Lost Time?

Daryn looked at the force of beautiful nature in front of him as the water fell over the slippery rocks. The cascades of water fell gently over the stones in white streams and swirled below in a gentle pool. The flow of water was like the music of the forest. 

A relaxed smile crossed his face and he tilted his head slightly to the side, still resting on Dawn. The tension of so many days left his body and he signed with satisfaction. 

"You know Dawn, I wanted to come here with you and spend a few days without any disturbance," he said tenderly. He slid his hand and placed it over her heart to feel its rhythm. It was beautiful, soft, gentle and in tandem with his. 

She brought her hand over his and squeezed it. Warmth spread through her chest and cheeks. This was such a lovely moment that she didn't want it to end.