Chapter 15

The next day I wake up and try to get up. But get pinned down by my wolf brother.

I have to take a piss! I say looking at Bentley who just nods at my brother who then lets me up. He then gently grabs onto my hand with his teeth and starts guiding me to the bathroom.

"I wouldn't if I were you!" I grunt

He just looks at me and wolf chuckles.

"I have a pair of scissors in there and will cut your reproduction thingies off if you don't let me go." I threaten.

He immediately lets go and lays right by the bathroom door.

That's what I thought.

I go to take a step but my leg won't move causing me to fall. But my brother catches me with his teeth gripping the back of my shirt.

"You asshole. Stop using that stupid only power you have over me. It's not fair!"

Mind link From Jarod

"Not fair? You can flick me across the yard. Blast me with fire. Umm teleport me into space. Shall I go on?"

"No, but stop being so protective its annoying. I'm 19 I'm an adult. I can take care of myself."

"Oh really? I'm 25 and as your big brother its my job to protect you. Plus I haven't been in your life until now so I'm not letting anything bad happen to you while I'm alive."

"Okay well I'll pee in piece because that's the one time I don't need protected."

"You never know. What if a big bad wolf came by?"he says stalking towards me."

"Big bad wolf huh? I hope you don't mean you. Your 1 the size of a Clydesdale horse and 2 your nothing but a cuddly fluffball."

"Oh You've not seen what I've done. Plus what I had to do to become a shadow wolf."

"The past is in the past. Its excused unless you plan on killing me too."

"Now why the fuc-"

"I was kidding. Your acting like your scary to me. But I have my full 100% trust in you, big brother."

All I get in response is a satisfied growl.

"Now let me piss before I piss on you."

End mind link

I use the bathroom in piece for 5 minutes before I hear a knock on the door.

"Jarod I swear to god. I'm done I'm just putting on some mascara."

But what I hear next shocks me.

"I'm not Jarod. My names Carson. I'm the shadow wolf you blasted yesterday."

I open the door to see a what must be 6'7 muscle god. Like this guy puts Bentley to shame.

"Uuh hi. I'm sorry about that yesterday..." I awkwardly say.

"No don't be. I would have killed you. My wolf didn't recognize you as the Great Luna. Until your showed off your powers." He says grabbing my hands.

A series of growls sound in the house somewhere causing the whole house to shake.

"Hang on a sec." I say to Carson, stepping out in the hallway.

"FOR THE LAST GOD FUDGING TIME. STOP GROWLING. ESPECIALLY AT A NEW PACK MEMBER. I'M TALKING TO HIM. IF HE WANTS TO BE SINCERE AND GRAB MY HANDS TO SHOW IT. THEN SO BE IT. Now. Stop growling before the whole house falls down. And if you scare our kids Bentley its the dog house. I'll build one don't tempt me or so help me!"

"Now where we?"

"You want me in your pack?"

"Umm. Duh. Your a shadow wolf. Who is resisting the urge to kill me. Meaning I need you. I need to learn my powers and there are no full-blooded but 1 Enchabseon left to teach me how to control my powers. Plus we need people on our side to win whatever is coming."

"Thank you so much Luna."

"Uh no need for that. You're a friend now; call me Layla."

"Thank you Layla. It means so much to me. I'll do anything it takes to help you. My abilities are I can create a time bubble which is a space where I can manipulate time and freeze it. My 2nd ability is cognitive manipulation. I can make someone believe something just by saying it."

"Layla your pregnant."

"Shit not again. How am I going to tell Bentley?"

"See? I take it back. Your not. I'm also able to take the manipulation back. In case I manipulated the wrong person or took it to far."

I sigh in relief.

"Thank god. Plus how the fuck could I be pregnant anyways. I just gave birth 3 days ago."

"It's all in the mind Luna. I mean Layla."

"Okay. Well I'll have you go meet the rest of the pack. So my two protective wolves don't kill you." I say opening the door causing two very big wolves to come crashing down. They both start changing forms. So I turn around."

"Okay how did you know we were there." They both pout.

"Like I've said many times before. I may not have wolf senses but I'm not stupid. I have common sense and I'm not def."

"Mmh by the way. Why aren't my vamped up parents trying to get me?

"Umm they only come at night Layla? Don't you know vampires can't come out during the day. Unless protected by a more powerful being. Which isn't likely due to most beings in the supernatural community hating vampires." Bentley asks like it's the most obvious thing ever.

"Umm no I didn't know that Alpha Bentley. I am still learning your world as the days go by."

"What did I tell you about calling me alpha?" He says flying across the room and scooping me off my feet and giving me a glare but still holding me.

"I know. Its just fun pissing you off. Your lucky I was forced to accept you as my mate from your Beta."

"Wait what?" Both Jarod and Carson shout.

"Uh yeah its a long story. I was stuck in wolf form. I haven't had my mate before i was supposed to and was going ferrel. She was found by me one time when i turned and was being chased by my betta to get me from hurting anyone. But then I got a whiff of melted chocolate and strawberries. And I followed it to a cabin just inside my pack. I'm still hope sure how you got in my pack Layla but once I saw your that day you were running from us. I knew you were special. I mean you outran a pack of werewolves and before you had your powers. This girl right here can climb tall as fuck tree in seconds. While running from wolves. We almost didn't catch her. But we had a plan. We sedated her. It was a last case scenario But she thought we were going to kill her.

"Yeah you're just lucky I didn't have my powers. Or you would have been fucked."

"Yeeah. But you've got a living protective alpha mate now. And a loving brother so you can't say anything bad."

"Yeah I can. I feel like if i choke on water you guys are panicking thinking I'm dying of some disease and need to take me to the doctor."

"Yeeah sorry I'll get a handle on that. I'm sure your brother will too." Bentley says setting me on the ground. But then leaning down and kissing his alpha mark. Causing me to shiver with pleasure.

"Nope I'm always going to be super protective to my little sister. Might as well get used to it, Little sis."

"Ugh kill me now."

I'm then growled at by 3 wolves.

"Ugh now I have to train you 3 to nor growl at the owner. Ugh."

"Owner?" They all ask.

"Yeeah you guys are wolves which is a wild version of a dog. So I'm training you to mind your manners before this nice lady with powers becomes a crazy insane bent on killing things lady with powers." I say stressing the last part. Clenching my fists. And for some reason the lights in the house flicker ay my fake rage.

They all visibly gulp and all get out of the room but Jarod.

"Why didn't you leave? Testing your limits?"

"Yeah I am actually. Your whole body is frozen." He states like its no big deal.

I try to move but the bastards got me completely immobile. Except for my head.

"You asshole let me go."

"Okay." He says running out of the room and shutting the door.

I run after him. Once I'm unfrozen. He runs out the front door. And rips out of his clothing turning into his shadow wolf. And darting back to me.

Before i could react he knocks me over but makes me land on his over grown paw.

He then puts his paw on my chest which is as big as my chest.

I just glare at him and teleport into a tree.

He then turns into his human form and starts laughing.

"Oh what a great family I have now." I say to myself as I teleport into the house and start tending to my kids. Who are somehow still asleep after all that commotion.

What a life I have. I think to myself I hope we can fix mom and dad. They'd be so proud of how far I've come. I wander if they know anything about me being an Enchanseon.

I think as I start dozing off with sounds of the 3 guys playing some rough housing game outside. Ugh men I swear. I think before I fall asleep knowing I'm 100% safe as they know where I am. And can hear every sound in the house.