Sorry I’m late

"You straighten your hair?" Emma noticed when she walks into my room.

"Wanted to look different for the date," and because of Diana's comments.

"Looks nice," Emma murmurs moving to seat on my bed.

"And you're still going on this date?" She frowns,

"I have to tell him I won't accept the job in person and this might be my only chance to try LO SCOGLIO." I shrug, knowing I was lying to myself. I could have told him that before I left the office or when he stood in the hallway. But I needed to see him once more before I say goodbye for good.

"I don't know Myra, he gives me a weird vibe. He's not the type of man you say no to," I stop applying the blush to my cheeks as she said that.

"Don't be silly, I've met more dangerous men walking home." I chuckle at her, Ryan was a gentleman. He grew up in the right street and went to the right school, I doubt he had ever hurt anybody.

"Myra, rich men like him is always involved in some dirt. Just be careful," I frown at her strange behaviour, I thought she would be happy I was finally going out. Maybe she was right. If she doesn't like Ryan, it must be for a good reason.

"He came to my workplace when you didn't show up for work, tell me that's not weird and stalking behaviour." she raises her brows

"He was just concerned I was hurt or something. Nothing to worry about, he won't be in our lives after tonight." I reassure her,

"Good. Now get ready and wear the red dress, his head will spin when he sees you in it." Emma says clasping her hands together. Smiling at her as she giddily walks out of my room, at least she was still happy about me going on a date.

I wondered what it was about Ryan that gave Emma a feeling, can she tell he was a sadist? Was he a sadist? I felt his arousal when he spanked me, he was coming off on my pain he was inflicting on me. Does that make him one?

Eyeing the time, Ryan would be here any minute to pick me up. Rubbing my hands together, I was nervous. I don't know what his reaction would be when I tell him no. When he let me go easy? One thing I know is Ryan doesn't give up, he is known for he ruthless in the business world.

Staring at my cheap red dress I got from a charity shop, it was the only elegant dress I owned. And the restaurant Ryan had book was known for being luxurious, I want to look the part. The slit on the left thigh stopped a few inches from my waist, leaving little to your imagination. One wrong move and my underwear will be on display.

Just as the clock in the sitting room chimes, revealing it was seven on the dot, the doorbell rang. Picking up my coat and purse I rush to the door before Emma could make it out of her room, I didn't want her to say anything to Ryan. I knew she wouldn't control what comes out of her mouth, I shut the door behind me just in time.

"Sawyer?" I say confused staring at the man in front of me, dread and disappointment filled me. Where was Ryan?

"Mr Kingsley apologies for not being here, he had urgent business. He sent me to collect you," I nod walking down the steps towards the black sleek car.

"We'll be picking him up too?" I ask

"No Ma," he says shortly opening the door for me. Getting into the car, half expecting to see Ryan on the other side on his phone, but it was empty. I sigh sadly as Sawyer drives off. Frowning when I see him taking the wrong turn, the restaurant was in Manhattan. Sawyer took the turn going out of the city.

"Where are we going, Sawyer?" I questioned getting paranoid.

"The Manor, Ma. Mr Kingsley also apologises for the change of plans, you will be dining at the Manor instead." So much for eating good food.

"The Manor has one of the best chefs in town, I assure you. You won't regret it," Sawyer says as if he senses my disappointment.


My heart was racing as we pulled into the posh driveway, unlike the other times I've been here it was filled with cars. Sawyer stops in front of the valet that opens my door and helps me out.

"Good evening Ma, enjoy your stay." The young man smiles at me, I stand confused for a second. Do I just walk in? I didn't know where I was heading.

"This way Ma," Sawyer comes to my rescue. He leads me through the hugs double doors,

"You can call me Myra, Ma makes me feel old," I tell him, instead of responding he carries on walking leading me towards another set of doors.

"Mr Kingsley will be on the other side," Sawyers stop, just as the door opens revealing a drunk woman giggling in an old man's arms. I frown at the two as they stumble towards the lift.

"Excuse me," Sawyer goes after the two before the doors to the lift could close.

The place was busy, the tables were occupied with couples. I walked in looking for Ryan, frowning when I don't see him. How could I possibly find him in this sea of people, they were all chatting enjoying their dinner.

I move to the bar, I would try to call him and let him know I was here but I'm sure the asset had informed him.

"What can I get for the lady?" The barman asked me as I took a seat.

"A glass of Bellini please," my eyes from around the room trying to catch Ryan anywhere, not seeing him I glance back at the bar freezing when I spot the woman from his office a few seats down. She was alone, perfect. I collect my purse, making my way to her.

"Hello," I greet her taking the available stool next to her.

"Hi," she smiles sweetly going back to her drink. She works here? The gold dress she was wearing says otherwise. She looked like she came out of a vogue magazine.

"Your drink," the barman places the champagne glass next to me.

"We've met before," I tell her taking a sip, she glances at me confused.

"Are you the new girl?" She looks down at me.

"Erm, I guess," I guess she knew Ryan was hiring me. Did he tell everyone?

"I'm Myra,"

"Jen," she smiles with her bright red lips.

"You came into Ryan's office the night I was here and I didn't get a chance to introduce myself."

"Don't let him hear you," she shushes me,

"Who?" I glanced around confused.

"You will get punished for calling him that," I stare at her confused, was she talking about Ryan?

"You're not allowed to call him by his name," she says eerily,

"Huh?" I guess it could've considered rude calling your boss by his first name. Her eyes widen, she quickly gets up and stares down at her feet. Looking back to see what she saw when I felt arms around my waist, my face was a few inches away from his.

"Ryan," I say breathlessly, not expecting him. I heard Jen gasp still not looking up.

"Sorry I'm late," he whispers in my ears earning a shiver from me.

"You can go, Jen." he dismissing her not taking his eyes off me. I watch her walk away, she meets my eyes in alarm as if she couldn't understand what she was watching. 

"Come," Ryan says shortly guiding me off the barstool. People stare and murmur as he leads me through the restaurant. We stop next to a table, that was beautiful arranged with plates of fruits and champagne glasses overlooking the beautiful courtyard. Ryan pulls out the chair for me and tells me to seat before taking his.

"This is beautiful," I say in awe

"Not compared to you," he smirks lifting the glass to his lips. I took in his image, he was in a suit like always. A dark a navy, he had no tie and a few buttons undone.

"I already took the liberty and ordered the Ravens fillet mignon," he says as I reach for the menu. I nod, having no clue what that was.

"I'm not good at this," I murmured embarrassedly

"I can tell, I shall take the lead," Ryan grins, definitely enjoying my discomfort.

"The contract, I understand you have some questions?" He says as a waiter fills his glass.

"Ryan, I came here to tell you...."

He reached across the table and slid his fingers over my wrist. My pulse leapt and reacted to the simple touch, and chill bumps raced up my arm.

"Quit your job, Myra," he said in a quiet voice that didn't carry beyond the table.

"You know this is where you need to be. I can give you far greater opportunities."

"For you or me?" I challenged.

He smiled again and it was so damn seductive that I nearly melted on the spot. "It will be a mutually beneficial arrangement."

"I can't just leave the call. It wouldn't be right, Ryan."