Chapter Eight

My body hurt, my soul hurt, my everything hurt. I took a deep breath of air, and my ribcage quivered. I heard someone calling and I tried to open my eyes. They felt like they were glued shut. It was a herculean task to pull them open. My vision was hazy, and my head pounding with a blinding headache. I groaned and closed my eyes again.

"You lazy little shit," Michael snorted, tracing his fingers down my jaw.

"Did I," The memories from last night came rushing back, "Did I fall from a building?" Michael made a sucking noise on his teeth.

"Maybe." I recalled the feeling of falling, and a sudden rush of power in my slumber.

"What happened?" I opened my eyes to see something horrific. Michael's eyes were bloodshot, his hair windblown and massive blue and purple bags under his eyes. He looked exhausted and worried sick. My body felt sore, but nothing felt broken. My heart swelled, and I felt terrible at his demeanor. He explained everything-- the fall, the shadows, the Reaper, and my transformation. Truth be told, I did not quite believe him. That was until he began to play with my bangs. I saw my pecan hand mixed with streams of white and my eyes widened in shock.


"Nothing is impossible." Michael brought the strands to his mouth and kissed the ends. He brushed my hair out of my eyes, and placed his thumb on the stinging skin on my lip.

"You scared me Peanut." He let out a shaky breath.

"I'm starting to scare myself to be honest." I was on the verge of tears. "How did I not break anything?

"You did. I got my friend Faron to heal your serious wounds. Fractured skull, broken fingers and leg, spinal damage and concussion. Your ribs are still bruised, you have a few scratches and a cut on your lip and eyebrow." I raised my eyes to the plaster ceiling.

"My life is now a never ending game of of Dungeons and Dragons." I groaned, clutching the sheets in dismay.

"I mean," Michael stretched backward on his chair, "You're not wrong.�� The sound of a door swinging open struck through our silence.

"I'm here! I'm queer! And I can't drink beer!" A familiar voice announced, high heels clicking through the bedroom. Michael helped me sit up, and my jaw nearly dropped to the floor.

"Lindsey?" I gawked at my friend as she glided towards us. She smiled and glided to Michael, wrapping her arms around his shoulders. He seemed to be uncomfortable with the contact, but did not protest.

"Lilith, what are you doing here?" Michael sighed, resting his head against her collarbone.

"I'm seeing my friend you dingus," Lindsey's pastel hair created a vibrant purple waterfall cascading around the two.

"Lindsey?" She perked up at my bemusement. "You're a Guardian?" Lindsey-- or Lilith-- brushed past Michael and sat beside me, gripping my hand tightly.

"Sweetie, my name isn't Lindsey Smith. It's Lilith Sommers, and yes I'm a Demonic Guardian." My head was spinning and my eyes felt cross.

"You're a… Demonic Guardian? I'm sorry, clarify please." My mouth felt unhinged, and my eyes lolled into the back of my head. She quickly explained the two types of Guardians-- Angelic and Demonic. Angelic Guardians like Michael were combat relyant, while Demonic Guardians like Lilith were magicians. Then there were Nephilim, such as Carina. A child mixed with Angelic and Demonic Guardian blood who excelled in either or. Then they broke the most horrific news to me.

"Bloodlines?" My voice squeaked. The two nodded in sync.

"The Angel Guardians have traces of angelic blood, while the Demonic Guardians are descendents of Cambion." Michael's vague description made me frown.

"Michael sweetie, you're not making any sense. Let me explain." Lilith leaned forward and smiled, "Okay, so a long time ago there was a war between Heaven and Hell. Finally, the Archangels and Princes of Hell made a treaty to stop the violence in the Inner Circle, The remnants of humanity were shredded into different worlds to contain the damage that had been done. A handful of humans were chosen from both sides to uphold the treaty. The angels chose one child vessel to imbue with their power. The demons started breeding their own lines, and created the first line of Guardians. Some demons, monsters and angels rebelled at the treaty and created the enemy for the Guardians. So for the last few eons, we have fought and watched humanity grow. "


"Time is not a straight line. In some places, time stands still. In some it speeds by. Some timelines are behind, some are excelled. The longest running timeline for humanity is here in Darklight. The Guardians territory." I had an eerie sense of occhiolism, as if everything I had ever done and ever known was a lie. My perspective on this matter-- angels, demons, and alternate worlds-- was too small to make a difference in any way. I looked at the ceiling and simmered in my confusion.

