Chapter One

My mornings were like fortunes dictating how my days would play out. This morning I knew it was going to be appalling. I was settled into a dreamless, unnerving sleep that I was rudely torn from by the screech of a mechanical banshee. My body jerked forward suddenly, eyes snapping over as my alarm clock blared in my ear. My eyes barely over my large violet comforter; I glared at the blurry demon glowing a menacing neon timestamp of six, the crack of dawn. I had forgotten to switch it on when I went to bed. My groggy mind shifted about to remember that although it was Monday, school was hosting an orientation of sorts and would not start until ten. I groaned in heavy annoyance and shut my eyes tightly and whacked the beast angrily, knocking off a wave of miscellaneous goods that were piled up on my nightstand in the process. My muscles began to relax as sleep began to overtake my vision once more.

1 minute…. 2 minutes…. 3 minutes….

The blaring began to whine again, informing me that I had only smacked snooze on the top. Mustering my strength I sat up groggily and gently pressed off trying to hold my sanity together and not throw my clock at my off-white walls. Pressing the bridge of my nose, I swung my legs over the side of my bed. The cold hardwood floor anchored me as I rubbed my sleep caked eyes. Finally, I had achieved a bit of peaceful silence. That was until my phone started to ring loudly from the floor. I had knocked it over in my conquest for silence. The blue screen lit up on the floor, allowing me to locate the device despite being purblind. I swiped the object off the floor, my foot lightly knocking a familiar plastic object in the process that I picked up as well. I squinted at my phone, trying to identify who was calling me so early in the morning. I swiped the call button and held the phone to my ear while fiddling with my glasses and contemplating murder.

"Your body will never be found," I warned, slipping my black thick rimmed glasses on my face. An all too familiar sugary female voice giggled from the other side of the phone.

"Okay then moody." Penny Marlow's voice drifted from the other side of the device, "I'll take that as a happy birthday."

"Happy birthday, I hope that you crash your new car." I muttered with mock severity as I shifted my weight slightly on my bed. Her constant snickering informed me that I had been correct on my assumption of her present.

"How did you know?" She whispered as I stood up, shaking my legs to coax the sleep out of my weary limbs.

"I'm psychic," I said monotoned as I trudged towards my closet, kicking a rogue sock in my way, "And I've known you for five years and your parents spoil you rotten." Penny clicked her tongue in slight annoyance as I gently twisted the brass doorknob on my closet door, opening the door to the dull clothes hung haphazardly on multi colored plastic hangers.

"Everyone is meeting up at The Rabbit Hole, are you coming?" Penny sighed dramatically from the other side. I did not respond as I pulled out a random heap of clothes and closed the door. Going to the Rabbit Hole on a Monday morning seemed a little risky. It meant pulling off some extreme ninja moves to sneak past my mother and her latest boyfriend, and running the risk of running into some teenagers my age or young adults who became victims of the night and refused to go home. Nevertheless, being there would be better than being trapped in this smoky apartment until I left for school. Then again that meant walking there and I was still pretty groggy from sleep, and I am not one for physical activity. While I was outweighing the pros and cons in my head Penny hummed in the background. She had grown used to my sudden silent spells, and I was beginning to grow unsure if that was a good thing or not.

"Yeah, I'll go. I'll get dressed and head over," I cringed, biting my lip so as to not groan out in annoyance that I actually had to be somewhat active this morning. A sharp squeal made me careen my head away from the phone.

"You almost blew my ear out you human squeaky toy!" I yelped rather loud and covered my mouth in a panic, praying I did not wake up my mother. My hands twitched in aggravation and nerves. Luckily, no one seemed to wake up from my episode, or else I would have heard yelling after a minute. I deflated slightly and listened to Penney's melodic laughter.

