What Sacrifice?

Daryn's mother, Luna of the Silver Clan, Sedora looked like the most dangerous creature.

This was a murmur amongst the crowd as guests lined around them. The couple went and stood in front of their family. Sedora's expression remained stoic. 

"Good afternoon Mother," said Daryn in a formal tone. "Meet my wife, Dawn Wyatt." 

Dawn bowed her head slightly and said, "Good afternoon. It's a pleasure to meet you." 

Sedora stared at Daryn and then her gaze went to Dawn. With sarcasm and derision laced in her voice, she said, "Welcome to the Silver Mansion. I hope you find your place amongst the pure bloods. Daryn has sacrificed many alliances only to marry you." 

Dawn's breathing accelerated. She removed her hand that was coiled around Daryn's arm and stood straight. Raising her chin in a confident manner, she stared at Sedora. Pia gasped at her blatant display of courage. 

Gayle already loved it. There was a satisfied look on his face.