"So the incident with me--"

"Proves that you are descended from a Cambion, a Demonic Guardian." Michael reached into his pocket and pulled out a rich pack of cards. "This is another piece of evidence to support that." He handed them to me. A familiar energy wafted from the cards, and the pattern on the back looked like a more detailed version of my cards. I flicked through them and saw an array of colourful cards. A sense of wonder and comfortability sunk into my bones as each detailed and intricate picture scrolled on.

"Are these mine?" Michael nodded, and pointed to a card I was about to move past. A dark hooded man with skeletal hands wielding a starry scythe, labelled 'The Reaper'.

"This one saved you. Nearly scared the shit out of me while doing it,"

"Pansy." Lilith muttered, kicking his leg lightly with her purple pumps. My fingers slid over the card in a silent thanks, while my heart cried out in sorrow.

You're welcome milady, the card seemed to whisper. I jumped in response, still frightened over recent events. Michael seemed to notice my solemn attitude and stood up.

"Come here, you'll want to see this." He scooped me up with a squeak and carried me to the large patio attached to the golden bedroom. My body ached in protest as Michael carried me to the the balcony, Lilith following close behind.

"I can walk." I protested, gripping his arm in terror. He walked into the cool night air and we were suddenly bathed in fuchsia, lavender and cool green. I gaped at the state of the outside. Glittering gold and crystal homes spread before us with silver lampposts glowing with an ever changing light. Towers of neon and jewels twinkled in the back, a bright and crazy world juxtaposed to the golden and prim one. An array of twinkling stars burned up ahead with not one but three moons. One a cool silver crescent, another a full burning ball of white and the third a half pale blue moon.

"It's beautiful," I gasped, wiggling in Michael's grip. He set me down on the cool marble, arms wrapped around my waist to support me. Lilith took my hand, as if to apologize for lying to me for four years.

"It's your home now." Michael nuzzled the side of my head. I gazed at the duo, who grinned lovingly at me. My mind buzzed with a million questions, and I decided to ask the one burning at the back of my throat.

"Lindsey, you're a lesbian?" She snickered and nodded, shoving her hair out of her eyes.

"Is that really the question you want to ask right now?" Michael and her asked in sync. My mouth was screwed into a frown as I gave a curt nod.

"Yes I am, and proud of it. I was just worried that your world would look at me in a negative light so I stayed silent." She looked like she was about to cry, but I started to laugh. I reached over and clutched her manicured hand.

"Lindsey, you have been one of my best friends. I don't care if you like boys, girls or llamas. You're you, and that's all that matters!" She looked about ready to cry at my words.

"If you liked llamas we would have a serious problem." Michael said gruffly before lowering himself a bit, "Beastiality is against the law." Lilith delivered a soft blow to his arm and rolled eyes playfully. Michael nuzzled my head once more and I stiffened a tiny bit at his actions.

"I can't believe that was your first question." Michael sighed, his throat pressed against the back of my head.

"She's going to get along with Lyon quite well." She grinned at Michael who nodded against my head.

"I had no doubt." He sounded like a proud parent showing off his child.

"I want to meet more. I want to change for the better." My thoughts seemed to flow out and I sink into Michael. His hand traced down to my hip and he held me closer.

"I'm sure you will." The two said in sync, giggling together as well.

"If you're up, let's go!" Michael did not pay any attention to my attire of a large tee- most likely his- and blue plaid boxers.

"I don't have any clothes!" I squeaked, wriggling in his grip. Lilith grabbed my wrist and winked.

"Leave that to me."

"I���m uncomfortable." I squirmed in the tight fitting clothes Carina had leant me after Lilith had nearly strangled her to give me. It consisted of black leggings, and a falu red tee with a cold shoulder and a lace back. The soft material only reached to the junction of my thighs, and when I raised my arms the shirt raised with me to the bottom of my ribcage. So my arms stayed glued to my side.