"I may sound like a squeaky toy, but you sweetie definitely looks like one. I'll pick you up in ten minutes." Penny's voice abruptly cut out, followed by the incessant beeping informing me that she had hung up the phone. As I set my phone down and began to get changed, I glanced out the lone window in my room. The sky looked tinged with mystery as dark clouds seemed to drape and curl around the rising sun casting a golden ochre glow across the dull grey complexes and sparse half dead trees. A sense of foreboding chilled my spine, and left me rather confused. It was rather beautiful outside, why would I feel anxious? I brushed the sensation off as nerves from the upcoming circus act I would have to perform to get out of the door. Pulling on a pair of blue skinny jeans that hugged what little curves I had, black Airwalks, a grey baggy tank top, and a long black thread necklace with a synthetic ruby string at the end, I shoved my phone in my pocket. I tackled the knots in my long pecan coloured hair tying it back into a makeshift bun, many hairs sticking out in chunks and making it look like I glued a hedgehog to the back of my head. With the little time I had left I picked up the items I had thrown in my attempt to attain some sleep which overall failed. After every miscellaneous object had been put away, my hand hovered over a tattered pack of playing cards. My eyes softened as my small fingers rubbed small circles into the familiar package. The cards belonged to my father, the last shred of evidence that he ever existed or cared about us. The package was old coffee stain brown, a insignia of a generic white and gold angel battling a equally generic devil, There was an area of a royal blue that acted as a background against the angel and demon, with an odd jumble of black, yellow and grey lines near the feet of the mythical creatures. A sad smile tugged at my lips as I slipped the pack of cards into the pocket of my ragged blue jeans and took in a deep breath. I carefully began to creep to the door, stepping lightly as to not to make a sound.. My hand wrapped around the cold doorknob as I prepared myself to dash out the door. I listened closely, listening for any cough, ragged breathing, or the constant droning of the television. All but silence was my answer. That was until I heard the unmistakable sound of a car horn from outside my window. My muscles tensed as panic sunk into the pit of my belly. What if someone woke up? I flung the door open and made a run for the door, down the hall past the kitchen. I knew my wallet resided on the kitchen counter as I passed, so I stretched my hand out in the open space and scooped up the ratted piece of leather. The smell of smoke and stale alcohol permeated the air, burning my eyes and throat. Someone as I passed cleared their throat. My legs felt like lead and I halted mid-sprint, losing my balance and stumbling forward. I turned back to see my mother, standing beside the stained countertop. Her bloodshot eyes and putrid smell confirmed that she was as high as a kite before my eyes. My heart slowed down slightly, and I nodded to the pale woman respectfully.

"Where are you going?" She said numbly, her emptiness pulling at my heartstrings. My eyes darted side to side, searching for her new boyfriend.

"I'm going to become the Queen of England." I sighed, fingers twitching. She smiled slightly, a little spark of the woman she once was resurfacing. Another impatient honk from outside. I glanced at my mother once more, before walking the rest of the way to the door.

"I've got to go to school. I have work at the library today, so I'll be home a little bit late." I plastered a fake smile, spinning on my heels to make my mother giggle. I grabbed my copper key, resting on the hook next to the door and gripped the knob.

"Where's your work clothes?" A familiar raspy voice barked from behind me. My body stiffened, and a numb feeling washed over me. I rubbernecked, to see my mother's boyfriend Doug sitting on the couch across from the door. His black eyes gleaming with malice and strong hands wrapped around a dark crystalline bottle. One that he most likely used my money to purchase. I had taken three jobs to pay for the bills. My mother was unemployed currently and Doug was a middle aged janitor for a local boxing ring. Everyday I juggled between a cashier at a local department store, a waitress at a high society restaurant and a junior librarian.

"Do I have to reiterate myself? I have work at the library after school," I stated blandly, twisting the doorknob. Before Doug could open his mouth to say something I waltzed out the door. I knew that I left my bag behind, but I did not quite care at that point. Classes were cut and I would not need it for three hours of school. My legs carried me through the bland hallways and down the grimy step to the outside. The cool morning air hit my skin and I shuddered in response. The leaves rustled in the trees as they swayed with the wind, the cool scent of autumn carried within it as well. A loud beep cut through my thoughts and I jumped in the hair. Penny howled from an unfamiliar lemon bug Volkswagen at my jump and I felt my neck and face grow warm in response.

