Go Get Her!

Daryn made Izar dash to the tunnel. When they reached the mouth of the tunnel, Daryn was aghast to notice that the place was entirely dug up on the other side of the magical wall. The boulders that had blocked the entrance were removed from their place and each boulder was shattered to pieces. A heap of rocks was littered nearby. The magical blue lines still crackled in a zigzag pattern. On the other side, Nusgroth was seen removing the earth along with five more dwarfs. As soon as he saw them, he bared his teeth in anger and said, "Grtezadaph Solaris?" He picked up and threw a small rock towards them but it splintered the moment it touched the electric lines. He was panting and puffing. 

'I knew this would happen,' Dawn said to Daryn. Then in a mocking voice, she said, "Come out Brantley. I know you have already reached here."

She heard a chuckle. "You are a smart woman, Dawn," he said as he walked to them from behind a curtain of willow trees.