"You said you wanted to change, right?" Carina asked, petting my long hair. I nodded, twisting my earrings.

"Then will you allow me do something to you?"

"Will it hurt?" Carina cringed, shaking her head.

"It will be a pinch. But please, trust me." I felt inclined to say no, but my head nodded. Carina and Lilith pulled me through the cobblestone and marble hallways lit with golden fire from the torches. Michael, Gabriel and an unknown dark man waited at the end.

"Make way for the life of the party!" Carina cried, twisting all three heads. Michael turned away quickly and I swore that his face turned pink. Gabriel shot the three of us a wink.

"Gabriel Goldberg, are you flirting with me?" Carina swooned, staggering back dramatically.

"Never in a million years, you filthy mongrel." He growled, face turning a tinge of silver and pink.

"Oh, such a charmer." She pushed the cruel words away and skipped to us. "Let's bring her to Shadow Junction."

"Why do you want to bring her there? That's pretty close to the market and body areas." Michael piped up, not even turning.

"Personal reasons," Michael glared menacingly at the girl who raised her hands defensively, "Nothing bad! But if she's on the dark side, she might as well slightly look like it. And no tattoo's promise!" Carina clung to my chubby arm and I tensed at the unfamiliar sensation. Leading me out the door, Michael walked in stride beside me down the cobblestone paths. We edged closer to the neon territory, where the glowing strobe lights shined in the dark. My skin felt cool in the night air. A sudden spike of warmth radiated around my shoulders as Michael wrapped his arms around my shoulders and pulled me into his side. His body heat seeped through the leather jacket and his hand rubbed my shoulder to heat me up. The amulet felt warm, and my cards were shoved into my boot. I noticed an almost iridescent pattern on the skin of my right hand that shimmered in the light. I couldn't make anything definitive, but something appeared to be there. A pulsing sound of drums, tambourines and the whoops of excited people grew louder as we crossed over the neon edge of town. The buildings grew taller and more gothic, with spires and shoots made of crystal sprouting from every which way. The neon lights bounced and refracted off the crystal and blinded me.

"Welcome to the dark side of Darklight." Lilith hummed next to me, as a throng of colourful people writhed before me. Pierced and inked bodies were in extremely close proximity dancing, singing and laughing. I gaped at the sight before me, and Carina linked her arm to me.

"Now you're mine." She sped off with me, leaving the rest behind me.

Michael worried about Salayria, but trusted Carina completely. The girl was wild and kind, with only meaningful tattoos and piercings who encouraged others to do the same. Michael pressed himself against a twisted lamppost watching Lilith and Gabriel flirt with gothic women. His other friend Red-- the mysterious man from earlier-- looked at the marketplace wares of tomes, and amulets. Michael felt a small tug on his coat, and he looked down to see his little Peanut with her head bowed. Her small and pudgy body jumped up and down and he realized that she was crying. His heart jumped and he grabbed her shoulders gently.

"Peanut are you okay? What's wrong?" He asked, rubbing her shoulders.

"I… I…" She looked up with watery eyes, "I did it!" Michael stood in shock at her. Her once pierced ears now had a new collection of three piercings on the lobe, and three cartilage piercings as well. A hoop was wrapped around the cartilage in her ear-- a piercing Carina had called an orbital. A new stud was glittering in the left side of her nose.

"S-she did my belly too." She whimpered, wiping the tears from her face. Carina had told Michael that a human can only get three piercings within the span of two months. It was obvious that she had healed the worst piercings so Salayria could get more.

"Oh sweetie," Michael pulled her into a hug and kissed the top of her head.

"I've always wanted to do this, but I didn't know how much it hurt." She cried against his chest, and Michael felt a sense of pride welling in his chest. The little injured sparrow in his arms was as strong as a hawk, and having her push herself was overwhelming him.