"You're a jerk!" I whined and sauntered over to the car. She unlocked the passenger seat right before I opened it and slipped inside.

"I'm going to kill you Penny." I growled, glowering at the time.

"What? It's eight in the morning! School doesn't start for another hour silly!" She squealed. I rolled my eyes, craving the taste of caffeine.

"I got home four hours ago. I've had three hour sleep. I've watched Criminal Minds, I will not go to jail for your death." I smirked, annoyance fluttering in me like mindless butterflies and anger like pesky mosquitoes,

"Catch some sleep. I'm picking up Hannah and Lindsay, then I'll buy you a coffee at the Rabbit Hole. Promise." She grinned, flashing her almost blinding white teeth at me. I sighed in annoyance, but shut my eyes. It seemed like they had only been closed for what felt like a minute or two, before the car's passenger door shook violently from the force of something slamming into it and bellowing loudly. My eyes snapped open, body on full alert as I turned to face my attacker. I saw Hannah, grinning against the window like a jack-in-the-box. She adjusted her sweatpants and long sleeves before stepping back and hopping into the back of the car. I flashed my hand to her and flipped her off, curling up again.

"Don't wake me." I warned, causing her to kick my chair. The pillowy fabric broke the kick and I just felt a nudge.

"I do what I want!" She bellowed, hoisting a backpack onto her lap. I felt the car jerk forward, as the duo began to chat mindlessly while my tired brain was too unfocused to follow along. The car sharply came to a halt, causing the seatbelt to constrict my chest and slightly knock the wind out of me.

"Do you like strangulation or drowning for your death?" I coughed, sitting up straight and giving up on a simple nap.

"How about natural causes?" She offered, affectionately rubbing my head.

"That will take too long," I sighed dramatically. The car door on the driver's side opened.

"What's up my bitches?" Lindsey grinned, flicking some of her pastel purple hair out of her face. She set her black backpack next to Hannah, her black miniskirt riding up ever-so-slightly to reveal more of her mocha skin.

"Alright, we're all here, can we get some coffee now?" I groaned, stretching my spine out.

"Oh my God, where did you get those heels?" Penny was almost drooling over Lindsey's black eight inch platform heels, which looked like a cage around her foot.

"Shut up and drive." I winced as Penny and Lindsey rapidly spiraled into 'the shoe talk'. I reached into my pocket and fished out the cards, shuffling the cards and pulling out random cards to inspect. An alien feeling that I couldn't quite place rooted itself in my heart as I inspected each card. Ace of Spades, Queen of Diamonds, King of Hearts, Jack of Clubs and the colourful Joker. The car suddenly veered to the side, as Penny slipped into a parking spot. The parking spot was parallel to the opening of the cafe. The old style building with large bay windows, oak booths beside each window with red cushions, and a handful of round tables scattered on the inside. The counter was also oak, and gleaming as if it was freshly waxed, and steam from pots of coffee rolled into the air. The bakery displayed the delicious array of pastries--from croissants to danishes. My mouth watered and I basically threw myself out of the car, clutching my wallet for dear life.

"Calm down there short-stack." Hannah chuckled, stepping out of the car. I scrambled to the door and flung myself into the warm environment of the shop, startling the barista. The people who were customers did not seem to mind my bouncy and energetic demeanor-- probably because they were all regulars and had grown accustomed to my sudden bursts of excitement.

"Hey Polly!" I grinned, slamming my hands down on the countertop next the the cashier and beaming at the barista. The middle aged barista gave me a nervous smile, recovering from my urgent need for coffee.

