds. Has he no shame? You would have to be blind and not to be attracted to this man, even I knew that. He's the definition of male perfection and, quite clearly, he knows it.

He sighs. 'I said...'

'Yes, I heard you,' I interrupt him. 'I just can't believe you said it.' I slump in my chair.

I've never known anything quite like it. I'm completely stunned. The man that was one a date not too long ago with a model, does he take a different girl every weekend. What a player! I need to end this conversation and get back to my work.

'I apologise but I won't be accompanying you.' I blurt and hang up, staring down at my phone.

That was quite rude and extremely unprofessional, but I can't date a man like him. My phone pings.

'Since you didn't deny that you find me attractive, I think it would make sense for us to go one one date. See you soon. Kingsley x'

Fucking hell! I slap my hand over my lips, I don't swear.  No, I didn't deny it. And he's attracted to me? Aren't I a bit young for him, or isn't he too old for me?

A kiss? What a cocky bastard. I don't reply, have no idea what to say. I need Emma.