"You did a good job," He chuckled and squeezed her waist. She tensed and he knew she was self-conscious of the excess skin on her body. He felt terrible that she felt this way. His world was filled with crazy people who accepted imperfections, and perfect people who never experienced them. So here he was, holding a girl who was lined with every ordinary imperfection. She was a vertically challenged, plump, and purblind girl with stars of freckles and acne scars dotting her face. All of these things that she found imperfect, made her perfect in his eyes, his every desire of imperfections.

"She did so good!" Carina cooed jumping out of what appeared to be thin air. Michael glanced up at Carina, and nodded in thanks. She gave him a thumbs up, and then dipped her head down to her bent elbow and extending her free arm horizontally.

"Did you just dab?" Michael said in horror. Salayria started to giggle, and Carina jumped around and smiled. She dabbed again, this time in the air. She kept continuously dabbing, until she got dizzy and fell to the ground. Salayria was giggling uncontrollably and wiping her eyes.

"Yeah Carina, you're the dabbing master." He sighed, rubbing Salayria's hip.

"I think I broke my ass!" Carina cried from the ground. Salayria pulled away from him, and shook slightly as if to shake away the pain.

"Thank you," She sniffled, and pasted on a smile. Michael reached up and brushed her hair with his fingers.

"You're so cute," He muttered so low she did not hear.

"Help me!" Carina whined, sticking her hands in the air like a child. Salayria helped lift her up, while Michael watched her. All the while, he couldn't help but focus on the way his heart constricted in adoration.

My ears and nose were sore and swollen, and when I bent over to help Carina up my belly stung with unholy fire. I winced and hauled her to her feet, the new metal digging into my skin.

"My hero," She cooed, stroking my bruised cheek. I rolled my eyes in amusement, patting her back. My head and heart were in a rivalry that held my voice hostage. My head was being rational, screaming that this world was not real. That I had not yet woken up from my dream two days go. That everyone-- Michael, Lilith, Carina and Gabriel-- were not real. My heart knew better, and throbbed painfully as a reminder that I was indeed awake. All of this was real-- the twinkling lights, the three glimmering moons and gleaming buildings. The jovial people laughing, patterns of ink and metal swirling together in their dance. It was stunning and terrifying, a reminder that I was small and insignificant to the world yet a necessary aspect to it as well. Michael seemed to notice my silence, and reached out for me. He ruffled my hair affectionately, and my heart let out one loud thump. I internally cursed myself, and gave him a small smile.

"I know this world is a lot to absorb, but it's your home now." He said softly.

"Ohana means family!" Carina cried behind me, and I burst into a fit of giggles.

"What's going on here?" An unfamiliar sweet voice cooed behind Michael. Michael seemed to perk up, and moved to the side. A beautiful voluptuous asian stood there. Her hair was dark and reached her shoulders with streaks of gold running close to the ends. Her eyes sparkled with a fierce and sweet light, and her coral pink dress accented with orchids stitched into the fabric hugged her figure and reached to her knees. She completed the look with a pair of black pumps. Her makeup consisted of a bold coral lip, and eyeliner. I knew I was gawking and Michael nudged me to make me stop.

"Hey Lyon, this is the girl I told you about." Michael patted my back, grinning like a proud parent. Her eyes widened and she glided over to me, arms outstretched for a hug.

"It's so nice to meet you sweetie!" She squealed, hugging me gently. I felt genuinely cared for in this girl's arms. It was like she was a second Michael who oozed joy and security.

"It's nice to meet you too." I muttered as Lyon pulled away.

"I hope to see you again soon. I was just passing through, so I need to be on my way. It was lovely to meet you, and lovely to see you Michael!" And with that brief greeting, the girl was gone.

"So that's Lyon. She runs the LGBTQ+ meetings here in Darklight."

"You're kidding? You guys have that here?" I gaped, feeling rather excited at the prospect. Michael nodded, smiling at my childish actions.

"Issues like that are not just contained in one world; They're everywhere. Everyone has to learn to accept people's differences. Lyon inspires to do that, being trans herself." My jaw dropped at his statement. He cocked an eyebrow, a quizzical expression taking over his face.

"She's beautiful! I didn't even realize it!" I squealed, jumping up and down. The idea of this world accepting all walks of people excited me to no end. I was one of those people who never understood people's animosity towards those who were different. Michael nodded in agreement.