"Hello sweetie, the usual?" She smiled lovingly, and rang in my order. Polly was like the mother that I never had-- caring, kind, and firm. A warm feeling bloomed in my belly and I smiled my first genuine smile in a long time. When I reached for my debit card, the receipt started to print out. I looked at Polly who then tore the receipt and handed it to me. My regular order of a large coffee and a chocolate croissant was free of charge, under an employee discount. I looked up at Polly, face bursting red and I felt the urge to cry.

"It's on the house hun'." She smiled and sped off to get my order.

"That's so cute!" Penny squealed, grabbing my shoulders and shaking me slightly. Polly came back seconds later, with a large cardboard cup and a fresh chocolate croissant on a round, white, porcelain plate.

"Thank you Polly!" I squealed, I gently took my food. Polly beckoned me closer and I leaned in.

"Just a heads up sweetie, a handsome gentleman came in and is sitting in the corner. Maybe you'll get lucky." She winked, causing my face to flush. Completely oblivious to what happened, Lindsey whirled me away so the rest of them could order.

"Go pick out a booth, we'll meet you over there." She cooed, and got in line behind Hannah. I skipped over to a free booth, scooting into the corner. I took a sip of my warm coffee and sighed with joy. A calm feeling washed over me, which was then quickly replaced by the unnerving feeling of someone's eyes burning a path down my side. I went frigid, and my friends took their places next to me. Whoever was staring at me, was now staring intently at my face. My skin crawled at the foreign feeling, but I still tried to focus on my friends and their conversation.

"Damn girl, that coffee is as big as you are." Hannah teased, poking me in the cheek. I gave her a half-smile and took a sip of my sugary coffee.

"How's your coffee flavoured cream and sugar?" Lindsey cringed at my drink choice of a four-by-four coffee.

"Delicious," I smiled, just as a sense of rubatosis struck me. My heart beat was in my ears, drowning out my friends laughs and chatter. My mask slipped slightly, a tremble of fear causing my lip to quiver and my hands to shake for a split second before I guarded myself again. My heart beat got louder, and faster. It's rapid pace caused my lungs to heave and my jaw to clench. Hannah jabbed me in the side with her elbow, causing my body to snap back to attention. I could hear my friends giggled as some drool dropped from the corner of my mouth.

"Okay there Cujo," Hannah giggled before cocking her head to the side, "Cutie at ten o'clock!" It occurred to me that Polly had informed me of this boy, so I sighed and turned my head sixty degrees to the left to see the boy.

And he was already staring back at me. I cringed slightly at the identity of my watcher-- a handsome young man with a shock of spiky black hair, and iridescent pale blue and silver eyes. He cracked a smug half-grin, flashing his dimples to the world.

"I think he's looking at you!" Penny whispered, grinning like a buffoon. My face flushed and I scowled.

"Probably not, he's mostly likely zoning out in this general direction." I sighed, but a voice in my head berated me, saying that he was the one making my skin crawl. I hesitantly took a bite of my croissant, my face glowing.

Shortly after our encounter with the attractive man we all piled into Penny's vehicle as she sped to school.

"We're going to be late!" I whined and pulled at my hair in a panic. Even though school was scheduled for later Penny and the others took their sweet time eating and obsessing over the attractive man seated not too far away from us. I tried to convince her to leave at the nine mark but we ended up not shuffling out of the cafe twenty minutes before school started. She lazily drove through the streets while I screeched like a velociraptor the entire drive, urging her to increase her speed.

"Penny!" I hissed when she turned into the school parking lot with a carefree smile. I threw myself out of the car and scanned the three story building before me. Three minutes until the bell would ring and the obstacle between me and my attendance was the long stretch of grass that made up the football field. I made another dinosaur like noise and started to run with the wind, feeling it push me forward with my strides.

"Run Forrest!" Penny called out.

"That's a stale meme!" I screamed as my lungs started to heave from the run. I was halfway across the football field and my stare landed on the door surrounded by red brick. The light reflected off the many glass windows and glinted at me deviously as if to say I would not make it on time.

Two more minutes. I made it to the door with my lungs heaving and throat burning. The pleated concrete hallway glared at me menacingly as I tore down it. I saw students milling about and eyeing me in bewilderment as I ran up the long flights of stairs. I took two steps at a time all the way up to the top floor. My legs were now burning and cried out in anguish.

One minute. I ran towards the light of my door. Time seemed to slow down as my feet tripped over each other right in front of my door. I screamed in response and grabbed the doorknob. The force of my fall made me swing from my arm and into my class, closing the door behind me just as the bell rang. My body flew backwards into the door as my chest heaved in terror.

"Miss Jacobs, are you alright?" A voice quivered with laughter. I looked up to see my english teacher Mr. Davidson giggled in front of me. The class was giggling under their breath and the middle aged short man stood by the dusty chalkboard. I nodded but my appearance was bedraggled and in disarray. I quickly strode past the class before me with a burning face and took my front row seat next to the windows overlooking the teachers parking lot. Even though my classmates were laughing at me and whispering under their breath I felt a sense of pride for running to the third floor in three minutes. If I had brought my backpack I would have been screwed. Mr. Davidson began to talk but I was not paying attention. He spoke about royal bloodlines of England and even proceeded to write out the bloodline by hand on the board. He gave a small lecture on each member and their history. Why was he doing this? I was unsure but I was pretty sure someone brought it up and sent him spiralling into a rant.

"Who is that in the parking lot?" Mr. Davidson finally derailed. I snapped out of my trance for a second and turned my attention with the class. My face went up in flames.

It could not be…. The boy from the cafe? The head was definitely dark and the man was tall. I shuddered at the thought and looked away.

"What are you, some kind of idiot! Get to class!" Davidson grumbled under his breath before returning to the chalkboard. I peeked out the window again and my blood ran cold.

The boy was gone.

School zipped by with minimal pushes and sharp words and finally it was time for work. The library was probably the only job I enjoyed in the slightest. I was surrounded by windows of light and bookshelves stacked to the brim. It was quiet and peaceful. I was shuffling through the books and sectioning them off so I could return them efficiently.

"Excuse me?" A small voice said in front of the desk. I looked up only to see empty air. I frowned and looked from side to side but no one was in sight.

"Down here." I peered over the edge of the desk to see a small girl-- no more than eight-- with long dark hair and cerulean blue eyes. She wore a baby pink dress with a bow in her hair and she stared up at me with big puppy dog eyes. My heart ached at the sight but I was more so confused as to why a little girl was in a high school library.

"How can I help you?" I smiled down at her.

"Big brother…" She started to sniff. My skin jolted in fear and I scrambled around the desk before she started to wail. She opened her mouth to cry but I shushed her when I knelt in front of her.

"Who's your big brother?" I panted in desperation.

"He's my big brother." I wanted to scream at the vague answer but I took a deep breath and smiled.

"What does he look like?"

"He's a giant and he looks like me." The little girl then dove forward and wrapped her small arms around my waist. I was in a small state of shock and rested my hand on top of her head. I had no idea who her brother was and I feared she would start crying again.

"What's your name?" I asked the little girl.


"My name is Salayria. Would you like to help me Melody?" I pulled her away and held her tiny hands. Her face immediately brightened like the fluorescent lights above us and nodded enthusiastically. I managed to reciprocate her smile as I reached up and grabbed three of the books I needed to put away before offering them to her.

"Would you find a home for these books?" She grabbed them greedily and raced around the library. I smiled at her small figure darting around the nearly empty library. I reached out for the other much larger stack of books when my hand accidentally brushed against another reaching for the books as well.

"Oh, sorry!" The person and I said simultaneously. I turned to face the student only to come face to face with a broad chest instead. I craned my neck up and gaped at the giant in front of me.

"I'm sorry Miss," The boy from the cafe muttered, "But I'm looking for my little sister."