"She's a strong one," He looped his arm through mine and began walking with me. I had noticed that Michael was very gentleman like, very courteous, very proper. It was a strange contrast to the polite savagery around us. People who hug strangers, pick people up and run around with them and kiss people goodbye. The closest thing I saw to Michael's behaviour was a couple with their arms wrapped around each others bodies and skipping down the road. Michael's arm was wrapped carefully around mine, his hand resting on my forearm. My free arm grasped his wrist for support as he gently guided me through the wave of people. Everyone here exuded energy and kindness, but Michael's was more soothing and refined. I compared his actions, and inferred that his behaviour was directly linked to his bloodline. He was an 'Angelic' Guardian and was the only one whose heritage was different on this side of town. The town got darker and brighter, with less street lamps and more neon colours painted on buildings and market stalls.

"Where are you taking me?" I asked, pressing against Michael a little bit more.

"Do you like animals?" I nodded, "Well, in our world every Guardian gets a familiar by the age of five. You were not here when you were five, and I'm not always going to be able to entertain you. So I figured we might as well see if there are any familiars that you connect with." He lead me to a glass building. Peering in my mandible nearly dislodged from the rest of my skeleton. Colourful animals romped around the store. I saw a obsidian wolf with it's tail a blazing inferno, an owl with a snake's head, and more confounding creatures. Michael pushed the glass door open, holding onto me tightly.

"Robbie? Buddy, you here?" Michael called over the guttural sounds of the monsters. I latched onto his side, both mesmerized and fearful.

"None of them will hurt you. I promise." Michael chuckled as a white haired boy popped out from behind a shelf.

"How can I help you, Black?" Robbie's eyes narrowed at Michael before flickering to me. His emerald eyes narrowed in slits and olive toned skin rippling with annoyance.

"I came to get her a familiar." Michael was untouched by Robbie's cool and harsh words.

"She should already have--"

"She's the one Lilith told you about." Michael's voice sounded bubbly, but his words were menacing. Robbie just glared at me and sighed.

"Pick one, Lilith payed ahead." The boy disappeared behind the shelves with a huff.

"He's kind of mean." I grumbled, eyes scanning the room. The cooes and growls of the animal's startled me. I felt a cold nose against my thigh and squeaked. The fiery wolf from before peered up at me.

"This Hellhound seems to like you," Michael chimed before petting the beast.

"O-Okay then." I cracked, the animal's slowly closing in on me. I got too close to the owl and it screeched in outrage.

"Sorry!" I squeaked, stepping back. I stepped on something scaley and screamed as it was yanked from under me. I tumbled back on the hard ground, a flash of pain radiating through my rear.

"You okay Peanut?" Michael sounded concerned, making his way over to me. I felt something heavy step on my thigh, and pressing it's cold nose against my ribcage. I glanced down and my skin prickled. There on my lap, was a large snake-dog with wings. It was slender and black, with what appeared to be hands for feet in the front, and velociraptor legs in the back. A large spade tail, and bat wings. Little nubs of horns stuck from it's snake and cat like head, with large blood red eyes peering up at me. It made a speaking sound, flashing it's needle like teeth and large purple forked tongue. I sat still as it affectionately hopped on my lap fully, brushing its face against mine like a giant feline. The thing was heavy, but I did not feel threatened.

"Look at that, a dragon seems to like you." Michael sounded amused and knelt down to pet it. It purred in delight.

"Dragon?" I squeaked, shocked by the mystifying creature on my lap. Michael shook his head at me.

"Again, you need to come to the realization that everything is real." We sat in silence as the dragon hissed at other familiars that came too close and cuddling against my chest.

"Okay, so looks like we found one." Michael gently wrapped his arms around the dragons hind legs and front legs, cradling him like a cat. "The familiar chooses the master, not the other way around." I stood up on shaky legs. We began to leave the store, and I could feel Robbie watching us leave.

"So," Michael said as soon as the door closed behind us, "What's his name?" He patted the dragon's rump and walking in stride with me. A constant whisper had grown in the back of my skull and became gradually louder until I said it aloud.
